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On ‎5‎/‎24‎/‎2019 at 1:50 PM, insp1re2600 said:


Will there be support for the ryujin 360 oled screen for hardware stats on non asus motherboards pulled from wmi?

This would be hugely appreciated.


We've contacted Asus and asked them whether it's possible to access the OLED screen of their device directly.  We'll see what they have to say about this... :)  I'll let you know in this topic once we have an update.

20 hours ago, Fiery said:

We've contacted Asus and asked them whether it's possible to access the OLED screen of their device directly.  We'll see what they have to say about this... :)  I'll let you know in this topic once we have an update.

nice, look forward to it being a native possibility,


this works with cpuz, maybe for insight.


$i = 1
#Generate CPU-Z Log file
Start-process "C:\Program Files\CPUID\CPU-Z\cpuz.exe" -ArgumentList "-txt=cpuinfo" -Wait

$CPUtemp = (((Get-Content "C:\program files\CPUID\CPU-Z\cpuinfo.txt") -match "Temperature 0") -match "Package").substring(16,2)
$CPUpercent = Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | Select -expandproperty loadpercentage
$RAM = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem | Select totalvisiblememorysize, freephysicalmemory
$RAMtotal = [math]::Round($ram.totalvisiblememorysize/1024/1024)
$RAMusage = [math]::Round(($RAM.TotalVisibleMemorySize - $RAM.FreePhysicalMemory)/1024/1024,1)
$IPAddress = Get-NetIPAddress | Where addressfamily -eq "ipv4" | Where interfacealias -NotLike "*loopback*" | Select -first 1 | Select -ExpandProperty ipaddress
$Date = Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yy hh:mm tt"

#XML Stuff
[XML]$XMLfile=Get-Content(“C:\Program Files (x86)\LightingService\OledLastProfile.xml”)
$XMLfile.root.profiles.profile1.main.single.player.setting.text_list.text_string1 = "$date"
$XMLfile.root.profiles.profile1.main.single.player.setting.text_list.text_string2 = "$($env:COMPUTERNAME) - $($IPAddress)"
$XMLfile.root.profiles.profile1.main.single.player.setting.text_list.text_string3 = "CPU: $CPUpercent % / $CPUtemp °C"
$XMLfile.root.profiles.profile1.main.single.player.setting.text_list.text_string4 = "RAM: $RAMUsage GB of $RAMtotal GB"
$XMLfile.save(“C:\Program Files (x86)\LightingService\OledLastProfile.xml”)

Restart-Service lightingservice -Force    
Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
While($i -eq 1)


  • 4 weeks later...
On ‎5‎/‎28‎/‎2019 at 1:35 PM, insp1re2600 said:

nice, look forward to it being a native possibility,


this works with cpuz, maybe for insight.


$i = 1
#Generate CPU-Z Log file
Start-process "C:\Program Files\CPUID\CPU-Z\cpuz.exe" -ArgumentList "-txt=cpuinfo" -Wait

$CPUtemp = (((Get-Content "C:\program files\CPUID\CPU-Z\cpuinfo.txt") -match "Temperature 0") -match "Package").substring(16,2)
$CPUpercent = Get-WmiObject Win32_Processor | Select -expandproperty loadpercentage
$RAM = Get-WmiObject Win32_OperatingSystem | Select totalvisiblememorysize, freephysicalmemory
$RAMtotal = [math]::Round($ram.totalvisiblememorysize/1024/1024)
$RAMusage = [math]::Round(($RAM.TotalVisibleMemorySize - $RAM.FreePhysicalMemory)/1024/1024,1)
$IPAddress = Get-NetIPAddress | Where addressfamily -eq "ipv4" | Where interfacealias -NotLike "*loopback*" | Select -first 1 | Select -ExpandProperty ipaddress
$Date = Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yy hh:mm tt"

#XML Stuff
[XML]$XMLfile=Get-Content(“C:\Program Files (x86)\LightingService\OledLastProfile.xml”)
$XMLfile.root.profiles.profile1.main.single.player.setting.text_list.text_string1 = "$date"
$XMLfile.root.profiles.profile1.main.single.player.setting.text_list.text_string2 = "$($env:COMPUTERNAME) - $($IPAddress)"
$XMLfile.root.profiles.profile1.main.single.player.setting.text_list.text_string3 = "CPU: $CPUpercent % / $CPUtemp °C"
$XMLfile.root.profiles.profile1.main.single.player.setting.text_list.text_string4 = "RAM: $RAMUsage GB of $RAMtotal GB"
$XMLfile.save(“C:\Program Files (x86)\LightingService\OledLastProfile.xml”)

Restart-Service lightingservice -Force    
Start-Sleep -Seconds 15
While($i -eq 1)


I guess this would overwrite an XML file periodically on the file system.  It's not a good idea in the long term, especially if you have a SSD.  We haven't heard back from Asus yet...

  • 7 months later...
On ‎5‎/‎27‎/‎2019 at 4:48 PM, Fiery said:

We've contacted Asus and asked them whether it's possible to access the OLED screen of their device directly.  We'll see what they have to say about this... :)  I'll let you know in this topic once we have an update.

Please note that we haven't received a response from Asus so far.  We've pinged them again today...


ASUS OLED screens only work with ASUS motherboards if you were wondering.  Ryujin 360 will only pull stats from ASUS boards.  I own one but on a full asus build

On 2/15/2020 at 12:59 AM, Mors said:

ASUS OLED screens only work with ASUS motherboards if you were wondering.  Ryujin 360 will only pull stats from ASUS boards.  I own one but on a full asus build

Thank you for the info.  Fortunately it seems to be possible to put an image on the OLED screen from AIDA64 (even on non-Asus motherboards), but we need to clarify the hardware ins and outs before unlocking that feature in order to avoid any potential issues.


Also is there a way to do it in the  opposite direction..  I was wanting to pull some stats from the ASUS Ryujin and Ryou and put them on the sensor panel dashboard.  Right now it doesn't see the stats from the cooler like pump speed etc..  All the other stats I pull directly from your software without issue.  It seems Aida64 doesn't see some specifics of the cooler stats.   

You fix this here and it will work for all models of Ryou and Ryujin ASUS coolers.  They are awesome coolers. 

10 hours ago, Mors said:

Also is there a way to do it in the  opposite direction..  I was wanting to pull some stats from the ASUS Ryujin and Ryou and put them on the sensor panel dashboard.  Right now it doesn't see the stats from the cooler like pump speed etc..  All the other stats I pull directly from your software without issue.  It seems Aida64 doesn't see some specifics of the cooler stats.   

You fix this here and it will work for all models of Ryou and Ryujin ASUS coolers.  They are awesome coolers. 

So far we haven't found a way to read the pump RPM from the Ryujin 360 using its USB connection.  Is there any software that can show you that reading?

  • 1 year later...

Is it possible to make a call like Get-WmiObject and get the response (including some math formula back in Aida64)?


 (Get-WmiObject -Namespace root/WMI -Class AsusAtkWmi_WMNB).DSTS(0x00110013).device_status


  • 1 year later...
On 2/18/2020 at 4:09 AM, Fiery said:

So far we haven't found a way to read the pump RPM from the Ryujin 360 using its USB connection.  Is there any software that can show you that reading?

Rigth now I installed the Eva edition, opening the Armory Create application, in that application you can see the current rpm from cooler.

Since the only connection between cooler and Mobo is the usb port, i guess the information is sent by this; but most probably this is going codified or comething like that

Ryujin II Armory Create.png

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