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Regression on DirectX Video page.

Squall Leonhart

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I noticed in the new beta

fixed: DirectX / DirectX Video / DirectX 11.1 hardware support detection

This has caused SM5/Dx11 hardware to be reported as SM4.1 / DX10.1.

Field    Value
DirectDraw Device Properties    
DirectDraw Driver Name    display
DirectDraw Driver Description    Primary Display Driver
Hardware Driver    nvd3dum.dll ( - nVIDIA ForceWare 314.22)
Hardware Description    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
Direct3D Device Properties    
Total / Free Video Memory    4095 MB / 2699 MB
Rendering Bit Depths    8, 16, 32
Z-Buffer Bit Depths    16, 24, 32
Multisample Anti-Aliasing Modes    MSAA 2x, MSAA 4x, MSAA 8x, CSAA 8x, CSAA 8xQ, CSAA 16x, CSAA 16xQ
Min Texture Size    1 x 1
Max Texture Size    8192 x 8192
Unified Shader Version    5.0
DirectX Hardware Support    DirectX v11.0

Direct3D Device Features    
Additive Texture Blending    Supported
AGP Texturing    Supported
Anisotropic Filtering    Supported
Automatic Mipmap Generation    Supported
Bilinear Filtering    Supported
Compute Shader    Supported
Cubic Environment Mapping    Supported
Cubic Filtering    Not Supported
Decal-Alpha Texture Blending    Supported
Decal Texture Blending    Supported
DirectX Texture Compression    Not Supported
DirectX Volumetric Texture Compression    Not Supported
Dithering    Supported
Dot3 Texture Blending    Supported
Double-Precision Floating-Point    Supported
Driver Concurrent Creates    Supported
Driver Command Lists    Supported

Dynamic Textures    Supported
Edge Anti-Aliasing    Supported
Environmental Bump Mapping    Supported
Environmental Bump Mapping + Luminance    Supported
Factor Alpha Blending    Supported
Geometric Hidden-Surface Removal    Not Supported
Geometry Shader    Supported
Guard Band    Supported
Hardware Scene Rasterization    Supported
Hardware Transform & Lighting    Supported
Legacy Depth Bias    Supported
Mipmap LOD Bias Adjustments    Supported
Mipmapped Cube Textures    Supported
Mipmapped Volume Textures    Supported
Modulate-Alpha Texture Blending    Supported
Modulate Texture Blending    Supported
Non-Square Textures    Supported
N-Patches    Not Supported
Perspective Texture Correction    Supported
Point Sampling    Supported
Projective Textures    Supported
Quintic Bezier Curves & B-Splines    Not Supported
Range-Based Fog    Supported
Rectangular & Triangular Patches    Not Supported
Rendering In Windowed Mode    Supported
Scissor Test    Supported
Slope-Scale Based Depth Bias    Supported
Specular Flat Shading    Supported
Specular Gouraud Shading    Supported
Specular Phong Shading    Not Supported
Spherical Mapping    Supported
Stencil Buffers    Supported
Sub-Pixel Accuracy    Supported
Subtractive Texture Blending    Supported
Table Fog    Supported
Texture Alpha Blending    Supported
Texture Clamping    Supported
Texture Mirroring    Supported
Texture Transparency    Supported
Texture Wrapping    Supported
Triangle Culling    Not Supported
Trilinear Filtering    Supported
Two-Sided Stencil Test    Supported
Vertex Alpha Blending    Supported
Vertex Fog    Supported
Vertex Tweening    Not Supported
Volume Textures    Supported
W-Based Fog    Supported
W-Buffering    Not Supported
Z-Based Fog    Supported
Z-Bias    Supported
Z-Test    Supported
Supported FourCC Codes    
3x11    Supported
3x16    Supported
AI44    Supported
AIP8    Supported
ATOC    Supported
AV12    Supported
AYUV    Supported
NV12    Supported
NV24    Supported
NVDB    Supported
NVDP    Supported
NVMD    Supported
PLFF    Supported
SSAA    Supported
UYVY    Supported
YUY2    Supported
YV12    Supported
Video Adapter Manufacturer    
Company Name    NVIDIA Corporation
Product Information    http://www.nvidia.com/page/products.html
Driver Download    http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp
Driver Update    http://www.aida64.com/driver-updates


