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samsung Note8 OREO UPDATE, not showing temperature


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Hello everyone

i just receiving oreo update for note8 device few days ago

i often use aida for temperature monitoring, but since the update it no longer showing the SoC/CPU temp

it still showing battery and AC temp

is it know issue ? (planned to be fixed in next update) or there is away to make it work just like before ?

on 7.1.1 everything was showing properly




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Most likely Samsung decided to remove those temperatures from the latest Oreo update.  You can verify the theory by checking other apps, e.g. HWMonitor.  They should measure the same set of temperatures than AIDA64.  If they do, it's a platform limitation, and not a bug in our app (AIDA64).

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thanks for the information

i check-ed with HWmonitor and yes, another apps also showing the same things like AIDA64

its to bad samsung decide to remove those temps... wonder what the reason they removing those ?

because before oreo update, those sensor-temp always available

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On ‎2018‎. ‎04‎. ‎04‎. at 10:23 PM, slyphnier said:


thanks for the information

i check-ed with HWmonitor and yes, another apps also showing the same things like AIDA64

its to bad samsung decide to remove those temps... wonder what the reason they removing those ?

because before oreo update, those sensor-temp always available

I have no idea why they've decided to cripple the thermal subsystem like that.  Google did the same with Nexus and Pixel devices, so it's sort of an unfortunate trend :( 

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