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Remote Sensor Monitor is a small freeware Windows console application (requires .NET 4.0) that initially started out with support for HWiNFO, GPU-Z and Open Hardware Monitor. With v2.1.0, support for AIDA64 has also been added. Please test out and provide feedback / bug reports. If you find this tool helpful, spread the word and leave a note here :)




Remote Sensor Monitor
Copyright © 2013 Ganesh T S


Remote Sensor Monitor is a Windows console application designed to present various hardware sensor parameters reported by HWiNFO / GPU-Z / AIDA64 / Open Hardware Monitor as a JSON string and make it available over the network. Enabling GPU-Z, HWiNFO and AIDA64 requires the programs to be running the background. The minimum supported versions are: GPU-Z: 0.7.4, HWiNFO: 4.30, AIDA64: 4.00.2706. Open Hardware Monitor sensors can be reported only if OpenHardwareMonitorLib.dll is present in the same folder as that of the application. Once the web server starts up, the JSON string is available by visiting IP:PORT with a web browser ; The reported parameters can be filtered / configured via the web interface at IP:PORT/config ; The program requires administrative privileges in order to open and close the applicable port in the firewall when necessary.


Command Line Options:

p, port : (Default: 55555) Port number to use
hwinfo : (Default: 1) Enable (1) / Disable (0) sending out sensor readings from HWiNFO
gpuz : (Default: 1) Enable (1) / Disable (0) sending out sensor readings from GPU-Z
aida64 : (Default: 1) Enable (1) / Disable (0) sending out sensor readings from AIDA64
ohm : (Default: 1) Enable (1) / Disable (0) sending out sensor readings from OpenHardwareMonitor
h, help : Display this help screen.



"Remote Sensor Monitor.exe" [-p=<port_number>] [--hwinfo=<0|1>] [--gpuz=<0|1>] [--aida64=<0|1>] [--ohm=<0|1>]



Version History:


Release Notes:
1. Added support for AIDA64 sensor / data reporting

2. Removed external DLL dependency for GPU-Z shared memory access


Release Notes:
1. Fixed bug related to certain sensors being reported multiple times in Hyper-V enabled machines

Release Notes:
1. Initial public releas



Thank you Ganesh, it looks like a very useful app!





Fiery, Thanks for the kind words.


If I can request one feature, would it be possible to have a sub-1s scan interval for the sensor parameters being updated in the shared memory? Currently, only HWiNFO allows a configurable scan interval in milliseconds (I set it to 900ms in order to capture sensor values every 1s over the network). GPU-Z has no configurable scan interval (currently 1s on the tool's own window and 2.5s on the shared memory). With AIDA64, 1s is the minimum possible (I tried entering 0.9 in the Update Frequency box, but it went back to 5s after closing and opening that dialog box). It would be really nice if we could enter values with millisecond precision (or at least one value less than or equal to 900ms) for the external application update frequency.


Update frequency is limited that way, because collecting all sensor values AIDA64 supports (CPU DTS, motherboard sensor chip(s), chipset sensors, sensor and VRM chips for all GPUs, HDD and SSD sensors, DIMM TS sensors, fan controllers, various sensor devices, etc) may take 200-300 or sometimes even 600-800 milliseconds combined.  Not to mention that you may also enable measuring a lot of other system values that can be even slower to measure, like clock speeds, memory/CPU/GPU utilization, etc. etc.  So configuring a sub-1sec update frequency is potentially dangerous and would result in a constant polling of sensors and a high CPU utilization.


Fiery, Thanks for the response. I would definitely like to check out how much the CPU utilization gets affected as we increase the shared memory update frequency :) Would it be possible to have a debug build or special hook for this :) ?


It may not cause too much troubles on your particular machine, or some other machines out there, but on some configurations it wouldn't work well.  We try to make a tool that works alright on any systems, so it has to be prepared for the worst situations "out of the box".  For example, if you've got an iGPU, 100 millisec may work fine, but if you add 4 dGPUs to the system (like two HD7990 cards), you will have a much higher CPU impact at each updates -- so keeping the update rate higher would be the best idea.


One thing that might work is enabling sub-1sec update frequency only via editing the AIDA64.INI configuration file.  That way power users can see what rate is acceptable for their particular usage scenario.  We'll do that in the next AIDA64 beta release (due in a few days), and I will post a message in this topic once the new beta is available ;)


We've decided to let the Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / Update Frequency page settings go down to 500 milliseconds in 100 ms steps, so you (and other power users) will not have to deal with .INI file editing and other hurdles :)  Please upgrade to the latest AIDA64 beta release available at:


Let me know how it works for you ;)
  • 3 months later...

Remote Sensor Monitor is a small freeware Windows console application (requires .NET 4.0) that initially started out with support for HWiNFO, GPU-Z and Open Hardware Monitor. With v2.1.0, support for AIDA64 has also been added. Please test out and provide feedback / bug reports. If you find this tool helpful, spread the word and leave a note here :)


Thanks Ganesh_AT, I have been looking for somthing like this !! Going to test it ! :rolleyes:

  • 4 years later...

Starting the utility from a Admin Command Prompt with with  Remote Sensor Monitor.exe --p=8085 --hwinfo=0 --gpuz=0 --aida64=1 --ohm=0,

The programs crashes

Starting Remote Sensor Monitor on port 8085...

AIDA64 process found! Enabling AIDA64...

Please wait for the web server to start....Couldn't open AIDA64 Shared Memory: Unable to find the specified file.

Unhandled Exception: System.NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
   at RemoteSensorMonitor.AIDA64Wrapper.GetSensorClasses()
   at RemoteSensorMonitor.GlobalOptions.InitializeEnabledStatus()
   at RemoteSensorMonitor.GlobalOptions.ProcessStartupOptions(String[] args)
   at RemoteSensorMonitor.Program.Main(String[] args)

Running v2.1.0

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