Field    Value
DirectDraw Device Properties    
DirectDraw Driver Name    display
DirectDraw Driver Description    Primary Display Driver
Hardware Driver    nvd3dum.dll ( - nVIDIA ForceWare 314.22)
Hardware Description    NVIDIA GeForce GTX 680
Direct3D Device Properties    
Total / Free Video Memory    4095 MB / 2698 MB
Rendering Bit Depths    8, 16, 32
Z-Buffer Bit Depths    16, 24, 32
Multisample Anti-Aliasing Modes    MSAA 2x, MSAA 4x, MSAA 8x, CSAA 8x, CSAA 8xQ, CSAA 16x, CSAA 16xQ
Min Texture Size    1 x 1
Max Texture Size    8192 x 8192
Unified Shader Version    4.1
DirectX Hardware Support    DirectX v10.1

Direct3D Device Features    
Additive Texture Blending    Supported
AGP Texturing    Supported
Anisotropic Filtering    Supported
Automatic Mipmap Generation    Supported
Bilinear Filtering    Supported
Compute Shader    Not Supported
Cubic Environment Mapping    Supported
Cubic Filtering    Not Supported
Decal-Alpha Texture Blending    Supported
Decal Texture Blending    Supported
DirectX Texture Compression    Not Supported
DirectX Volumetric Texture Compression    Not Supported
Dithering    Supported
Dot3 Texture Blending    Supported
Double-Precision Floating-Point    Not Supported
Driver Concurrent Creates    Not Supported
Driver Command Lists    Not Supported

Dynamic Textures    Supported
Edge Anti-Aliasing    Supported
Environmental Bump Mapping    Supported
Environmental Bump Mapping + Luminance    Supported
Factor Alpha Blending    Supported
Geometric Hidden-Surface Removal    Not Supported
Geometry Shader    Supported
Guard Band    Supported
Hardware Scene Rasterization    Supported
Hardware Transform & Lighting    Supported
Legacy Depth Bias    Supported
Mipmap LOD Bias Adjustments    Supported
Mipmapped Cube Textures    Supported
Mipmapped Volume Textures    Supported
Modulate-Alpha Texture Blending    Supported
Modulate Texture Blending    Supported
Non-Square Textures    Supported
N-Patches    Not Supported
Perspective Texture Correction    Supported
Point Sampling    Supported
Projective Textures    Supported
Quintic Bezier Curves & B-Splines    Not Supported
Range-Based Fog    Supported
Rectangular & Triangular Patches    Not Supported
Rendering In Windowed Mode    Supported
Scissor Test    Supported
Slope-Scale Based Depth Bias    Supported
Specular Flat Shading    Supported
Specular Gouraud Shading    Supported
Specular Phong Shading    Not Supported
Spherical Mapping    Supported
Stencil Buffers    Supported
Sub-Pixel Accuracy    Supported
Subtractive Texture Blending    Supported
Table Fog    Supported
Texture Alpha Blending    Supported
Texture Clamping    Supported
Texture Mirroring    Supported
Texture Transparency    Supported
Texture Wrapping    Supported
Triangle Culling    Not Supported
Trilinear Filtering    Supported
Two-Sided Stencil Test    Supported
Vertex Alpha Blending    Supported
Vertex Fog    Supported
Vertex Tweening    Not Supported
Volume Textures    Supported
W-Based Fog    Supported
W-Buffering    Not Supported
Z-Based Fog    Supported
Z-Bias    Supported
Z-Test    Supported
Supported FourCC Codes    
3x11    Supported
3x16    Supported
AI44    Supported
AIP8    Supported
ATOC    Supported
AV12    Supported
AYUV    Supported
NV12    Supported
NV24    Supported
NVDB    Supported
NVDP    Supported
NVMD    Supported
PLFF    Supported
SSAA    Supported
UYVY    Supported
YUY2    Supported
YV12    Supported
Video Adapter Manufacturer    
Company Name    NVIDIA Corporation
Product Information    http://www.nvidia.com/page/products.html
Driver Download    http://www.nvidia.com/content/drivers/drivers.asp
Driver Update    http://www.aida64.com/driver-updates

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