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Everything posted by rinaldop

  1. Here are more panels in that size see if you like any. https://forums.aida64.com/search/?q="800x1280"&quick=1&type=forums_topic&item=13296
  2. Every computer is different and some computers use sensors that your computer might not have.
  3. I did it all with Bing.com https://www.bing.com/search?q=boston+celtics+logo&qs=LS&pq=boston+celtics+l&sc=10-16&cvid=1A558ADB90B043F6814863DB818AE1AF&FORM=QBRE&sp=1&ghc=1&lq=0 https://www.fonts4free.net/nba-celtics-font.html https://sportsfancovers.com/nba-team-colors/boston-celtics-team-colors/ Of course if you want I will do it for you
  4. This panel is for NBA fans! Specifically for fans of the Miami Heat. At the request of a user I converted my famous BMW panel into this. The panel uses the Miami Heat OFFICIAL colors, OFFICIAL logos, and OFFICIAL font! I included the font so be sure to install it before you load the panel. The panel resolution is 1920x480. The font is NBA Heat South Beach. I know what you are thinking "rinaldop, I just LOVE your panel and I am a big NBA fan but the Miami Heat is not my team." No problem, the panel can be changed to YOUR TEAM! Another user says "rinaldop, I also LOVE your panel but I want to support my team in the NCAA tournament." No problem there either, the panel can be changed for YOUR NCAA TEAM! Take a look! https://icedrive.net/s/kgk7zYAgjF3vQkBCA8Axy5Q8ZSkF
  5. The download link is right below the picture, it is a .rar file. I downloaded it with no problem. Here it is again https://forums.aida64.com/applications/core/interface/file/attachment.php?id=19375&key=56f07e42721e7ee28a4fb68728c34150
  6. Here is the file and the answer to your question, he used rainmeter to animate the center.
  7. The post you quoted makes it look like the panel becomes hidden in the new version but it gets paused instead.
  8. For what you want Aida64 extreme is perfect. The license lasts forever but you only get updates for 1 year.
  9. Here https://forums.aida64.com/search/?q=515x1920&quick=1
  10. Here are some panels in that size, see if there is anything you like https://forums.aida64.com/search/?q="1920x515"&quick=1&type=forums_topic&nodes=28
  11. Watch this video to help with that. If you still need help just ask.
  12. If you search for "515x1920" at the top of the page you can find some https://forums.aida64.com/search/?&q="515x1920"&type=forums_topic&page=1&quick=1&item=13296&search_and_or=or&sortby=relevancy
  13. What is the advantage of that? If the reason is to save resources then why even use a performance monitoring program?
  14. The only thing that I can think of is that the browser font takes over the panel font. Check what font your browser is using.
  15. Here he said he did not change resolution . English is not his first language so that might cause confusion? I don't know what the problem could be. I am running version 7.20.6802 with no issues but I changed the properties of the Aida64 executable to let the system handle scaling and no matter what scaling I use or what resolution I use all my panels look fine and all the panels that I have made for other users look fine.
  16. Why not both? Have a checkbox for pause and a second checkbox for hide. More options are best
  17. Go check all your items and make sure that the font you want is selected.
  18. This video will teach you all the basics.
  19. That looks very encouraging! I will try it, you should see if it solves your problem.
  20. One of the last posts in that thread said this But everything is in Chinese so I have no idea if it would help. If you have patience you might try looking at these, there are a lot of windows screen management tools. https://www.bing.com/search?q=windows+screen+management+tools&qs=n&form=QBRE&sp=-1&lq=0&pq=windows+screen+management+tools&sc=11-31&sk=&cvid=A0FBEE34D85A44CEA12C338F975D4FFC&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=
  21. Yes, me also. Sometimes the rules seem confusing and not logical
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