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Here a 1920x480 i threw together. Nothing great in it, threw together with gauges i found in my Aida folder so not sure who to credit. May be useful for someone.


Anyone able to tell me why i cant get GPU clock speed on my sensors? Asus TUF RTX 3080



Screenshot 2022-05-25 012914.jpg


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On 5/21/2022 at 9:43 PM, antonio said:


Any way the admins can add a "block user" option for us to ignore these people? This is supposed to be "Share" your panel, not "Sell" your panel.... it was completely shill-free until Jay put up his how-to video then the sharks started to circle... There's nothing stopping you folks from making a "Post your panels for sell" thread... =/

  • Like 3
  • Sad 1
16 hours ago, Exhumed said:

The customer didn't want any pixel lines or squares, but a completely black background and that's what he got.

Good idea, thanks for sharing.

6 minutes ago, ThatManOnTheMoon said:

Wanted to show some media info. Messed with 'Wallpaper Engine' to make the sensorpanel "appear" audio responsive. 

Nice, another way you can do that is leave a space and then use a visualizer plugin for rainmeter. Just set it so it always appears above the panel.

34 minutes ago, Anthony Kolka said:

Nice, another way you can do that is leave a space and then use a visualizer plugin for rainmeter. Just set it so it always appears above the panel.

Not a bad idea. Thought of fully switching over from aida64 actually. 

  • Like 2
4 hours ago, CapnKirk said:

Az adminisztrátorok bármilyen módon hozzáadhatnak egy "felhasználó blokkolása" opciót, hogy figyelmen kívül hagyjuk ezeket az embereket? Ez állítólag "Oszd meg" a paneledet, nem pedig "Eladd"... teljesen shill-mentes volt, amíg Jay fel nem tette a hogyan kell videóját, aztán a cápák elkezdtek körözni... Semmi sem állíthat meg benneteket, emberek attól, hogy "Tegye közzé a paneljeit eladásra" szálat... =/

/ cápák elkezdtek körözni/ igen sajnos igazad van, de látod senki nem csinál semmit. 

  • Sensor Moderators
7 hours ago, CapnKirk said:

Any way the admins can add a "block user" option for us to ignore these people? This is supposed to be "Share" your panel, not "Sell" your panel.... it was completely shill-free until Jay put up his how-to video then the sharks started to circle... There's nothing stopping you folks from making a "Post your panels for sell" thread... =/


4 hours ago, ANDREJ71 said:

/ cápák elkezdtek körözni/ igen sajnos igazad van, de látod senki nem csinál semmit. 

To be honest, I don't know why people are getting upset about the fact that three or four users (including me) from the hundreds of users in the community are now selling their sensor panels instead of offering them for free as before. I have offered more than 10 different sensor panels including graphics here for free and they have been downloaded thousands of times. And some of them are still available for free here on the forum. I even uploaded new graphics here, free of charge for everyone. But that doesn't count anymore. Buuh, bad user, just wants to make money.

I've been working with graphics since the 1990s. Almost all of it was shared by me for free on Deviantart with the community there. But even there my free work was stolen without asking me when it became known. My game icons have been downloaded hundreds of thousands of times and are still being downloaded today. Even professional print magazines printed my icons in their magazines without asking (GameStar, German). Enter Google: "game icons exhumed". Yes, the icons are all mine. But in the meantime it has been imitated dozens of times without asking me beforehand or my layout has simply been stolen. Looks like my icon but it's not. Only I have the original files and can edit and change them as I wish.

I came to this forum to share my work with the community, for free. I'm really not a person who is materially adjusted, I've never been in my life. If someone needs help, no problem I help without payment. The reasons why this has changed have already been mentioned several times and explained plausibly. Deal with it.

But free doesn't seem to be good enough or sufficient for some. Complain to those who don't even manage to do the simplest things, such as naming the author, if they continue to use and upload content that has been made available free of charge. Openly stealing content and reusing it or even offering third-party panels and graphics for sale on other sites. After a while, nobody knows who the actual creator of the sensor panel was, because nobody thinks it necessary to name the user in the newly created download. Even attached credits with license conditions as a text file are ignored. What is he talking about license, or what is Creative Commons 4.0? I have no idea, I just want the sensor panel and I do what I want with it, that often seems to be the motto here.

The forum seems to be a kind of self-service shop for many when comparing reviews and downloads. Only a small number of users say thank you or vote. By the way, these users who can download have previously registered here. No download without registration! So where are the ratings, whether negative or positive, compared to the download numbers? I call it Leecher. Is it that hard to say thank you or to vote?

Behind every sensor panel is a person who has put a lot of work into creating this panel. But regardless of that, the majority of users here continue to exchange their panels with the community and I will continue to offer one or the other for free. But some who complain here don't give anything but bang around loudly. If you click on the profiles and browse for sensor panels, mostly nothing.

