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On 8/21/2021 at 8:32 PM, Dsp21 said:

All sensor panels shared on this thread are now archived! Please read the original post for more information. I am not claiming the names on the files as panels created by these people, just who posted them, if you feel like your work is being misused or you don't want it shared, please let me know and I'll make another file!

Contains approximately 500 Sensor panels! Most with the required fonts included in zip files, etc

Mega Link: https://mega.nz/file/w9kCUTKa

Decryption key: OtQpHJQ-KDI56yNk7V-kdVWs685PerOWKOIFpqjuC7c

Thank you everyone for all the edits and your hard work, I saw so many awesome design while browsing the forums, everyone is just super talented. Enjoy! :D


EDIT1: New WIP, organizing the HBars, VBars and Gauges to quickly find one with the size you're looking for, starting to look like something useful! :)


Hi Man, you did an amazing job. Are you still working on it and would share the updated link with newly added sensor panels and work done. I loved your single repository and would love to see collection done after first mega link above.

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I do not want to offend anyone, nor should anyone feel attacked by me, but is it really so hard to add the size in his posts of the sensor panel?
I find it awful for me to always ask or try the panel to find out what size it is.

Please, on behalf of everyone, put the size with in the post.


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  • Sensor Moderators

Sci Fi – AIDA64 Sensor Panel (1920x200)

> Font included
Info: Yes, this sensor panel is free for desktop use. If you want to upload it again (including some of my graphics i created), you need to credit me as the author (add @COSTAJUNIOR of the original files. If you do not agree to this, you are not allowed to upload these files again. No permission to resell my graphics.



Sensor-Sci-Fi 1920x200 - By Costa Junior.rar

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9 hours ago, Vimyscout said:

1920x480-as panel

Ha Asus logó nélküli példányt szeretne, jelezze.

Kiteszek egy 1024 x 600-as verziót is, ha van érdeklődés.




L 1.png

future_z.zip 17,76 kB · 1 letöltés Lumin Vscout.szenzorpanel 1,31 MB · 6 letöltés

Hi! I want a 1024 x 600 version. thank you very much, nice panel

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