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Hey everyone... recently received my new display monitor.... im looking for some nice original panels to use as i am not up to par on making my own... i have aquired one panel, but would like a couple to cycle thru... ill be needing a 1920x515 for the display to show correctly.... please post sample pics if your interested in selling your panel


Hallo Zusammen

23 hours ago, Silbvogel said:


Hallo Zusammen

Habe mir vor kurzem mein System zusammengebaut und ein 8,8 Zoll Display in den PC gebaut. Wie stelle ich den FPS Zähler so ein dass er mir den richtigen Wert angezeigt. Wenn ich ein Spiel starte bleibt er trotzdem bei 0 FPS stehen.

Wenn jemand noch weitere vorlagen für ein 8,8 Zoll Display (420x1920) hätte wäre ich sehr dankbar da ich noch am ausprobieren bin.



52 minutes ago, Christian97 said:

Hallo Zusammen

Habe mir vor kurzem mein System zusammengebaut und ein 8,8 Zoll Display in den PC gebaut. Wie stelle ich den FPS Zähler so ein dass er mir den richtigen Wert angezeigt. Wenn ich ein Spiel starte bleibt er trotzdem bei 0 FPS stehen.

Wenn jemand noch weitere vorlagen für ein 8,8 Zoll Display (420x1920) hätte wäre ich sehr dankbar da ich noch am ausprobieren bin.

Translated by google

Lesen Sie diesen Thread, er soll Ihnen erklären, wie Sie den FPS zum Laufen bringen. Wenn Sie weitere Hilfe benötigen, fragen Sie einfach.



  • Sensor Moderators

Scaling issues?

Q: I import a sensorpanel and its changes the size and re-aranged objects

Q: How to avoid scaling problems with sensor panels?

A: Two things usually cause that

  • You do not have the proper font installed. (The default font is loaded instead)
  • You do not have Windows scaling set to 100%

A: When creating a sensor panel, make sure that you set the scaling in Windows to 100% and that the resolution in Aida64 is correct. The manually set sensor panel dimensions are saved directly in the sensor panel file and are automatically applied when loading for the first time.

Q: How to check the panel size?

  • Right click on "Aida64" Task bar Icon > Settings > SensorPanel > SensorPanel Size

Scaling issues? (Windows)

Fix: Try setting "DPI compatibility mode" for aida64.exe

It's a Windows compatibility setting that you apply on the EXE itself. Locate AIDA64.EXE (C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme) aida64.exe > properties > compatibility > change high DPI settings > activate "Override high DPI Scaling behavior" to System. Scaling performed by: 'System' (from the drop down) > Ok/Apply > Restart Windows > Load/import panel and check if it works now.

Once you've done this, make sure that your SensorPanel properties are set to match the new panel before importing and you have a better chance of being successful.

Troubleshooting not working?

Users who have this scaling problem and cannot resolve the error with the known "fixes" unfortunately have to manually re-align each individual object.


  • Like 3
1 hour ago, Exhumed said:

Scaling issues?

Q: I import a sensorpanel and its changes the size and re-aranged objects

Q: How to avoid scaling problems with sensor panels?

A: Two things usually cause that

  • You do not have the proper font installed. (The default font is loaded instead)
  • You do not have Windows scaling set to 100%

A: When creating a sensor panel, make sure that you set the scaling in Windows to 100% and that the resolution in Aida64 is correct. The manually set sensor panel dimensions are saved directly in the sensor panel file and are automatically applied when loading for the first time.

Q: How to check the panel size?

  • Right click on "Aida64" Task bar Icon > Settings > SensorPanel > SensorPanel Size

Scaling issues? (Windows)

Fix: Try setting "DPI compatibility mode" for aida64.exe

It's a Windows compatibility setting that you apply on the EXE itself. Locate AIDA64.EXE (C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme) aida64.exe > properties > compatibility > change high DPI settings > activate "Override high DPI Scaling behavior" to System. Scaling performed by: 'System' (from the drop down) > Ok/Apply > Restart Windows > Load/import panel and check if it works now.

Once you've done this, make sure that your SensorPanel properties are set to match the new panel before importing and you have a better chance of being successful.

Troubleshooting not working?

Users who have this scaling problem and cannot resolve the error with the known "fixes" unfortunately have to manually re-align each individual object.


