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Everything posted by rinaldop

  1. Behold the awesome T-R-A-N-F-O-R-M-E-X! The art for this panel comes from a fantastic Rainmeter skin by ZakycooL https://www.deviantart.com/zakycool/art/T-R-A-N-F-O-R-M-E-X-mod-1366x768-1920x1080-410803486 I spent a lot of time and effort turning the images into gauges and the parts needed to make an Aida64 skin. Normally this beautiful panel sits calmly displaying all of your computer's vital equipment but when you play a game the panel MAGICALLY transforms into a POWERFUL game monitoring BEAST! This is the FIRST and ONLY panel that CHANGES SHAPE! Once the panel is open the image in the center will animate based on changes in CPU Clock Frequency. The panel is 1920x480 The fonts are Vibrocentric, Astronaut, and Digital-7 Mono and are all included. Take a look and give it a like! T-R-A-N-F-O-R-M-E-X.mp4 T-R-A-N-F-O-R-M-E-X-rinaldop-2024-04-29.zip
  2. I agree!
  3. I do not think that this survey was well thought out But it looks like it will work out well after all!
  4. Also some resolutions have a space around the x for example 1024 x 500 and others do not for example 1920x550 and one resolution has a -, 3840-1100 Just a minor observation.
  5. Why do the results say 1920x480 (other) when there is a choice for 1920x480 already? Are people selecting "other" and then typing in 1920x480?
  6. Awesome, when I want to create a new template for the forum I have always wondered what is the most used resolution.
  7. Thank you for your kind words! I am an engineer and not a graphics artist so I had to learn how to use complicated actions in paint programs and it did take me a lot of time;) It is even better getting a compliment from you since your panels are also impressive! Thanks again!
  8. MAY THE 4th BE WITH YOU! Star Wars fans rejoice! In honor of May 4th, Star Wars day, I give you a brand new Star Wars panel with first in the world animated light saber gauges! This is a custom panel done for Brian Harden <brian.harden@yahoo.com> based on his artwork that he sent me. He wanted an Empire/Death Star theme. He wanted the red dashes/dots around the FPS gauge to spin some, to give movement and he wanted to have the light sabers shrink as higher FPS goes up. This way they stay lighted up until playing a game and then they look like they are shrinking and igniting when a game is playing. I did all that for him and MORE! This skin has 2 special features: - light saber gauges that can be set for 518 FPS or 60 FPS, instructions on how to switch are included. - The panel is currently set for 60 FPS - panel lights glow as GPU utilization rises The font is the official Star Wars font Star Jedi Outline, and it is included. The panel resolution is 1920X515 Take a look! StarwarsPanel-public-rinaldop-2024-05-05.mp4 StarwarsPanel-public-rinaldop-2024-05-05.zip
  9. Here it is!
  10. For what panel? If you meant mine here it is https://icedrive.net/s/S7BuWZ6YGvTvPWNRxfSRGQP2Gvf1
  11. will repost
  12. That is what I finally did! I will post the final panel tomorrow
  13. Here it is, just download the attached file. https://forums.aida64.com/topic/13296-share-your-sensorpanels/page/222/#comment-41343
  14. The sensor panels are all inside of a .zip file, you need a program that does open zip files. I just tried it and everything worked fine for me.
  15. Duplicate message.
  16. Here is the original version, Just click on the file below.
  17. Read this: Scaling issues? Q: I import a sensorpanel and its changes the size and re-aranged objects Q: How to avoid scaling problems with sensor panels? A: Two things usually cause that You do not have the proper font installed. (The default font is loaded instead) You do not have Windows scaling set to 100% A: When creating a sensor panel, make sure that you set the scaling in Windows to 100% and that the resolution in Aida64 is correct. The manually set sensor panel dimensions are saved directly in the sensor panel file and are automatically applied when loading for the first time. Q: How to check the panel size? Right click on "Aida64" Task bar Icon > Settings > SensorPanel > SensorPanel Size Scaling issues? (Windows) Fix: Try setting "DPI compatibility mode" for aida64.exe It's a Windows compatibility setting that you apply on the EXE itself. Locate AIDA64.EXE (C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme) aida64.exe > properties > compatibility > change high DPI settings > activate "Override high DPI Scaling behavior" to System. Scaling performed by: 'System' (from the drop down) > Ok/Apply > Restart Windows > Load/import panel and check if it works now. Once you've done this, make sure that your SensorPanel properties are set to match the new panel before importing and you have a better chance of being successful. Troubleshooting not working? Users who have this scaling problem and cannot resolve the error with the known "fixes" unfortunately have to manually re-align each individual object.
  18. This user had the same problem but I could not figure out why. Maybe it will help you. https://forums.aida64.com/topic/13807-aida64-v7206802-high-cpu-idle-temperatures/
  19. You can by using two FREE programs, HWiNFO and Rainmeter. It is a shame that freeware programs can read ALL of my Corsair products but Aida64 can't
  20. I did not create that video I just gave you the link. Here is the link to the Aida64 store page. They actually want $60 for just ONE key but it does last forever but upgrades only last 1 year. It does go one sale but not often. I paid $30 for 1 key on sale. Where did you get your key? If it is a real key you should ask a developer what is wrong with it.
  21. Actually the Aida64 images are in the System Tray, the part of the Taskbar that is all the way to the right and not in the Taskbar itself. That must be the reason.
  22. My display is external but I have seen people use double sided tape.
  23. Thank you for your kind words! I do not understand why this is happening with Aida64 on your system. I am running a game together with Aida64 with a complex template and my CPU is only at 9% I hope you can get things resolved. Good luck !
  24. Paint and the freeware software Gimp.
  25. Yes, that is normal, FPS only works while gaming. There is a clever way to keep any counter centered, I will post it later today.
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