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45 minutes ago, COSTAJUNIOR said:

Yes, I intend to make one in 1920x480 resolution but I confess that I am very disappointed with these rslcd screens, it takes a lot of work to do, not to mention that the screens suddenly disappear and then you have to connect again to the internet.

Must admit that never happens to me. I used to use local host on firefox but it was a pain until i manged to get it to open with windows and then force kiosk mode which was a pain in the rear end. I now use the app created by IAmOrion and it works exactly the same as a normal sensor panel does. Starts with windows and also remembers where the panel was when the pc shuts down. This makes it so more user friendly, yes rslcd format is a bit more labour intensive but the outcomes are great if you can put the time and effort into them.

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57 minutes ago, Awol said:

Must admit that never happens to me. I used to use local host on firefox but it was a pain until i manged to get it to open with windows and then force kiosk mode which was a pain in the rear end. I now use the app created by IAmOrion and it works exactly the same as a normal sensor panel does. Starts with windows and also remembers where the panel was when the pc shuts down. This makes it so more user friendly, yes rslcd format is a bit more labour intensive but the outcomes are great if you can put the time and effort into them.

I'm having a lot of problems using the @IAmOrion  program a lot of memory dump I even opened a topic, if you can help I'll be very grateful.


19 minutes ago, COSTAJUNIOR said:

I'm having a lot of problems using the @IAmOrion  program a lot of memory dump I even opened a topic, if you can help I'll be very grateful.

You mean you're having problems with my RSLCD Viewer?  Can you send me a message/PM with the details and problems so I can try to replicate and fix.  Many thanks

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A customer wanted to have the MSI (black/white) panel as a basis, but a rather unusual resolution of 600x515px and two different color variants.



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1 hour ago, Awol said:

Be kell vallanom, hogy ez soha nem történik meg velem. Régebben a helyi hostot használtam a firefoxon, de nagyon kínos volt, amíg sikerült kinyílnom az ablakokkal, majd rákényszerítettem a kioszk módot, ami fájdalmas volt a hátulján. Most az IAmOrion által létrehozott alkalmazást használom, és pontosan ugyanúgy működik, mint egy normál érzékelőpanel. A Windows-okkal kezdődik, és arra is emlékszik, hogy hol volt a panel, amikor a számítógép leállt. Ez így felhasználóbarátabbá teszi, igen, az rslcd formátum egy kicsit munkaigényesebb, de az eredmények nagyszerűek, ha időt és energiát fektetsz rá.

YES! I use RSLCD Viewer, perfect, great

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40 minutes ago, IAmOrion said:

You mean you're having problems with my RSLCD Viewer?  Can you send me a message/PM with the details and problems so I can try to replicate and fix.  Many thanks

Message sent

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Just finished getting customized sensor panel overlays made by @Exhumed, I highly recommend working with him. Extremely quick responses and easy to work with. Within 24 hours of reaching out, I have a custom sensor panel with 4 different variations and color schemes. Good luck everyone! 

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10 hours ago, ANDREJ71 said:

thank you to antonio for this beautiful panel, it's a shame he didn't share it with us

Another forum member that was doing some great rslcd stuff was frozenboy. Maybe if you sent a message to him he may be able to shed some light on what you want to achieve.

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Posted (edited)

Circlum - Aida64 Sensor Panel by Exhumed

  • 1920x480px
  • black metallic background
  • plastic carbon fiber circle outline, with a blue led light and horizontal glow effect
  • transparent glass effect layer
  • metallic plate with hardware logos (Intel, AMD, Nvidia, Asus)
  • color red/orange (more color variantions coming soon)

Send me a PM if you are interested buying this panel. Paypal only.




Edited by Exhumed
white font panel screenshot added
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Hello everyone. I have an older computer for work, and I don't have an external sensor monitor for my Sensor panel. My panel is cozy in the right corner of my second monitor. It's my first try making a custom Sensor monitor. Resolution is 200x1010px with custom gauges for CPU, GPU, and Memory usage. In the attachment, you can find the sensor panel file, sensor background, and small gauges for the sensor panel (circular for GPU/CPU and progress bar for memory). The font that I used is Xirod by Typodermic Fonts from dafont.com.



200x1010.sensorpanel 200x1010 gauges.rar

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On 7/30/2022 at 6:57 AM, tomsmelleck said:

I don't know how many pages i went through to find the original post. Finally  i gave up. If some one knows the original post or creator please let me know so i credit by name.
Here is is the tweaked version for Barrowch FBREE2 Reservoir Display. It´s not finished jet because my custom waterloop is still in the process.




tweaked version.jpg



Hi, could you tell with which program you are making the gauges, because obviously they have more than the 16 images that aida64 allows and yours have 72 bars, thanks in advance

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