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  • Confused 1
11 hours ago, CapnKirk said:

Any way the admins can add a "block user" option for us to ignore these people? This is supposed to be "Share" your panel, not "Sell" your panel.... it was completely shill-free until Jay put up his how-to video then the sharks started to circle... There's nothing stopping you folks from making a "Post your panels for sell" thread... =/

There is an ignore option in the menu when you visit the user profile in the desktop version.

  • Like 1
On 5/19/2022 at 11:06 AM, bibitor31 said:


Seguo il forum da molto tempo, ho usato alcuni sensorpanel postati da altri utenti che ho modificato e adattato alle mie esigenze con GIMP
Ecco il mio piccolo contributo in modalità RGB, in risoluzione 1920x1080, avrai bisogno di font Geforce da installare sul tuo sistema.

scusa per la traduzione se ci sono errori di ortografia.


je suis depuis longtemps le forum, j'ai utilisé certains sensorpanel postés par d'audre utilisateurs que j'ai modifié et adapté à mes besoins avec GIMP
Voici ma petite contribution en mode RGB, en résolution 1920x1080, vous aurez besoin des polices de caractères Geforce à installées sur votre système.

désolé pour la traduction s'il y a des fautes d'orthographe.


bibitor-1920-1080-RGB-Final.sensorpanel 3,13 MB · 85 scaricati geforce-ttf.zip 89.89 Kb · 49 scaricati

Ciao il pannello e molto bello sono alle prime armi mi dici come posso istallarlo su monitor 1024x600 grazie

  • Thanks 1
1 hour ago, Bisis Protetto said:

Ciao il pannello e molto bello sono alle prime armi mi dici come posso istallarlo su monitor 1024x600 grazie

resizing the frame is quite easy, the following is more complicated and tedious you have to resize all the images (gouges) png jpg, which is in the folder (C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme\SensorPanel) in a reasonable size and an acceptable visual that fits into the frame that you will have resized to 1024x600.
I am not a retouching or image creation professional I resize all the images one by one for the creation of the sensorpanel
I don't know if there is an automatic resizing system in AIDA64 at least I never found it ;)

I can try to do it in this resolution but you will have to be patient I do this in my spare time after my day at work to relax :D
sorry for the translation if there are mistakes.

On 4/15/2022 at 9:31 AM, Nick Lechnowskyj said:

Took inspiration from another panel that I found on here. Tried messaging the author to buy the assets and he wouldn't respond so I traced them out. Will have an AI file and panel available for download soon as well as instructions on how to create your own segmented gradient gauge pinwheel.

This particular one is setup for a 1920x480 screen.

Unfortunately, the uploaded image quality suffers. It looks a lot better natively.


Are you able to share this?

On 11/4/2021 at 4:52 AM, Wondersquid said:

Someone will have to make one I checked there are not any that size for download currently

Have you found some  ? I still have issues finding with this resolution


News multicolored sensor in 1920x1080 resolution with customization of the gouges on the bases of sensorpanel found here

You will need Geforce fonts installed on your system.

News capteur multicolore en résolution 1920x1080 avec personnalisation des gouges sur les bases de sensorpanel trouvé ici

Vous aurez besoin des polices Geforce installées sur votre système.

I add a modification of the Background in rgb mode on a black honeycomb background
small update update 28/05/2022 sensorpanel.

je vous rajoute une modification du Background en mode rgb sur un fond noir nid d'abeille
petite mise a jour update 28/05/2022 sensorpanel.



bibitor-1920-1080-multicolor.sensorpanel Background.rar geforce-ttf.zip

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Would someone mind sharing some thoughts on this sensor panel? Somehow I want to improve the look a bit more, but I have no good idea at the moment. I am a fan of graphs and texts.


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16 ore fa, bibitor31 ha detto:

ridimensionare il frame è abbastanza facile, quanto segue è più complicato e noioso devi ridimensionare tutte le immagini (sgorbie) png jpg, che si trova nella cartella (C: \ Program Files (x86) \ FinalWire \ AIDA64 Extreme \ SensorPanel) in una dimensione ragionevole e un visual accettabile che si adatta al frame che avrai ridimensionato a 1024x600.
Non sono un professionista del ritocco o della creazione di immagini, ridimensiona tutte le immagini una ad una per la creazione del pannello
sensore Non so se esiste un sistema di ridimensionamento automatico in AIDA64 almeno non l'ho mai trovato

Posso provare a farlo in questa risoluzione, ma dovrai essere paziente, lo faccio nel mio tempo libero dopo la mia giornata di lavoro per rilassarmi :D
scusa per la traduzione se ci sono errori.

Ciao, sei molto gentile non vorrei approfittarne, ok quando hai tempo libero

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