This should be pinned to the top of the forum. Other threads are pinned why not this? 

  • Like 1
  • Sensor Moderators
30 minutes ago, rinaldop said:

This should be pinned to the top of the forum. Other threads are pinned why not this? 

I cant pin it. Maybe a super moderator can do it.

On 2/28/2023 at 6:19 PM, VeilSide said:

My updated 800 x 480 minimalistic and newly added 1920 x 1080 minimalistic as well as 1920 x 480 minimalistic version sensorpanel inspired by @ThatManOnTheMoon designs.

Histograms are now added within the same SensorPanel Manager.

Note: CPU and GPU min/max temperature readings are just static labels/placeholders since those features are still not available. They can be hidden in SensorPanel Manager. Intake fan speed is also disabled since I have my intake fans connected to external fan headers on the GPU and as of today, there is no way to monitor them with AIDA64. If needed, link it to whatever fans you like and enable the option.


Alternate version with histograms.


1920 x 480 version


Make sure to download and install GeForce font if you haven't already. geforce_light.otf

   minimalistic_800_480.sensorpanel 48.15 kB · 734 downloads   minimalistic_1920_1080.sensorpanel 92.98 kB · 727 downloads                                         minimalistic_1920_480.sensorpanel 79.47 kB · 700 downloads

To enable histograms for CPU/GPU/RTSS do the following in the SensorPanel Manager:



03/03/2023 Added drop shadow effect for the overlay, fixed some text overlapping.

12/03/2023 Added 1920 x 480 minimalistic sensorpanel version.

I hope you don't mind.  I really liked your sensor panel, but needed it in a 1024x600 format to work with my G.Skill WigiDash.  I used the 1920x1080 version as my baseline and I had to manually edit and touch up each of the elements to make it work with the smaller screen. 

I did make a few alterations to better suit my needs though.  Such as I didn't really need to have the min/max icons and info for the CPU and GPU.  So in the CPU section, I replaced those with individual skinny bars for each of the logical threads on my CPU.  So on the top right, I kept the area graph for the overall CPU usage, but under the CPU temp, I have usage bars for all of the CPU cores/threads.

And in the GPU section, I traded the min/max temp identifiers for a GPU Hotspot reading.  I had a recent issue with my GPU where the package reading kept saying the GPU was operating at safe temps, but my GPU would constantly over rev at full pelt.  It wasn't until I checked the Hotspot temp that I found the GPU had a Hotspot temperature delta of well over 40 degrees hotter than the package temp.  For reference, the Hotspot should be less than half that delta.  A massive difference that it never should've been, pushing the GPU to well over 100 degrees under full load. 

That information, had I known it earlier, would've prompted me to replace the thermal paste years ago, but due to my only knowing about the standard temp reading, I relied on that reading to assume that the card was operating normally even though my gut told me something was wrong.  Even MSI when I called them about it, told me it was probably just a defective sensor.  Turned out the opposite was true.  The card knew exactly what was wrong.  Afterburner just never showed that sensor's reading to me.  Replacing the thermal paste fixed that issue and the card now runs the way you would expect it to.  Thankfully due to my paranoia during the issue, as a precaution, I ran the GPU for years undervolted to keep the fans from over revving.  That must've been just enough to keep the card from cooking itself to death until I could find the cause of the problem. 

As a result of that experience, I now consider the hotspot temp to be a critical piece of information.  So I replaced your min/max values with that reading instead.


I saw someone else asking for the 1024x600 version of your minimalist sensor panel, but for the life me, I can't find it again.  So I thought I would post it here in case anyone else wanted it.  I hope you don't mind.

As mentioned, I originally needed this for my G.Skill WigiDash sensor panel.


Before anyone asks, no I don't have two GPUs.  My GPU simply has two separate fan controllers.  Hence the two GPU fan readings. 

I'm going to upload two different files.  One is the standard 1024x600 version of the sensor panel and you will be able to know which one it is by it having the .sensorpanel extension at the end of it's file name.

The other file I'm going to upload is a version specifically for the G.Skill WigiDash and you will be able to know which one it is by it having the extension .gslcd at the end of it's file name.

