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ich habe nun doch eine Lösung wie man ein "wenig" Animation auf das Sensor Panel bekommt. Anbei ein Video das es zeigt. Gemacht habe ich die indem ich einen animierten Hintergund (Lively Wallpaper) auf dem Senorpanel anzeigen lasse. Dann habe ich einen Transparenten Hintergrund bei der Erstellung des Panel genutzt. Zuletzt müsst ihr nun noch in den AIDA64 Einstellungen unter Sensor Panel den Hintergund auf Schwarz einstellen und eine Transparenz von 50%. Dann sieht es aus wie bei mir ;)

aida64_GxvNH4UfbR Kopie.png

6 hours ago, Exhumed said:

What is your problem? Seriously. It's funny when i look at your profile and see who is the only one who makes the "sad" emote there.

I'm doing 3 minutes of work to help someone with a free graphic so he can use it as he wanted and you don't like that even though it doesn't concern you. Instead, you are complaining again about advertising in my signature.

Some people are only truly happy when they're miserable.

I've found creative inspiration among all the panels; even the ones that were just screenshots of commercial files. 

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On 4/6/2023 at 5:19 PM, Tinchox17 said:

any progress? looks nice

unfortunately I discontinued this project because I no longer use the monitor with the reference resolution of this image. I am currently working on another project.

  • Sensor Moderators
2 hours ago, Manevitch said:

Some people are only truly happy when they're miserable.

I've found creative inspiration among all the panels; even the ones that were just screenshots of commercial files. 

This user (Snakeplisskn) is no longer with us. He was banned. I've had enough of those people who can only mess around and don't want to contribute anything to the community.

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  • Haha 1
On 4/10/2023 at 7:04 PM, MrGene said:

Here is the finished product. Thanks for you time in helping me out. I am not talented enough nor do I have adobe to change the size. Once again thanks for your help

Screenshot (4).png

Would you mind sharing this please...?

40 minutes ago, JariKoi said:

You only have to look Page and download. You can change font size etc.

Yep, found that out, cheers!! Here's my take on the design..  My specs are well old lol, but I no longer game so it's good enough for me. Matches my custom cables


Screenshot 2023-04-14 092619.jpg

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  • Sensor Moderators

There is obviously a little need for clarification about the work of the moderators.

Users receive warning points as a warning for inappropriate behavior on the forum. As far as I know, this was previously not done due to a lack of moderators or only in serious cases.

There will be no voting here or tolerated who is acceptable to whom as a moderator or not. Any attempts to discredit these designated moderators will result in a warning up to and including account suspension for serious misconduct. The moderators have been officially named by the forum admin and can only have their status revoked by them. The house rules of the operator apply here.

First and foremost, we have been called in to filter out the dozens of spam bots that appear every day, i.e. to moderate content with spam posts. After that comes the moderation of the sensor panel thread. We carry out this activity voluntarily, unpaid and to the best of our conscience.

Malicious users who have already become conspicuous in the past but have not received a warning due to the lack of moderators in the forum will be punished immediately if they continue to behave incorrectly and violate the rules of conduct in the forums.

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I'm back. Just started to putter around with the template again. I thought I would not leave out the Ryzen/Radeon users this round. 

Also added the Celsius label for the temperature. Eventually I will add those to the original templates I modded. 

Just two for now. I will work on the RED panel soon. Also I will mix Ryzen with Nvidia, and Intel with RADEON, coming soon if there is a demand for it. 



Sorry folks for the ones who grabbed this one. As I was finishing off the RED version of this. I noticed the screenshot did not represent this sensor panel. While the screenshot is right, the file still had both Performance and Efficient Core graph still enabled. The updated file will represent what this screenshot has. 






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  • Sensor Moderators
40 minutes ago, OntarioTL said:

I'm back. Just started to putter around with the template again. I thought I would not leave out the Ryzen/Radeon users this round. 

Also added the Celsius label for the temperature. Eventually I will add those to the original templates I modded. 

Just two for now. I will work on the RED panel soon. Also I will mix Ryzen with Nvidia, and Intel with RADEON, coming soon if there is a demand for it. 


IMBLUERYRAD.zip 3.92 MB · 1 download


IMORRYRAD.zip 3.48 MB · 3 downloads


This sensor is really cool, I think it's one of the most modified ones we have around here.
I'll give you a tip to center it, where this FPS sensor is, it's marking it as zero, but it's centered towards the direct side.
Create a circle of the same size where zero FPS is written and save it.
Then open Aida64 and create a new gauge, using that circle you made, locate your FPS sensor and that's it, it will be centered in there. This is for any other information you want to centralize.

