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Everything posted by Loyd

  1. let me add one more to the list JariKoi. now if i could just find the neon frame. Anyone know what I mean?
  2. Just want to give a great big THANK YOU to two great guys, Bryan of bhsy and Surjett of SurjeetSkins. I lost my data drive containing a years worth of sensor files. I asked if it would be possible to get a download link to recover the ones I had bought. Both sent me what was need to recover. Thanks so very much.
  3. When presenting a sensor panel how about giving the size in pixels. Sure would help
  4. what size is this panel and what fonts?
  5. Also in the Turzx LCD you can use custom dials where as in the RLCD you cannnot.
  6. not possible with Aida 64. Can not do animated backgrounds in a sensor panel.
  7. be really nice when this happens.
  8. why would we want to save in the SPZIP format? What is to be gained?
  9. well, i figured it out, it makes the gauge change size. this can lead to a whole new look gauges that get bigger as the value goes up. could be neat.
  10. Just noticed a new control in the custom gauge screen: resize _______ x _______. How does it work?
  11. I thought there would be a lot of small errors preventing this from becoming ready for prime time. Not all of us are conversant python (what ever that is) I shall try out your fixes. always fun to try new stuff
  12. what is service?
  13. amd does not use vram load percentage. that is why you it does not work. read what surjeet said. Your are selecting "vram load percentage" on the sensor panel manager. then to the lower right panel select modify and follow what he says above. I get a lot paid panels that have vram and I have to change every VRAM gauge to as he says above. good luck
  14. so you banner at the bottom of your screens isn't the same thing? come visit my web site look at what you can buy! not said but once at web site nothing free, You guys are killing this forum...good luck
  15. not sure about being paid to edit "other's made panel" as doing that is work specially if changing size is part of it. But if you give them credit where due. problem is I have gauges that I have no idea who made them. because of the pressure I have not listed them here. but an observation.
  16. I wasn't going to say that. I think our over zealous guardians helped that along. Been going thru the early days lot of good stuff there. Still have not figured out GIMP. Hope all is going well with you
  17. "promote your panel" has people who will make custom panels for a fee or do a search on the size you want. sharing has depleted a lot since someone has taking free panels and sold them as their own. It is a lot of work making the panels specially the large ones like this. good luck
  18. a reboot maybe necessary after changing scaling, just had this problem on a rebuilt...new GPU and display, scaled to 150% screwed up all panels, changed to correct settings, still screwed up, rebooted all is well. good luck
  19. Loyd

    Arc Gauge

    arc gauge is used in rslcd not sensorpanels
  20. Panel work only on the original resolution and only if your display is set to 100% scale. and you have to have the font loaded before loading the panel.
  21. how do I get the new vials for my panels?
  22. hate to say this but @MadMartinhas a point. best you go to the promote section. even thou you do not make money the panels are not free. besides these panels are a lot of work
  23. I like the dials and the "bubble gauge" (different) but wonder about the size of the dials, look small. I cannot use this one, 1024x800, 1280x400, 1600x1200 are what I use. Really like my red & white The_empire1600x1200. keep up the good work
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