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Everything posted by beeonline

  1. hi, this knowledge base article from the uk website is about creating a sensorpanel. hope this helps. How to create a fully customized SensorPanel in AIDA64?
  2. sorry, i was wrong. aida64 quits automatically after creating a report using the /R command-line option.
  3. @Fiery, haven't you added a command-line option recently that forces aida64 to quit after the report has been created? i'm not quite sure but i have a vague memory of something like that.
  4. Is this what you are looking for?
  5. @Fiery: Ok, thank you. @Iryon: I saw that you posted the same question in a comment to the related post on the Italian AIDA64 blog. Now that you talked to the dev in person here I will not post a reply there if you don't mind. Buona giornata!
  6. Fiery, is it possible that the Randon Write + Verify test does not reveal any errors on a drive that has less capacity than advertised?
  7. Well, I think the most important thing is to run AIDA64 on all computers you want to inventory. The way you can achieve this depends on the network setup you have: in a workgroup, for example, you will need to install AIDA64 on each PC, while on a domain you can simply run the software from a shared storage using a logon or startup script. But I would suggest you have a look at the documentation available on the support page first. Here, in the right column, you can find the setup guides and user manuals as well as a couple of knowledge base articles you may find useful. Then if you have some specific questions we are glad to help.
  8. hi, afaik at the moment aida64 doesn't support this, you can only delete obsolete reports manually, in Database Manager / Operations. But if you need this feature, Fiery will tell if implementing it is feasible.
  9. Hi, all clients need to have “Modify†permission on the shared report folder. Do they have that? Also, please try to run the command from CMD on one of the affected PCs, without using the option /SILENT, and see what happens.
  10. That's great! Thank you for the feedback.
  11. When you create the MySQL database you need to select the correct charset for your language (in the case of Russian use koi8-r), or just simply use utf8_bin.
  12. that's pretty amazing...
  13. Our first guess is that the variable “%servershare%†is not available when the program is run with user privileges. Could you please check if aida64.exe launches properly on the client computers (without report creation, that is using just %servershare%\aida64be.exe | Parameters = /safe /silent)? For example, you can check it in Task Manager.
  14. Two solutions come to mind: 1) If you create reports every day of the PCs, you can get all this information in AIDA64 Change Manager (File / Change Manager). In the preferences, you can filter the results in such a way that you only see the changes that occurred in the last 30 days. 2) It may not be exactly what you want, but you can set real-time alerts in File / Preferences / Network Alerting on any software installation/uninstallation event. In this case, you'll be notified (eg. via email) if any installs/uninstalls occur on any of the PCs on the network.
  15. I guess pasam would like to have some ready-made G19 themes
  16. This looks great, man!
  17. let me also recommend the faq on the german website http://www.aida64.de/hilfe fyi, the discount will soon be extended to nonprofit organizations .
  18. this is not the setting you're looking for. as mentioned above, modify the LCD lince in File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / Update Frequency
  19. 5 sec is the default refresh rate for all hardware monitoring services in AIDA64. You can modify it in File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / Update Frequency. The fastest selectable refresh frequency is 500 ms.
  20. Here's a short tutorial: http://forums.aida64.com/topic/2636-remotesensor-lcd-for-smartphones-and-tablets/ The good thing about RemoteSensor is that it's completely platform-independent. You just need to design the layout, launch the web server (RemoteSensor) and you can access the information as a web page in (almost) any web browser.
  21. This is a cool feature... Looking forward to using gauges and graphs too. In the meantime:
  22. Thanks for the tips. In the end, it turned out that the web server didn't work on the default port (80) because Skype was running, which uses that port. On my PC, port 8080 was not free either, but now the AIDA64 web server works fine with port 8081.
  23. Thanks for the quick reply Done that already. Tried with Chrome and Firefox, no luck. I've also tried various ports, but then I get the error message "This website is not available.". Whereas when I simply use the IP address on my mobile browser, or localhost on the host PC, all I get is some nice whiteness. OS is Win7 Enterprise - in case it's relevant.
  24. I have been trying for a while but all I get in the browser is a blank white screen.... Even if I try http://localhost
  25. You may find this useful: a German user posted a video guide on how to customize the Strike 7 LCD from AIDA64. Voiceover is in German.
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