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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. I don't think you can do that.
  2. Ah alright Have you checked this forum topic?
  3. I apologize for being slightly ignorant and clueless, but what's dbz and dbs?
  4. I appreciate your post, and you have a number of valid points there, but what you quote ("$60 pricetag ... PER YEAR") is not correct. We reserve the right to set our prices at a level where we believe the value of our software is, and what justifies the efforts and resources we've been investing into this software since 1995. You on the other hand have the right to choose a different software if you deem our prices unacceptable or unjustified. The fact that you're so passionate about our pricing and you put time and efforts into posting into this forum however indicates to me that you actually like our software and dedicated to continuing to be a part of our journey. Because of that reason I'll send you a private message about some further stuff
  5. On your motherboard Aux temperature reflects the secondary system/motherboard temperature labelled as System 2 temperature by the UEFI Setup of your motherboard.
  6. 1) Do you mean the Global\\Access_PCI mutex? 2) I'm confused. Do you mean the throughput (bandwidth) benchmark for the caches or the cache latency benchmark? And what CPU do you think we measure an incorrect performance of and by what margin? 3) Are you the author of Ryzen Tweaker?
  7. What version of AIDA64 are you using?
  8. Thank you for your bug report. Please submit a report from the About page, and we will fix the reported issue in the next AIDA64 app update.
  9. Please avoid posting a single issue into multiple topics. I've replied you in your other topic. This topic is closed.
  10. It's usually because the display DPI setting keeps changing (for whatever reason). You need to make sure the DPI is constant since SensorPanel needs to follow DPI scaling setting to look properly awesome on all displays.
  11. That is caused by the always-on-top SensorPanel setting. When you press a right-click on Windows Desktop, Windows 10 (for whatever reason) take away the always-on-top state of the SensorPanel window. AIDA64 will then regularly have to check if the always-on-top setting is still enabled for the SensorPanel; and when it's no longer enabled, it will reclaim it. That's when Windows 10 (again, for some mysterious reason) hides the right-click context menu. Other than making the check for always-on-top setting less frequent, we couldn't find a workaround for this issue so far
  12. Ryzen Master uses averaging and post-processing of thermal readings while AIDA64 reports the direct and immediate temperature readouts. We believe it makes no sense to process the thermal readings and make them artifically "feel" or look different to the immediate readings. AFAIK throttling in the sense we're used to that term on Intel processors is not implemented in AMD processors. I suppose what you refer to is the way Ryzen processors alter their own CPU core clock frequency depending on the actual thermal state. If you mean that, then it'd useful to try the AIDA64 System Stability Test and watch the 3 thermal readings along with the current CPU core clock frequency in order to find out which one is the one you're looking for. We've designed the Unified tab of the System Stability Test to let you put both thermal readings and clock frequency measurements on a single graph.
  13. AIDA64 can measure the thermal readings coming from Farbwerk 360.
  14. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> System Debug --> USB Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first. Thanks, Fiery
  15. We don't use locking for our shared memory, but we also haven't got any complaints about it working incorrectly. When we use OpenFileMapping / MapViewOfFile, no such anomaly occurs at all.
  16. We're working on it. Meanwhile, please avoid posting a single issue into multiple topics. I've removed your other topic.
  17. It's quite complicated, since the order is determined by the type of device first and then the order (index) inside a particular device group. Usually external drives appear in the last group to avoid the issues you've described. Maybe your drive appears as an internal drive even though it's an external one? We'd need to have a better understanding of what's going on about that in order to fix this. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Disk Debug --> SMART Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first. Please create 2 dumps, one with the HDD hot-plugged and another one when it's missing (disconnected) from your system. Thanks, Fiery
  18. Maybe the issue is the ANSI (non-Unicode) codepage you have selected in the Windows Regional settings?
  19. Thanks a lot, got it! We'll fix the issue in the next AIDA64 for Android app update.
  20. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> Sensor Profiling Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first. Thanks, Fiery
  21. Can you please submit a report from the About page? That way we could check the CPU identification strings as well. Thank you in advance!
  22. 1) Yes, correct. 2) iCUE and 3rd party monitoring software don't work together, but it depends on the actual situation and devices in question whether the issue is minor or major. You need to exploit the 30-day trial period that we provide for AIDA64 in order to find out that on your particular configuration how deep the synchronization issue is. We'd be happy to work on it, but as I've explained in other forum threads, the ball is now rolling at Corsair's and they don't seem to want to play the game with anyone 3) Without iCUE AIDA64 can read up to 4 thermal measurements from Commander Pro. With iCUE, well, you gotta see and test it out. Such complicated situations are why we offer a trial period so you can verify if AIDA64 suits your needs on your actual system.
  23. In the latest AIDA64 version of 6.33, there's a Reset Position button in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / SensorPanel. When you press it, AIDA64 will move the SensorPanel to the center of its Preferences window.
  24. When it's an EVGA video card, I'd trust Precision X1 over 3rd party software. So it'd be important to verify what PWM setting is indicated by Precision X1.
  25. It's hard to tell since we have no technical information on how CPU temperature is measured by Afterburner or iCUE. Modern processors implement several methods to measure CPU temperature, and you need to decide which one you take into account. The highest temp, lowest temp, the average of them, it's up to you. BTW, even on top of the ones you've listed there are the CPU core temperature readings too -- just to make it even more complicated I'd personally trust HWMonitor in this case, but it may be worth checking HWiNFO64 too.
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