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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. It's not that straightforward, unless you can connect your Pi as a HDMI screen (regular monitor). We currently have no ready-made solution to support Pi as an external LCD screen.
  2. No, not with those apps. Corsair iCUE and NZXT CAM are notorious of collising with 3rd party monitoring software though...
  3. We don't have a ready-made solution for that setup, but it is possible to construct a script to connect to one of the existing LCD interfaces that AIDA64 supports and interact with AIDA64 as if the Pi would be one of those displays (e.g. Matrix Orbital LK or POS).
  4. Maybe the network activity is performed on a different NIC, not NIC1?
  5. In many cases it's because of the influence of some sort of virtualization. If you can, try to deactivate Hyper-V on your system or completely disable CPU virtualization (from the BIOS Setup).
  6. We never said single-core benchmarks are not included. You can use the Parameters button on the AIDA64 tool bar to limit the CPU and FPU benchmarks to use only one CPU. The argument was about including a list of reference benchmark scores for single-core performance. That's what we're not doing, but you can still use the benchmarks with limited number of cores.
  7. You can use the Correction facility of AIDA64 in order to scale the memory clock to the effective clock value you're looking for. Go to AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / Correction.
  8. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> System Debug --> USB Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first. Also right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> Aqua Comptuer Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. Thanks, Fiery
  9. We currently have no plans to support such data input natively. You can however make a plugin that takes that data and writes them into the Registry to a pre-defined path where AIDA64 can pick the values up and import them into its hardware monitor module. Let me know if you want to go down that path and interested in the details on how to process Registry values.
  10. I'm afraid new AGESA releases discontinued to publish EDC and TDC information the way AIDA64 could read them out. Only TDP is available now for those processors.
  11. Can you see network activity on any of the NIC's listed on the Network / Windows Network page of AIDA64.
  12. We're still waiting for Corsair to unlock the possibility of 3rd party software accessing Corsair hardware concurrently with their own monitoring software (iCUE). It seems they're not so keen on going down that path though. Hence, Corsair hardware owners and customers to the brand have to put more pressure on Corsair to make a move in the right direction.
  13. Please upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know if it makes a difference. Also let me know what motherboard, CPU and video card do you have.
  14. That indeed looks quite weird. But, in case it works without virtualization, our conclusion is that the anomaly is caused by virtualization and not due to an issue about our benchmarks.
  15. It means sadly iCUE software cannot stand a concurrent access to the underlying Corsair hardware Until Corsair starts supporting 3rd party software access to their hardware I'm afraid you need to disable (uncheck) Corsair Hydro Platinum sensor support in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability
  16. Awesome news! AIDA64 implements support for the new screen in AIDA64 v6.32.5608. We are committed to continue supporting new BeadaPanel displays as the folks at NXElec keep releasing new and improved variants to it.
  17. Thank you! Everything looks fine there, but for some reason your motherboard reports the APIC clock (which equals the BCLK clock) as 98.34MHz. I suppose that causes your issues about the measured clocks being cca. 1.7% lower than what you anticipate seeing. I'm not sure what could cause that. Can you see similarly low BCLK reported by CPU-Z as well?
  18. We've implemented support for Corsair H150i RGB Pro XT in the latest AIDA64 beta build: https://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade.
  19. That's a great find, thank you for posting it! We'll recommend that workaround to others too.
  20. Thank you, we're investigating this issue. If you still experience issues while using AIDA64, as a temporary workaround you can disable monitoring of your AIO by unchecking (disabling) the option: AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability / Corsair Hydro Platinum sensor support.
  21. Send me a private message about this.
  22. The direct contacts we used to have for Corsair were great technical guys, but they do not work for Corsair anymore So no, at this time I don't have any direct contacts that I could share.
  23. It sounds quite high for a liquid-cooled setup. I'd check if the liquid cooler is properly installed on the CPU and also whether the heat is properly transferred out from the liquid cooler to the outside of the PC case. BTW, in order to achieve the highest thermal stress, only leave the FPU subtest enabled in AIDA64 System Stability Test.
  24. What kind of NIC is your NIC8? Or maybe the list of the eight NIC's keep being extended (or shrunk) between AIDA64 sessions? Do you think you may have a dynamic network connection that may get removed and added to the list of network adapters?
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