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  1. From the thread on them? A LOT are old and hosting is gone. There is still quite a few that people share. Also, making your own isnt too too bad to do yourself. Once you get the basics, it gets easier.
  2. So here is my quick run down how I made mine without any extra extra using what Windows comes with (and Aida64 of course) and what others have offered here. Find a picture/background you want to use one your panel. Use windows photo to resize it to the size you need for your panel. Use Adia64 to build your panel. It is built by layers. Bottom most being your back ground with everything else atop it as the next layers. Adia64 has some stock gauges/graphics etc you can use. But let say you see a set of gauges you want to use on your that someone has shared and already created. Download the file they shared, import that panel to adia64. The program will save all the images contained in that panel to your Adia folder (where you saved Aida on your PC) and can now use them on yours. You can also resize each gauge using the windows photo editor. The layering in Aida is on an X/Y axis (updown/leftright). You use the Aida editor to move your items in to the position you want. Aida will automatically use the sensor for what you wish to monitor by you selecting the item you want to monitor. You than need to assign EACH picture of the gauge to that monitor (This sounds worse then it is). In Aida when you pick the monitor sensor, you can select each picture of the gauge (that you saved and resided earlier). Remember it is layers, so when the temp or whatnot goes up, it looks for the next picture in the gauge file you selected to give the visual of a gauge scaling up (in reality it is the next picture layer showing). I would say dive into it, give it a go. Once you start messing with it, it makes more sense. It looks REALLY hard on the surface. But these are simple to create. Now some of the more in depth ones you see from @Exhumed and others, they (am assuming) using more software such as photoshop or Coral draw and other editing programs with much more capabilities (but they also pay for these programs and am guessing they are graphic designers or something along that realm).
  3. Right click the Aida64.exe (wherever you have it saved on your PC) > Properties > Compatibility Tab > Change High DPI Settings > Check Override high DPI scaling behavior. Scaling performed by: Select system in the drop down > ok > Apply (might need a restart for your panel to load right.)
  4. FPS wont hook till you start a game. Also must have RTSS running in the background. Easy way is to install MSI Afterburner with the RTSS, and have it start with windows. For the GPU stuff, what GPU and are you using the latest up to date Aida?
  5. Your version maybe your issue. Don't believe your key is what you think it is... If I understand the Aida keys correctly, you can use your key forever on the last version available for that key, but you don't get upgrades outside your key period. Doesn't Aida allow you to renew a key at a discount?
  6. Weird. I am looking through my settings to see if anything may have been different.... You have the latest version with good key?
  7. I had this with my 3080. I tried everything. I ended up uninstalling Aida, restarting PC, reinstalling. Worked.
  8. For me and my 3080, when I couldn't see much of the GPU, it worked uninstalling and reinstalling Aida.
  9. I am diggin the 1st one. Simple and to the point.
  10. I wouldn't even get the icon for the sensor in the menu... After a couple days of frustration with Aida and GPU/FPS stuff not showing, I completely uninstalled everything (Aida, RTSS etc), reinstalled and BOOM GPU showed. I was getting nothing for the GPU other then temps, no utilization icon nothing.. Not sure if something was messed up during install or what, but reinstalling everything seemed to make it all jive. I ended up running MSI Afterburner in place of RTSS alone; Plus having it on the drive where the game is hooking from seemed to fix it as well.
  11. Try this Go to where your Aida64 .exe is. Right Click > Properties > Compatibility Tab > 'Change High DPI settings' > Check 'Override High DPI Scaling' Scaling performed by: 'System' (from the drop down) > Ok/Apply > Restart.
  12. Run MSI Afterburner (that has RTSS as part of it), I am having no issues with it running that way. I did have issues when I ran RTSS on its own.
  13. I was having a similar issue with my 3080... Make sure you have the most up to date Aida64 release and then Uninstall and reinstall it. (Make sure you save your sensor panels before deleting). Once I reinstalled, EVERYTHING worked.
  14. I was having something similar with my 3080. Anytime the screens went to sleep, or loading a full screen game, other monitors seemed to do their own thing. I would also get funky stuff when importing different (correct sized) sensor panels. Goto where your Aida64 .exe is. Right Click > Properties > Compatibility Tab > 'Change High DPI settings' > Check 'Override High DPI Scaling' Scaling performed by: 'System' (from the drop down) > Ok/Apply > Restart. Also, try putting your sensor panels etc, on the LEFT side of your main monitor in the windows display settings. I've read where they are can mess with what panels get what on wake up.
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