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On 2022. 05. 12. at 17:28, Guilherme Cirillo Cruz said:

Sziasztok, már régóta nézem ezt a témát, de most először teszek közzé, végrehajtottam néhány változtatást, és néhány, a felhasználók által ide közzétett panelt használtam alap érzékelőpanelként. Egy régi androidos telefont használok, ami volt és nem használtam. a második kijelzőm a szekrénybe integrálva.

Mindkettő 1920x1080-as felbontású, a Geforce és Geforce félkövér betűtípusok telepítése szükséges a rendszerre, élvezd.

* A GPU statisztikái rossznak tűnnek a képeken, de jól működnek, mert a szerkesztést egy másik számítógépen végeztem, amelyen nincs dedikált GPU, de jól működnek.

nzxt white.png

nzxt black.png

GUI WHITE NZXT.szenzorpanel 910,92 kB · 37 letöltés GUI Fekete NZXT.szenzorpanel 1,04 MB · 45 letöltés

nagyon szép munka! köszönöm szépen!

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  • Sensor Moderators

Another commissioned work. The basis was the MSI panel shown here recently but with a different arrangement. Water cooling is installed here, so a different layout. Sensorpanel size is 1024x600px. Gif animations shows possible color variations if someone wants a different color style. I also added custom fan icons and the Aorus monitor as a bonus.



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On 16/12/2021 at 10:59, Jon Evans said:

Sharp para mim ..
Você já compartilhou? parece legal.
gostaria de converter para 600x1024 para o meu painel remoto


Poderia compartilhar? Gostei muito do seu trabalho!!!


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6 minutes ago, Öld Ðad said:

I like your ROG logo, you wouldnt happen to want to share that would you. that flashing blue would look cool af on my panel lol

hi , this is not from aida , it is from other software ;) but im still working on aida64 version  , will share after done .

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17 minutes ago, Awol said:


I really like what you've done with this panel. Is there any chance you could share and i can then adapt to my own requirement. Thanks

hi , aida64 version havent done yet , i'll share when im done with aida64 version ;)


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10 minutes ago, Öld Ðad said:

I like your ROG logo, you wouldnt happen to want to share that would you. that flashing blue would look cool af on my panel lol

great gif , but how can we integrate a gif in a secondary screen with aida 64 .

Thanks again for your help.

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2 minutes ago, KC Chong said:

hi , aida64 version havent done yet , i'll share when im done with aida64 version ;)


Is it RSLCD format ? If so its not an issue as thats what im playing around with at present however im more than happy to wait until you are ready.


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2 minutes ago, Kryogenus said:

great gif , but how can we integrate a gif in a secondary screen with aida 64 .

Thanks again for your help.

hi ~ this design is for other software , and we're still working on aida64 version , may need more time to match all layer ;)


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Hi everyone I'm new here, new all of this. I'm about to embark on my first pc build. Came across about aida64 and sensor panels and decided I need to include this. I have the 7inch 1024x400 panel and 7.4inch 1280x400 panel. Would really like panels from everyone willing to share. Thank you all

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