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  1. There is already a thread on the Aquacomputer German forum about the D5 Next not being reported by AIDA after the AQS X.57 update. Here is the LINK. In Google Chrome, it will either automatically switch to English or you can right click anywhere on the page and select "Translate to English". They said that they did make some minor changes to the D5 Next USB protocol, and that it should not affect an external program (like AIDA) that is coded in a "tolerant manner". Aquacomputer knows that HWINFO, AIDA, and SIV all report data from their products. AFAIK, this is only possible by reverse engineering their USB communications, because when asked to provide this information, they always refuse. You can try to persuade them but I don't think you are going to get very far. Their position is that as long as the D5 Next is working properly with AQS, they have no problem to solve. They are not interested in helping the AIDA devs update their code and they do not care if AIDA can report the D5 Next or not. Their Admin (Sebastian) said the following in the thread. We have changed some small things in the USB protocol. Depending on how this is implemented at Aida, they have to maintain it. Actually, it should be designed in such a tolerant manner that no errors occur. You'll have to live with it until an Aida update comes out. and later If everything works in the aquasuite - neither the firmware of the devices nor the aquasuite has a problem. So you need to contact Aida. This is NOT our construction site. We have NOTHING to do with Aida. I don't know why they have this attitude. Being able to monitor their devices with popular programs like AIDA, HWINFO, and SIV can only enhance their products and make more people want to buy them. Considering they are almost always out of stock everywhere, I guess this is not a concern for them. Of note is that the author of SIV (red-ray) has already figured out what Aquacomputer changed in X.57 and the D5 Next firmware update to rev1024. SIV is able to report the D5 Next post AQS version X.57 and he stated that it takes 0.369-seconds to do so. I have an Octo and 2 Farbwerk360's which SIV reports data from just fine. I do not have a D5 Next (yet) so I can't see this sluggish behavior your are describing. Red-ray posted (above) detailed information on the changes he found, and dump files. From the above posts it seems that the AIDA devs updated their code based on the AIDA Sensor Debug -> Aquacomputer dump files that you provided for X.53 and X.57 but ignored what red-ray posted. He compared the AIDA Sensor Debug dumps to the SIV dumps and said that the AIDA dumps were not complete. Perhaps Fiery should take a hard look at the information red-ray provided. German Forum - The Aquacomputer forum has an ENGLISH SUBFORUM so you can post your concerns there if you wish. If you want to post in the German section, just type your post and then run it through Google Translate. There are German speakers doing that to post in English and English speakers (like me) posting in hopefully correct German. I get responses so it must be working well enough for the meaning to be conveyed. One note - if you use Google to translate a German post about a Farbwerk LED controller, the English translation of Farbwerk shows up as "inking unit". Other than that it seems to work pretty well. Good luck!
  2. I posted some info in this thread yesterday about a post I saw on another forum about this subject. For some reason, my post is highlighted and says "Hidden". I have no idea why and have reported the post to the mods asking them if my post violated a forum rule. My account is fine and I have never had a post show up as Hidden before. I did mention another company since this thread is about AIDA reading data from devices manufactured by another company. The company I mentioned is not a competitor of ADIA. I am making this post with no mention of another company as a test to see if it also shows up as Hidden. Does anyone know why a post would be Hidden?
  3. Wow - that is a lot to look at!
  4. There is a thread on the Aquacomputer German forum about the recent firmware update to the D5 Next causing AIDA to no longer read the D5 Next data properly. Aquacomputer said that they made some minor changes to the USB protocol. They did not offer any details and said that if the D5 Next works with Aquasuite properly that is all they are worried about and AIDA will need to update their program. I don't know if this is related to the issue you are having. If you don't speak German just right click and select Translate into English (in Chrome anyway). LINK Edit to add - For some reason, when I posted this, it shows up in Red and says Hidden. Not sure why.
  5. Wow. Crickets. They could at least say NO.
  6. Wow! That is totally uncool. This is why some people don't want to share their sensor panel files. I think its great that people share their work but if he really did that without asking you or giving due credit, you have every right to be pissed.
