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Open report after generation


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I was wondering if it is possible to generate a report based on a custom RPF file, and then have it open up immediately, without the need of saving it to a location first. 
For instance i want to be able to open it as a MHTML file, just so i can quickly see the status of the harddisk, without the need of opening AIDA64 and then creating a report. 

Start \\nas\test\Script\Development\AIDA64-JH\AIDA64\Aida64.exe /CUSTOM \\nas\test\Script\Development\AIDA64-JH\HDDcheck.rpf /LANGEN

Start \\nas\test\Script\Development\AIDA64-JH\AIDA64\Aida64.exe /CUSTOM \\nas\test\Script\Development\AIDA64-JH\HDDcheck.rpf /LANGEN

This code i what i have so far, i have done it before where i have had it save the file to a location, and then i could just go to that location and open the file. 



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If you use START with /WAIT, you can add a new line after your quoted line to open the resulting report file. For example, something like the following line should do the trick:

START reportfilename.htm

BTW, your quoted command-line lacks the necessary report creation command, e.g. /R <reportfilename>

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