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My first and likely only post on here, just an XYZCam ripoff flipped vertically 😂 Couldn't find any verticle panels that I liked so I just edited an existing one, hope someone else benefits from my pain 👍 Also might be a bit rough around the edges since its my first time.

uptodate panel.sensorpanel


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On 12/17/2024 at 1:09 PM, Vimyscout said:

Another panel I put together for free.

As always. Thanks for looking.



Red.zip 258.66 kB · 100 downloads

This is awesome but can someone help me please? I am new to this.

My panel is 1920x480.

So I downloaded the zip and unpacked. Then I go to Aida and Sensor Panel manager (I already have the sensor panel resolution set to 1920x480) and then I select all items in sensorpanel manager and delete everything so its all clean. Then I click import and select the downloaded sensor panel and then this is where the problems start.


This is the sensorpanel I get :


So it enlarged it 2880x720 , none of the sensors are in right spots. Why is this happening? This seems to be with any 1920x480 panel I load. 

What am I doing wrong ? Can someone help please? 


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  • Sensor Moderators
4 hours ago, Omarkoman said:

This is awesome but can someone help me please? I am new to this.

My panel is 1920x480.

So I downloaded the zip and unpacked. Then I go to Aida and Sensor Panel manager (I already have the sensor panel resolution set to 1920x480) and then I select all items in sensorpanel manager and delete everything so its all clean. Then I click import and select the downloaded sensor panel and then this is where the problems start.


This is the sensorpanel I get :


So it enlarged it 2880x720 , none of the sensors are in right spots. Why is this happening? This seems to be with any 1920x480 panel I load. 

What am I doing wrong ? Can someone help please? 


Try following these tips.

Scaling issues?

Q: I import a sensorpanel and its changes the size and re-aranged objects

Q: How to avoid scaling problems with sensor panels?

A: Two things usually cause that

  • You do not have the proper font installed. (The default font is loaded instead)
  • You do not have Windows scaling set to 100%

A: When creating a sensor panel, make sure that you set the scaling in Windows to 100% and that the resolution in Aida64 is correct. The manually set sensor panel dimensions are saved directly in the sensor panel file and are automatically applied when loading for the first time.

Q: How to check the panel size?

  • Right click on "Aida64" Task bar Icon > Settings > SensorPanel > SensorPanel Size

Scaling issues? (Windows)

Fix: Try setting "DPI compatibility mode" for aida64.exe

It's a Windows compatibility setting that you apply on the EXE itself. Locate AIDA64.EXE (C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme) aida64.exe > properties > compatibility > change high DPI settings > activate "Override high DPI Scaling behavior" to System. Scaling performed by: 'System' (from the drop down) > Ok/Apply > Restart Windows > Load/import panel and check if it works now.

Once you've done this, make sure that your SensorPanel properties are set to match the new panel before importing and you have a better chance of being successful.

Troubleshooting not working?

Users who have this scaling problem and cannot resolve the error with the known "fixes" unfortunately have to manually re-align each individual object.



Hi, new to this community. Love all the effort everyone is putting in designing and sharing panel designs.

I'm still waiting for most parts of my new system, nothing special, in a TT Tower 300 case on a stand kit. Idea is to replace the bottom front panel (when standing) by a 7.84" 1280x400px LCD. While waiting I already had some ideas. One of them is an old school type orange LCD, which matches the Gravel & Sand of the Tower 300 case.


  • Like 4
5 hours ago, COSTAJUNIOR said:


  • You do not have the proper font installed. (The default font is loaded instead)
  • You do not have Windows scaling set to 100%


Thank you for this. 

As for points above, I do not have scaling at 100% as I am running Samsung Neo G9 which is a dual 4K screen and everything would be too small, I have scaling set to 150%. 

So how do I make it work ? I change the scaling to 100%, create the sensor panel. Save it all. Restart. Change scaling back to 150% and then start Aida and it will work in correct scaling? 


Is it saying I can not ever run a higher scaling if I want to use the sensor panels and I have to be always at 100%?



  • Like 1
5 hours ago, Omarkoman said:

Thank you for this. 

As for points above, I do not have scaling at 100% as I am running Samsung Neo G9 which is a dual 4K screen and everything would be too small, I have scaling set to 150%. 

So how do I make it work ? I change the scaling to 100%, create the sensor panel. Save it all. Restart. Change scaling back to 150% and then start Aida and it will work in correct scaling? 


Is it saying I can not ever run a higher scaling if I want to use the sensor panels and I have to be always at 100%?



I'm using a 4k monitor too.

As mentioned by @COSTAJUNIOR, the only way is to change the ‘DPI Compatibility mode’ for the aida64.exe file without changing the monitor display scale, provided that the panel skin was created under 100% display scale. 

Go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\FinalWire\AIDA64 Extreme\" and right-click the aida64.exe file" or look for the AIDA64.exe file if you use the portable ZIP package downloaded from AIDA64.

  1. Select the Compatibility tab
  2. Click on the 'Change high DPI settings' button 
  3. Select the "Override high DPI scaling behaviour. Scaling performed by:" and Select 'System' from the drop-down list. Click OK. 
  4. Close and reopen the AIDA64 program.
  5. If the problem persists, restart your Windows.

This method works for me.

Every time you reinstall the AIDA64 program, you'll need to change the ‘DPI Compatibility mode’ for aida64.exe as long you're using a 4k monitor with a display scale higher than 100%.

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ok thanks, that seems to work.

next question is do I need to selec any other settings in the Preferences -> Sensorpanel settings like keep panel topmost, prevent from being minimized, lock panel in position, lock panel size? 

5 minutes ago, Omarkoman said:

ok thanks, that seems to work.

next question is do I need to selec any other settings in the Preferences -> Sensorpanel settings like keep panel topmost, prevent from being minimized, lock panel in position, lock panel size? 

These are my settings from the preferences. You can follow it if you want.



On 12/1/2024 at 11:49 PM, JariKoi said:

I made a quick simple panel. Size is 1920x480 and I am not making it another size. Panel is free to modify. Font is included in the package.


DOWNLOAD - link is valid for 30 days.

Can You reupload panel please 

4 hours ago, grafcenter said:

Can You reupload panel please 

At your request, I updated my publication and the panel is available again. You can go download it.👍

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