  7. I recall that Zen 2 CPUs do not report individual core temps. Zen 3 CPUs do report individual core temps. I know HWINFO will report individual core temps but Core Temp will not. I just tried AIDA64 and it does not report individual core temps.
  8. I have a Meshify II XL and actually installed 2 interior video displays. The first one is an Ingcool 7IP-CAPLCD - 1024x600 - 7-in I bought from Amazon. Unlike most of the others, the connectors for USB and video are recessed away from the edge of the panel so the incoming wires don't stick out the side and look stupid. I have this one running a custom "Overview" panel in Aquasuite (basically the same thing as an AIDA sensor panel). Then I bought a FormulaMod Fm-XSQ which is a clone of a Barrow FBEHD-01 (1920x480). This one is also running an Aquasuite Overview Page but I may switch it to AIDA control. Aquasuite overview pages are similar to AIDA sensor panel layouts. They are more limited in some ways but can do some things that I don't know if you can do in an AIDA sensor panel (like have real time graphs). Rather than run HDMI cables from these panels to my GPU outputs. I used a couple of USB2.0 video adapters to drive them. The first few USB video adapters I tried would not do 1024x600 or 1920x480. I had a couple of Pluggable UGA-165 USB2.0 to DVI video adapters laying around. They would do these resolutions. I just had to add passive DVI to HDMI adapters. The USB cables go to a Aquacomputer Hubby7 internal USB2.0 hub. This all fits nicely in the back of the Meshify II XL. For mounting the 1024x600 display, I added a back made out of foam core that attaches with 4 x 2.5mm screws to standoffs provided with the display. Then I glued 2 small neodymium magnets to the foam core. Then I mounted 2 L-brackets to the larger removable plastic panel that comes with the case. The magnets snap to the L-brackets and hold the panel in place. I made the wiring harness longer so I can actually move it around inside the case if I want. This worked out really well. The 1920x480 panel comes with a bracket that allows the panel to be mounted to the side of a radiator or a row of fans. I mounted this bracket vertically to the front intake fans. The bracket they provide works but its really cheap thin metal and bends easily. I attached a few pictures of what this looks like.
  9. I ended up using a Monoprice clone of the Pluggable UGA-165 for my 1920x480 display. It is annoying that these are USB2.0 to DVI because I had to add passive DVI to HDMI adapters on both of them. The original Pluggable UGA-165 is driving my Ingcool 1024x600 display and the Monoprice version is driving my FormulaMod 1920x480 display. They are a little bulky, and the DVI to HDMI adapter makes it worse, but they work. They are also still available. There are many generic versions of these adapters. I think if they say "DisplayLink" on them they are using the same chipset so should do these resolutions.
  10. WoW. That's quite a rig you got there. 18 Intel cores, 256GB DDR4-3200 RAM, and 2 Strix 3090's in SLI. With all the Ryzen mania, this is old school, brute force, Intel 14nm goodness with maxed out RAM and double-barrel top of the line GPUs. I wonder how you are cooling it all. Nice sensor panel BTW...
  11. I would like to try this too. Can I just download all of the files from Github? If not, please PM me a link and thank you for offering this to the community. Also, is this specific to AIDA64? I am using Aquasuite to drive 2 internal displays. One is 1920x480 and the other is 1024x600. I have both panels set up in the same Aquasuite Overview page (similar to ADIA sensor panel). It works but if I change the display layout it tends to scramble things. I also am fighting with some program windows jumping to one of the internal displays. It's a pain to get the cursor on the top of the window to drag it back onto one of the main displays. I am wondering if this program could help with that as well.
  12. I am confused. Calibos said the 6.8" Beada panel is IPS but Criskoe says the 7" Beada panel is not IPS. Is there a 6.8" IPS Beada panel and a 7" TFT panel? This seems unlikely. Can someone clarify this?
  13. This would be a great addition, if there is a sensor that reports current consumption values for USB devices (internal or external). There are a lot of USB problems reported with Corsair's latest RGB and fan controllers. Excessive current draw has been suggested as a possible root cause. Reporting USB device current consumption would be useful when troubleshooting these Corsair USB problems.
  14. This is really nice looking. Thanks for sharing it.
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