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This is what im trying to use:

aida64 /R C:\Report.html /HTML /SHOWPCANCEL

But its not working. I can see the report generation and i can cancel it but the file is never written to specified location.

Is my commandline incorrect?


Im trying to execute the command via batch file.


AIDA64 Business 3.00.2500 Portable

Windows 7 x64 SP1 (fully updated + admin rights and command box is run as administrator).


We've tried it on a Win7 64-bit SP1 configuration, and it worked flawlessly for us.  Are you sure your Windows user have permissions to write to C:\ folder?  Try to change C:\ to a folder where you definitely have write permissions.


If it doesn't help, then AIDA64 may crash at one of the report pages, so try to limit the report profile to e.g. Audit-related pages, using the following command-line:


aida64 /R C:\Report.html /HTML /SHOWPCANCEL /AUDIT





Perhaps it is something to do with the fact that im using the portable version?

I have to test installer version too and different write locations.


I'll let you know what i find out.


That shouldn't make any difference.  The self-installing EXE package contains the very same files as the ZIP (portable) package.


Ok i found out what was the problem. On my current install windows task scheduler is acting stragely and when aida64 tried to scan for tasks in Software/Scheduled it crashed. Thus the report generation silently failed (no error message).

What i did is i created a .rpf (Report Profile) file manually and excluded scheduled tasks from report. Everything works now both trough UI and commandline.


Thank you for the responses and thank you for an awesome program.


I'm glad you managed to make it work.  Please do let us know if you have any further questions or run into any other issues.

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