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Share your Sensorpanels


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On 6/26/2022 at 7:09 AM, Ryu said:

I delete all panels because there is a person who feels uncomfortable with one revised version out of a total of 20 panels.

This is complete bullshit. Ryu, please continue posting your work. Dont worry what others have to say. The people that are 'uncomfortable' with your work are likely jealous of your skills and the fact you are not  begging for money.

To those charging a fee for their panels; it is time to make a sub-forum and flog your stuff there. This forum thread is for SHARING. NOT ADVERTISING. This has been said time after time.

90% of the panels posted here are mods of originals posted. If you dont want your shit copied or modified, dont post it here.

So sad that the premise of this thread has been lost.


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anyone tried making a diablo themed sensor panel? ive took a try at making a basic sensor panel 650x480 and using spacedesk and used my phone but i feel like it could be better. Btw this is Asus themed. still dont know a whole lot about making these fancy and sweet. ive already bookmarked hardware for a new PC case as ive already upgraded my system  hardware and wanting to do something cool for once... as a show piece. any help/advice is appreciated.



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Here's a work in progress for my 1280 x 400 screen. Its mostly taken inspiration from other designs shown here with object from several other previously shared sensorpanels. Credit to those who have designed the various objects previously.






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On 3/21/2022 at 2:28 PM, Too51oll said:

Double sided tape? That is how I've mounted mine. Before and after photos attached. Credit to people who created panels modified by me and used in photos. 







Hi ... any way to get these panels? whats your price? thx in advance ...

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