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Hmm, got me thinking now.

My screen has 2 power connectors, one is 'power only' (which is what it's connected by), the other is 'touch', now I wonder if that means it could shut off in that mode?  Only realized this tonight, lol, but will try tomorrow, as I cant be bothered opening case tonight.  Possible :)

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I have a technical question. Does anyone know how the gauges work internally? I mean: I want to make one that only illuminates when reaching a target value (144 FPS in this case).

I am testing with my laptop, with the battery percentage parameter (0-100%). The custom gauges have 16 states, so if I want the gauge to illuminate only with 100%, I supose I have to put 0 as a Min. value and more than 100 as Max. value, in order to avoid the programm to make the gauge visible before the battery reaches 100% (100/16=6,25%; 6,25x15=93,75%, so theorically after 93,75% the gauge will illuminate, and I don't want that).

Instead of this, I am testing that if I put 103.44 as Max. value, the gauges illuminate at 100% but surprisingly not at 99%, and I don't know why (putting a value bigger than 103.44 is not working, as at 100% of battery the gauge does not illuminate. 103.44 following the English rule, 103,99 following the Spanish one; I'm Spanish so I have the programm in Spanish). Teorically, 103.44/10=6,465%, x15=96,98% (97,49%), so I thought that the gauge was going to illuminate at 97, 98, 99 and 100%.

Does someone has an explanation?


EDIT: for someone who wants a gauge working as I want. Following the same paramater as above, a way is to put 99 as Min. value and 100 as Max. value. I suppose it will be the same with FPS: 143 and 144 as values. If someone can bear it out, I would appreciate it!

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12 hours ago, chmarr said:

i've been here for a long time and for months and months this thread was dead.

then out the blue jayztwocents makes a video and .. POW .. in 3 weeks this thread went from being 25 pages to 56 pages.


seems a popular well known and liked ( citation needed :D) youtuber has this effect on aida64 community for custom sensor panels is really good.


i do have a request ... when making your sensor panel can you try and include higher resolution panels, these days you can get 1920 x 1080 in a 7" screen, i bought a new screen for my system and i found out it has a resolution of 1920 x 1080 and to top it off ... it has freaking native HDR, its got better specs than my actual monitor.

anyway i want to say thank you to the aida64 sensor panel community for reviving this thread once more.

to the aida64 dev team i have a couple of requests for software ... can you include FPS abilities in any of the next updates.

i hate having any more programs running in the background which suckup ram.

Yep, I am also watch this thread for long. I not sure this thread revived due to some youtuber. I saw some video about sensor panel long ago, and jayztwocents video not really great or any new from the previous videos. It seem people start care for look more than just high performance PC. Recent panel in this thread had really good quality, and people willing to share it. That make a good community.

About any new update in sensor panel, not sure if AIDA will listen to us. Sensor panel still be the same for so many year. To be honest, it still quire good and not slow down the system. Of course it would be great if they let us had animation in panel with higher refresh rate to make it smooth.

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11 hours ago, Luis Gabriel Gerena said:

I guess my RAM does not have TEMP as I cannot get any output nor find one for RAM temp so far. nice one btw
I have been trying to find a Matrix style one to fit one of my RGB themes but this one fits nice too.

You need to turn on DIMM sensor in Aida Settings I dont remember where exactly. I had native turned it off.
Edit: DIMM thermal sensor support enabled in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability

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7 hours ago, frozenboy said:

Yep, I am also watch this thread for long. I not sure this thread revived due to some youtuber. I saw some video about sensor panel long ago, and jayztwocents video not really great or any new from the previous videos. It seem people start care for look more than just high performance PC. Recent panel in this thread had really good quality, and people willing to share it. That make a good community.

About any new update in sensor panel, not sure if AIDA will listen to us. Sensor panel still be the same for so many year. To be honest, it still quire good and not slow down the system. Of course it would be great if they let us had animation in panel with higher refresh rate to make it smooth.

I have tried others but not finding anything better yet. Have you seen anything good with animations or still prefer this one too?

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1 hour ago, dave798 said:

nice panel thanks for sharing, can you tell me how to get the FPS working?, remains zero on my panel when gaming

Yeah I had to RTSS Rivatuner Statistics Server  to get mine working too. Fortunately the overhead for RTSS is tiny.

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On 15/1/2021 at 10:22, Daniel Fink said:

Mismo problema ... Parece que la imagen de fondo es más grande (1015x611) que la configuración de la pantalla.

No sé por qué sucede esto. ¿Yo soy el único?

@Jacob Low ¿Quizás podría cargar los datos XY? ¿Te gusta mi pantalla? Entonces puedo arreglarlo por mi lado ¡ :) Gracias, amigo!


I have the same problem, have you fixed it?

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18 minutes ago, Larry Andersen said:

I do really enjoy this thread, Thanks for sharing all your work. Here's mine rig









Love the look of the rig for a great game (( for those that gave it a chance )),

what are is the hardware used and what was the sensor panel you used ??

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On 1/17/2021 at 12:46 PM, Luis Gabriel Gerena said:

Colors are not orange as it seem to look on the video but red..anyways, just a quick idea of what my setup is looking like.
Still debating on just having the tablet on my desk vs inside the PC..my wife says it looks kind of cool inside the PC :D
at first I was getting a small LCD but that did not do it for me...I wanted the OLED look lol




I just checked it out. Looks great.

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