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Installing 4.20


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Hey gang,


I just got the registered version back in Dec ( 4.0) and see 4.2 is now out.

I am assuming the proper procedure for installing this version would be:

Uninstall 4.0.

Download and Install 4.20 trial version

Enter registration code.


I have a custom display setup for my Logitech G19 display. Does this have to be redone, or is there a way to save my custom display for the new version?


Thanks for any assistance,



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It is easier if you just let AIDA64 to update itself. You can force AIDA64 to update by selecting "Check for Updates" in the Help menu. If you don't want to use this feature just simply download the 4.20 version and install it over your current AIDA64. Make sure you quit from AIDA64 before doing this. You don't need to uninstall the software before updating. Your settings and Logitech LCD panels are stored in aida64.ini file in the installation folder of AIDA64. The update procedure I described doesn't delete your configuration file.

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