While yes, technically both files can be imported and will work for either the standard sensor panel function or Wigidash (LCD section of Aida64), the reason I've done two versions is due to a technical discrepancy between what G.Skill marketed the screen's resolution to be and what Aida64 detects the screen's resolution to be.  G.Skill originally advertised the WigiDash to have a resolution of 1024x600, but in practice, Aida64 recognizes the screen as having a resolution of only 1016x592.  A discrepancy that does affect the alignment of the sensor panel on the WigiDash screen.  So the .gslcd WigiDash version of the file includes offsets to compensate for the resolution mismatch to fix the panel's alignment.  So make sure to download the version that's appropriate to your use case.

Standard version (Final revision):



WigiDash version (Final revision):



GeForce Font:


Thanks again to VeilSide for creating this incredible sensor panel.  It's exactly the style I was wanting and with a few tweaks, it has all the information I wanted.  Simple, clean, informative, looks great while being organized and easy to read.  And completely unbranded.  I love it.  Great job Veilside, and I hope you don't mind me sharing a modified version of it.


EDIT:  Found a couple text misalignments.  Fixed them and updated the files in this post.  Also posted the GeForce Font file.  Forgot to include that in the original post.

EDIT 1/16/24:  Adding this as a recommendation.  The GPU package and hotspot temp reading felt way out of proportion to the elements around them.  They were just way too big.  So I've rescaled and realigned them a little to make them look better within the overall panel.

Because I know most people edit all of the hardware titles and certain other elements to conform to their personal rig's specifications, I thought it would be easier for everyone who wants it to simply edit the 4 elements themselves rather than downloading new files and having to re-edit all of their hardware stats.  So for those who've already downloaded the above files, here's some screenshots highlighting the 4 elements changed and those who want to can update their panels themselves relatively quickly:

Standard Version:



WigiDash Version:


Simply change those four elements text size to 36 instead of 42 and adjust the x,y coordinates to match those shown in the image.  Oh, and I also indented the Package and Hot Spot titles in a little bit.  Their new x,y coordinates are also visible in the images.  Then export to your chosen file to permanently save it.


For those of you who'd rather just download the updated files without having to update them yourselves, I've already updated the main files so new downloaders get the latest version.


Sorry if this update caused any confusion.  It was just bugging me, and my OCD made me fix it.  This will probably be the last update I do for this panel unless I think of a major change I want to make.  But if that happens, I'll just make a new post next time instead of updating this one again.  Maybe a different color like red, green, or purple.  I kinda think a yellow/orange/gold version of this panel might look really good.  I'll consider it if I have time.

  • Like 10
  • Thanks 2

The Iron Man! Reposted with an animated gif so you can watch the suit power up!

This panel is for Ironman fans. I found the Ironman panel created by hip63 years ago and I heavily modified it.

This skin has 2 special features:

When the CPU boosts, just the Jarvis helmet and the chest Arc Reactor power up.

When the GPU boosts, the whole suit powers up.

The font is Geforce. The panel resolution is 1024x600.

The panel as it is now is FREE. If you want the panel modified, customized for your system, or changed in size there will be a small charge. Just reply here or send me a private message.

To send me a PM (private message) put your mouse over the profile image of my username and click on the "Message" button to send a private message.

Take a look




  • Like 2
45 minutes ago, kriz said:

Hello I'm looking for this sensor panel I have order the wigidash and love this layout 


That's the one from the Derbaur video.  Yeah I tried to find that one too.  Couldn't find it.


EDIT:  Found it!  Google searched your image and found several versions of it:  Do remember that Roman did say he customized it to his needs.  So you're not likely going to find an exact match.  But these are the ones that most closely match what you're looking for:





I hope this helps.

  • Like 1

Hi everyone,

Any World of Warcraft fans out here with Panels?

This is our first attempt at a panel for my PC made by my accomplice SleepWriter620 (can check her on Deviant and Artfol). Except for Arthas background, Thrall background, the font and ofc the Alliance and Horde flags (copyrights to their respective owners and advance thanks from our side), the assets for this panel and Jaina Proudmoore image is the property of SleepWriter620.

The assets animate as per the states set, in this case from Arcane - Frost - Fire.

The panel is available in all resolutions 16:9 aspect ratio. Should you guys need this panel, drop us a DM and lets have a chat. Or you can just buy us a beer to motivate her for improvements and additional character designs.

