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gpu power value does not show


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Hello,I m trying to record my gpu power in Watt (into a csv). In my pc (GTX 970) in File - Preferences - Logging , down to the "Power Values" section there is a choice "GPU1". I tried in an other pc (with Titax X) but in "Power Values" section there is only the "GPU1 TDP%" option. Do you know how can I activate the option GPU1 at "Power Values in my second pc? 

Thank you for your time :) 

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3 hours ago, DonSalsero said:

Hello,I m trying to record my gpu power in Watt (into a csv). In my pc (GTX 970) in File - Preferences - Logging , down to the "Power Values" section there is a choice "GPU1". I tried in an other pc (with Titax X) but in "Power Values" section there is only the "GPU1 TDP%" option. Do you know how can I activate the option GPU1 at "Power Values in my second pc? 

Thank you for your time :) 

Not all GPUs can provide a GPU power reading value in Watts.

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On ‎7‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 12:46 PM, DonSalsero said:

Thank you sir. Is there any list of GPUs that can provide power reading values in Watts? 

I'm afraid we don't maintain such a list of devices.

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