  • Like 3
22 hours ago, BH33 said:

Thank you JariKoi for sharing the design. I like it very much. Added my own storage usage, motherboard temp and network graph on my second display.



This sensor panel I liked from the arrangement and color very well, so I have left the idea completely so and tailored to my needs. That means in my case that I have packed everything on 1920x1200.

2023-04-15 10_56_48-SensorPanel.png

  • Like 4
10 minutes ago, Psycho said:

This sensor panel I liked from the arrangement and color very well, so I have left the idea completely so and tailored to my needs. That means in my case that I have packed everything on 1920x1200.

2023-04-15 10_56_48-SensorPanel.png

Ooo nice!! Would it be a major hassle to change this to 1024x600? Could you share it, please... (sorry, I haven't a clue how to rescale these things...)

4 minutes ago, Reg66 said:

Ooo nice!! Would it be a major hassle to change this to 1024x600? Could you share it, please...

I think for 1024x600 there is too much information displayed, so it becomes too small to see it properly.
As font I used Unispace.

I share the sensorpanel in 1920x1200

2023-04-14.sensorpanel unispace.zip

  • Like 3
41 minutes ago, Psycho said:

I think for 1024x600 there is too much information displayed, so it becomes too small to see it properly.
As font I used Unispace.

I share the sensorpanel in 1920x1200

2023-04-14.sensorpanel 187.05 kB · 0 downloads unispace.zip 217.2 kB · 0 downloads

Hmm, well I only really need 1 of each SSD/HDD panels top and bottom, so can save a little space there. Any tips on rescaling? Is just a case of altering the canvas size and then getting everything to fit? Also, to install/add font - to system or only in Aida64, how please?  EDIT: nevermind, it's straight forward!! Sorry bud, I'm damn new to all this..

48 minutes ago, Reg66 said:

Hmm, well I only really need 1 of each SSD/HDD panels top and bottom, so can save a little space there. Any tips on rescaling? Is just a case of altering the canvas size and then getting everything to fit? Also, to install/add font - to system or only in Aida64, how please?  EDIT: nevermind, it's straight forward!! Sorry bud, I'm damn new to all this..

No problem bud, as long as I can help I will help

On 2023. 04. 14. at 16:47, Exhumed said:

Nyilvánvalóan szükség van egy kis pontosításra a moderátorok munkáját illetően.

A felhasználók figyelmeztető pontokat kapnak a fórumon való nem megfelelő viselkedés miatt. Tudomásom szerint ez korábban moderátorhiány miatt nem, vagy csak súlyos esetekben történt meg.

Itt nem lesz szavazás, vagy megtűrt, hogy kinek kinek elfogadható moderátor vagy sem. A kijelölt moderátorok hiteltelenítésére tett kísérletek súlyos kötelességszegés miatt figyelmeztetést vonnak maguk után, akár a fiók felfüggesztését is beleértve. A moderátorokat hivatalosan a fórum adminisztrátora nevezte ki, és csak ők vonhatják vissza státuszukat. Itt az üzemeltető házirendje érvényes.

Mindenekelőtt arra kértek bennünket, hogy kiszűrjük a nap mint nap megjelenő több tucat spam botot, vagyis a tartalmakat spam bejegyzésekkel moderáljuk. Ezt követően következik az érzékelő panel szálának moderálása. Ezt a tevékenységünket önként, fizetés nélkül és legjobb lelkiismeretünk szerint végezzük.

Azok a rosszindulatú felhasználók, akik már korábban is szembetűnővé váltak, de a fórum moderátorainak hiánya miatt nem kaptak figyelmeztetést, azonnali büntetést kapnak, ha továbbra is helytelenül viselkednek és megsértik a fórumokon a magatartási szabályokat.




that's how it is, the competition and those who spoil the business must be banned!!!! I just don't know how to appoint a person who posts the most on the site as moderator. because according to them, whoever he doesn't like, he can simply ban him from the page. since you've been hanging out here, I don't come up much just to laugh. no, you can block me now, but I think it was not in vain that they wanted to hold a moderator vote, because you have already gained power on the site and by banning the former forum member, you prove that you live with it. only a few speak up like me because, unlike me, they are afraid of being banned. congratulations, you now have milk power on the site.

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