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Aida64 ProArt 1920 Skin

Thank you @OrzmadDT for this amazing skin:


I augmented it for my ProArt build, and used PowerPoint -- so it's ridiculously simple to edit the background and icons (power point included). This skin looks pretty clean, but sneakily, it's measuring ~18 items. Really grateful for OrzmaDT's original work, that I could innovate from.


[EDIT: I keep updating this skin; the most recent version can be found here:]



  • Like 2
  • Thanks 2
7 hours ago, qwertymofo said:

Looking for 720x2560 red and black themes for my y70 if anyone can help they all seem to be 540x1920 or something like that and they don't fit right

All panels are customisable, just use sites like imageresizer.com / pinetools.com/c-images/ to bulk rotate, resize ect. it litaraly takess seconds to convert them. Hope this helps!.

On 12/30/2024 at 3:37 AM, 2Realist4U said:

Aida64 ProArt 1920 Skin

Thank you @OrzmadDT for this amazing skin:

I augmented it for my ProArt build, and used PowerPoint -- so it's ridiculously simple to edit the background and icons (power point included).

rog1920.1080 Asus ProArt.png

rog1920.1080 Asus ProArt.sensorpanel 970.74 kB · 1 download

NOTE: I keep working on this and I'm on version 16 right now -- I updated the screenshot and source file accordingly. I reached out to OrzmadDT for permission to share this on a Reddit forum for ProArt builds.

On 12/17/2024 at 7:53 PM, TheFreak666 said:

Hi all, 
I am really new to this and going to send my 1920x720 pannel back and swap it for a 1920x480. 

Any recommendations for pannels. 

I live in Australia and will more then likely go via amazon, unless anyone knows good reputable places in Aus. 



I bought this panel and I am very happy with it.



I have a question, there are some very beautiful designs here, but whenever I try to import them, it works, but nothing looks like it does in the picture here. Everything is shifted and the sizes are not correct. What can I do to import it as it should be?

1 hour ago, n0ti said:

I have a question, there are some very beautiful designs here, but whenever I try to import them, it works, but nothing looks like it does in the picture here. Everything is shifted and the sizes are not correct. What can I do to import it as it should be?

This Issue is discussed many times in the forum:

Scaling issues?

Q: I import a sensorpanel and its changes the size and re-aranged objects

Q: How to avoid scaling problems with sensor panels?

A: Two things usually cause that

  • You do not have the proper font installed. (The default font is loaded instead)
  • You do not have Windows scaling set to 100%

A: When creating a sensor panel, make sure that you set the scaling in Windows to 100% and that the resolution in Aida64 is correct. The manually set sensor panel dimensions are saved directly in the sensor panel file and are automatically applied when loading for the first time.

Q: How to check the panel size?

  • Right click on "Aida64" Task bar Icon > Settings > SensorPanel > SensorPanel Size

Scaling issues? (Windows)

Fix: Try setting "DPI compatibility mode" for aida64.exe

It's a Windows compatibility setting that you apply on the EXE itself. Locate AIDA64.EXE (C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme) aida64.exe > properties > compatibility > change high DPI settings > activate "Override high DPI Scaling behavior" to System. Scaling performed by: 'System' (from the drop down) > Ok/Apply > Restart Windows > Load/import panel and check if it works now.

Once you've done this, make sure that your SensorPanel properties are set to match the new panel before importing and you have a better chance of being successful.

Troubleshooting not working?

Users who have this scaling problem and cannot resolve the error with the known "fixes" unfortunately have to manually re-align each individual object.

  • Thanks 1

Thanks for the info, it worked great. I have an old phone lying around with a resolution of 2400x1080. Does anyone have a design for this resolution?

On 6/2/2024 at 10:58 AM, qualar said:


Just had to rebuild my sensor panels for the Hyte Y60 (515x1920) from scratch after a reinstall.  Done a Light and Dark Theme.

how to do you make it fit on whole hyte screen. resolution on there is 1100x3840 thanks

Just now, Adam7354 said:

how to do you make it fit on whole hyte screen. resolution on there is 1100x3840 thanks


1 minute ago, Adam7354 said:

how to do you make it fit on whole hyte screen. resolution on there is 1100x3840 thanks

Can you please share.

On 1/2/2025 at 1:12 PM, Surjeet said:

This Issue is discussed many times in the forum:

Scaling issues?

Q: I import a sensorpanel and its changes the size and re-aranged objects

Q: How to avoid scaling problems with sensor panels?

A: Two things usually cause that

  • You do not have the proper font installed. (The default font is loaded instead)
  • You do not have Windows scaling set to 100%

A: When creating a sensor panel, make sure that you set the scaling in Windows to 100% and that the resolution in Aida64 is correct. The manually set sensor panel dimensions are saved directly in the sensor panel file and are automatically applied when loading for the first time.

Q: How to check the panel size?

  • Right click on "Aida64" Task bar Icon > Settings > SensorPanel > SensorPanel Size

Scaling issues? (Windows)

Fix: Try setting "DPI compatibility mode" for aida64.exe

It's a Windows compatibility setting that you apply on the EXE itself. Locate AIDA64.EXE (C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme) aida64.exe > properties > compatibility > change high DPI settings > activate "Override high DPI Scaling behavior" to System. Scaling performed by: 'System' (from the drop down) > Ok/Apply > Restart Windows > Load/import panel and check if it works now.

Once you've done this, make sure that your SensorPanel properties are set to match the new panel before importing and you have a better chance of being successful.

Troubleshooting not working?

Users who have this scaling problem and cannot resolve the error with the known "fixes" unfortunately have to manually re-align each individual object.

This was a phenomenal, thorough, helpful, and well organized response. I took me forever to figure all this out -- I wish I had run into this wisdom when I first started using Aida64.

  • Thanks 2


I’m sharing with you my one and only creation, which took me several hours of work. Please do not use it for commercial purposes.

I was inspired by Android 15, particularly the bubble-like design in the control/notification panel.

I’m not entirely satisfied with the temperature and percentage bars. Maybe a version 2 will come out soon.

I also lacked inspiration for the "Network Connection" section XD.

. Font used: Tahoma
. Editing software: GIMP
. Resolution 515x1920 (for LCD Hyte y60)

Thank you all for sharing! I hope you’ll like it 😛

(Sorry for the Google translation—my English isn’t the best.)


Bulle.xcf Bulle.sensorpanel

  • Like 10
8 hours ago, casinick said:


Я делюсь с вами своим единственным творением, на которое у меня ушло несколько часов работы. Пожалуйста, не используйте его в коммерческих целях.

Меня вдохновил Android 15, особенно дизайн в виде пузырьков на панели управления/уведомлений.

Я не совсем доволен температурой и процентными полосами. Возможно, скоро выйдет версия 2.

Мне также не хватило вдохновения для раздела «Сетевое подключение» XD.

. Шрифт: Tahoma
. Программное обеспечение для редактирования: GIMP
. Разрешение 515x1920 (для LCD Hyte y60)

Спасибо всем за то, что поделились! Надеюсь, вам понравится 😛

(Извините за перевод Google — мой английский не очень хорош.)


Бюллетень.xcf 658.13 КБ · 5 загрузок Bulle.сенсорная панель 626.05 КБ · 6 загрузок

Thanks friend. I will try to adapt it to 1920/480 screen.

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