Thanks in advance.












  • Like 2
On 1/14/2024 at 9:41 PM, ValhallasAshes said:

I hope you don't mind.  I really liked your sensor panel, but needed it in a 1024x600 format to work with my G.Skill WigiDash.  I used the 1920x1080 version as my baseline and I had to manually edit and touch up each of the elements to make it work with the smaller screen. 

I did make a few alterations to better suit my needs though.  Such as I didn't really need to have the min/max icons and info for the CPU and GPU.  So in the CPU section, I replaced those with individual skinny bars for each of the logical threads on my CPU.  So on the top right, I kept the area graph for the overall CPU usage, but under the CPU temp, I have usage bars for all of the CPU cores/threads.

And in the GPU section, I traded the min/max temp identifiers for a GPU Hotspot reading.  I had a recent issue with my GPU where the package reading kept saying the GPU was operating at safe temps, but my GPU would constantly over rev at full pelt.  It wasn't until I checked the Hotspot temp that I found the GPU had a Hotspot temperature delta of well over 40 degrees hotter than the package temp.  For reference, the Hotspot should be less than half that delta.  A massive difference that it never should've been, pushing the GPU to well over 100 degrees under full load. 

That information, had I known it earlier, would've prompted me to replace the thermal paste years ago, but due to my only knowing about the standard temp reading, I relied on that reading to assume that the card was operating normally even though my gut told me something was wrong.  Even MSI when I called them about it, told me it was probably just a defective sensor.  Turned out the opposite was true.  The card knew exactly what was wrong.  Afterburner just never showed that sensor's reading to me.  Replacing the thermal paste fixed that issue and the card now runs the way you would expect it to.  Thankfully due to my paranoia during the issue, as a precaution, I ran the GPU for years undervolted to keep the fans from over revving.  That must've been just enough to keep the card from cooking itself to death until I could find the cause of the problem. 

As a result of that experience, I now consider the hotspot temp to be a critical piece of information.  So I replaced your min/max values with that reading instead.


I saw someone else asking for the 1024x600 version of your minimalist sensor panel, but for the life me, I can't find it again.  So I thought I would post it here in case anyone else wanted it.  I hope you don't mind.

As mentioned, I originally needed this for my G.Skill WigiDash sensor panel.


Before anyone asks, no I don't have two GPUs.  My GPU simply has two separate fan controllers.  Hence the two GPU fan readings. 

I'm going to upload two different files.  One is the standard 1024x600 version of the sensor panel and you will be able to know which one it is by it having the .sensorpanel extension at the end of it's file name.

The other file I'm going to upload is a version specifically for the G.Skill WigiDash and you will be able to know which one it is by it having the extension .gslcd at the end of it's file name.

While yes, technically both files can be imported and will work for either the standard sensor panel function or Wigidash (LCD section of Aida64), the reason I've done two versions is due to a technical discrepancy between what G.Skill marketed the screen's resolution to be and what Aida64 detects the screen's resolution to be.  G.Skill originally advertised the WigiDash to have a resolution of 1024x600, but in practice, Aida64 recognizes the screen as having a resolution of only 1016x592.  A discrepancy that does affect the alignment of the sensor panel on the WigiDash screen.  So the .gslcd WigiDash version of the file includes offsets to compensate for the resolution mismatch to fix the panel's alignment.  So make sure to download the version that's appropriate to your use case.

Standard version:

Blue_Minimalist_1024x600_Rework.sensorpanel 181.58 kB · 18 downloads


WigiDash version:

Blue_Minimalist_1024x600_Rework.gslcd 181.55 kB · 9 downloads


GeForce Font:

geforce_light.otf 118.92 kB · 10 downloads

Thanks again to VeilSide for creating this incredible sensor panel.  It's exactly the style I was wanting and with a few tweaks, it has all the information I wanted.  Simple, clean, informative, looks great while being organized and easy to read.  And completely unbranded.  I love it.  Great job Veilside, and I hope you don't mind me sharing a modified version of it.


EDIT:  Found a couple text misalignments.  Fixed them and updated the files in this post.  Also posted the GeForce Font file.  Forgot to include that in the original post.

Hey! Very nice addition and thank you for using my sensorpanel.

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