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  • Sensor Moderators
4 hours ago, JariKoi said:

Yesterday, when I had time, I made my own version and size 515x1920 of this. Maybe I'll change some colors. I still haven't managed to start from scratch, but maybe at some point. :D  Thanks to the original creator @Obivan


looks amazing !!!

  • Like 1
14 hours ago, bobbyq said:

New to Aida64 so just a simple recolouring and change to some elements from a previous panel by @mikevjust playing around really until i figure it all out.

Weather is Rainmeter and all the other data is Aquasuite, low temps courtesy of over the top custom loop, lol.

All this is on an old 1080p monitor so plenty room to play about with.

Hopefully my 7950X will arrive this week and i can set it all up from scratch after the rebuild.



Would you consider sharing your template when you've updated it? Looks awesome!

On 4/19/2023 at 5:56 PM, ch.urban said:

Amazing!! Great Job!! In the future will be good idea to make it vertical orientation..

Hi how do i adjust the sensor panel size? my screen is 1280 x 800

On 3/13/2023 at 1:58 PM, JariKoi said:

Nice work

  • Like 3
On 3/13/2023 at 9:58 PM, JariKoi said:

awesome, simple, is it possible to adjust it a littlebit it to 515x1080 with CPU, GPU, Motherboard, RAM, VRAM, Display?

Like this:

Screenshot 2023-04-28 142954.png

On 4/27/2023 at 10:42 AM, JariKoi said:

Ontem, quando tive tempo, fiz minha própria versão e tamanho 515x1920 disso. Talvez eu mude algumas cores. Ainda não consegui começar do zero, mas talvez em algum momento. :DObrigado ao criador original @Obivan

pic.thumb.png.7ec3993745c34f25305c89849d506271.png  pic2.thumb.png.9569347b46d06276b0fc385584518184.png  pic3.thumb.png.6b1961abc235f81d9fbe42e65f2b302c.png

Hello friend , you cant share this?

2 hours ago, hmfazevedo said:

New one, don't really know what to do on the top.

Maybe try to place the hardware designations to top (shorten them if needed) and fill the void with bigger pictures.
I like the icons and simplicity.

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Le 27/04/2023 à 20:56, Amfibios a dit :

J'ai bien aimé le panneau Plex de Jon et j'ai commencé à travailler pour en faire un moi-même, c'est à quoi ça ressemble jusqu'à présent


J aime beaucoup tu l'aurai pas en format horizontal?

On 11/27/2022 at 2:49 PM, COSTAJUNIOR said:

Project Marshall liked the skin, just get in touch, and order yours. 1920x480



I like the image.   The problem I have with it is that meters are great to display values that change, dials should be values that are manually set.  I would love to create something similar using displays that make sense to me.


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  • Sensor Moderators

RGB - 1920x480px by Exhumed


A simple panel with 7 different (color gradient) background images and a transparent black overlay with white hardware icons.

Info: you can modify the files for personal preferences.

Re-upload: If you re-upload this panel in modified form, you must always credit me as the author of the original files. This information should either be included in the download file or as a mention in the download post.


  1. Install the font first
  2. Import and load the sensor panel

RGB (1920x480)by_Exhumed.rar

  • Like 6
On 9/10/2022 at 8:58 PM, nash076 said:

Well, the first problem is the total file size. I paired it down as much as I can but the folder's still sitting at about 17mb and the limit here is 9.77.

As to remaking it, I made it to be modular so moving around the elements is possible on multiple resolutions. That's about the best I could do in order to let other people mess with it. It took way too much of my personal downtime to make and redoing it for multiple resolutions would take a lot of doing ...

Did you ever figure out how to upload this?   I really like it but could not find the download.  Thanks.



Hi, please find her my first custom SensorPanel (Full HD 1920x1080, with Lamptron HC060 Display).
The "Buttons" left of the Fan/Pump Speeds change colour according to the RPM.
(this Screenshot was taken while running prime95 stress-test)

2023-04-30 21_05_01-Greenshot.jpg

FYI: This template may be inspired by existing designs and elements so this is for my personal use only, no sharing sorry. But you might use it as a inspiration for your own design ;-)

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