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  • 6 months later...

Had the same problem with disk activity now showing, found the program causing it was Aquasuite's background service. Is there any way I can use both aquasuite and use the disk activity feature of aida64?

On ‎2017‎. ‎01‎. ‎04‎. at 8:36 AM, Jim963 said:

Had the same problem with disk activity now showing, found the program causing it was Aquasuite's background service. Is there any way I can use both aquasuite and use the disk activity feature of aida64?

What version of Aquasuite are you using? And what AquaComputer hardware do you have?


Aquasuite 2017-1.3 and an aquaero 6 PRO along with a farbwerk led controller. If i go into the aquasuite settings and just click "stop service" the readings for read/write all appear in aida64 and clicking "start service" will make them disappear again. When they are present I see they are limited to 10 drives, although I think this is a limit built into aida64?

  • 1 month later...
On ‎2017‎. ‎01‎. ‎09‎. at 6:16 PM, Jim963 said:

Aquasuite 2017-1.3 and an aquaero 6 PRO along with a farbwerk led controller. If i go into the aquasuite settings and just click "stop service" the readings for read/write all appear in aida64 and clicking "start service" will make them disappear again. When they are present I see they are limited to 10 drives, although I think this is a limit built into aida64?

The collision issue between AIDA64 and aquasuite 2017 will be fixed in the next AIDA64 beta update. I'll post a message into this topic once the new beta update is available for download.

As for the 10 drives limit, yes, it's a limit built into AIDA64.  Do you have more than 10 drives, so you would like to see the limit expanded?  If so, how many drives do you have? :)

On 2017. 01. 09. at 6:16 PM, Jim963 said:

Aquasuite 2017-1.3 and an aquaero 6 PRO along with a farbwerk led controller. If i go into the aquasuite settings and just click "stop service" the readings for read/write all appear in aida64 and clicking "start service" will make them disappear again. When they are present I see they are limited to 10 drives, although I think this is a limit built into aida64?

The above mentioned new AIDA64 beta build is now available for download at:


After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade.

Let me know if it helps.


Sorry, i missed the previous message. Yes, this has worked perfectly and I'm able to see drive usage :D As for the drive limit, would increasing it to 25 be a little too much!? Maybe an option to enter the drive limit could be added to the options?

Thanks again for this fix :lol:

5 hours ago, Jim963 said:

Sorry, i missed the previous message. Yes, this has worked perfectly and I'm able to see drive usage :D As for the drive limit, would increasing it to 25 be a little too much!? Maybe an option to enter the drive limit could be added to the options?

Thanks again for this fix :lol:

Thank you for the feedback. The limit has to be fixed, so it will be increased from 10 to 25 in the next AIDA64 beta update ;)


nice, thank you very much! I may have a small bug regarding sensor items changing id between restarts when using the shared memory. I export the temps to shared memory, import them into aquasuite and after a few restarts I notice the value selected in aquasuite has changed to a different sensor. I'm will do more poking about before starting a thread as (due to not restarting much) its difficult to get an idea of what might be happening. Maybe adding or removing a drive is shifting the id number or something.

Thanks again for the limit increase and fix :D

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