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SensorPanel allows you to showcase sensor data AIDA64 can detect using a variety of graphs, gauges, and personalized images

Welcome to our forums! We want to foster a supportive and respectful community where people can share their passion for AIDA64. To make sure that everyone has a positive experience, we have a few rules regarding the sharing of SensorPanel photos and panels:

  • You are welcome to share photos or panels of your own designs with others. We encourage you to showcase your creativity and skills!
  • However, you are not allowed to use the forums to promote your panel for sale. We have a separate topic for promotions, where you can advertise your products or services.
  • We will be moving any promotion-related content to the appropriate topic without notification. Starting from April 2023, we will also issue warning points to users who repeatedly violate this rule.
  • It is strictly forbidden to copy work from other users or sources without permission. This includes modifying, re-uploading, or selling such content. If we detect any copyright infringement, we will suspend the account of the responsible user.

Thank you for your cooperation in keeping our forums a safe and enjoyable place for all AIDA64 enthusiasts. If you have any questions or concerns about these rules, please don't hesitate to contact our moderators.

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