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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/19/25 in Posts

  1. Even if you abbreviated "Bullshit," it's still there and everyone recognizes it as such, which isn't okay. We don't allow hate speech or insults against other users here. If you don't like this forum, you're welcome to stay away from this official Aida64 forum. If you continue to behave so destructively, you'll be banned. It's that simple.
    5 points
  2. Here is my first sensor panel i create. Open to all feedback. I don't know how to create custom gauges or else I would have added a couple. Though if anyone wants to share or sell me editable custom gauges - I would be appreciative. Anyway, call it the 80's kid in me, but I like colors. I used a lot of png's for the background, that I found, edited or created. Love to know everyone's thoughts. First Panel.sensorpanel
    5 points
  3. Since you dislike the forum here then why are you here?
    2 points
  4. You are welcome. Cool. Giving me credit for original design would have been cool. But hey. You are free to use and do whatever you want with it. I did after all, post it here for free. Free for anyone to do what they please with it. Just trying to stay with the original premise of this thread. Unlike others.
    2 points
  5. Hello my friend! As I said, suggestions and criticism are always welcome. I use a SECOND 32" monitor exclusively for the panel. Therefore, I have a LOT of space to fill and it ends up being filled with data that is not always 100% important to EVERYONE, especially for those who have tiny monitors, where there is ONLY space for the ESSENTIALS. Much of the data that I put on my panel is ALSO not important to me, but I have SPACE TO SPARE and, for aesthetic reasons, I was careful not to leave ANYTHING FREE. Therefore, I developed the panel thinking about obtaining useful information, but, just as important, a good design. Since the panels are not copyrighted or patented, everyone can download and change them as they wish, excluding what is not interesting or DOES NOT fit. I hope I was clear. A big hug!!! Привет, мой друг! Как я уже сказал, предложения и критика всегда приветствуются. Я использую ВТОРОЙ 32-дюймовый монитор исключительно для панели. Поэтому у меня МНОГО места, которое нужно заполнить, и оно оказывается заполненным данными, которые не всегда на 100% важны ВСЕМ, особенно для тех, у кого маленькие мониторы, где есть место ТОЛЬКО ДЛЯ ГЛАВНОГО. Большая часть данных, которые я размещаю на своей панели, ТАКЖЕ не важны для меня, но у меня есть СВОБОДНОЕ МЕСТО, и по эстетическим причинам я старался не оставлять НИЧЕГО СВОБОДНЫМ. Поэтому я разработал панель, думая о получении полезной информации, но, что не менее важно, о хорошем дизайне. Поскольку панели не защищены авторским правом или патентом, каждый может скачать и изменить их по своему желанию, исключая то, что неинтересно или НЕ подходит. Надеюсь, я ясно выразился. Большое объятия!!! SETUP Gabinete Cooler Master HAF700 Berseker Full Tower Placa Mãe Asus ROG Strix Z790-E Gaming ARGB DDR5 Processador Intel i9 14.900K 6.0GHz Placa de Vídeo Asus TRX 4090 ROG Strix 24GB ARGB GDDR6X Memórias Corsair Vengeance ARGB DDR5 6.000MHz 4x32GB Fonte Corsair AX 1200 Gold 80Plus SSD Kingston Fury Renegade 2TB HD Western Digital Gold 6TB 7.200RPM HD Western Digital Gold 2TB 7.200RPM HD Western Digital Gold 1TB 7.200RPM SSD Kingston XS1000R 1TB Water Cooler Cooler Master MasterLiquid ML360L V2 ARGB Mouse Gamer Logitech G502 Hero ARGB Mouse Pad Gamer Fortrek Speed Mpg102 Monitor Dell UltraSharp 4K 32” Monitor/TV IPS L&G 32” 32SR50F-W Teclado Logitech G213 Prodigy Headset Logitech G635 ARGB Gamepad Microsoft Xbox Gravador de DDV Externo Asus Stylist Diamond Roteador Wireless Intelbras W5-2100G
    2 points
  6. Hello Everyone. Recently i bought 8.8inch display. And for showing sensor pannel on my display i use this aida64 softwere..but only problem is there is no good theme to show on the display..if you see turzx themes they are Pretty good and customizable...but on this softtwere sensor pannel dynamic backgroud vediio and gif not supported ..this is very bad ...but on the other hand there is a another way..and thanks aida64 lcd remote sensor system now i can make any sensor theme with background vedio and gif....but this lcd remote system not that easy customizable like normal sensor pannal..But It's still woking well here i make a 1920x480 sensor panel with dynamic vedio. As always. Thanks for looking. Screen Recording 2025-03-06 203358.mp4
    2 points
  7. File Download: 1920x480 System Monitor - German // Retro 80s neon colors Teal: CPU Magenta: GPU Cyan: RAM Orange: Hard Drives 1920x480_SystemMonitor-Retro80s-neon-colors_by-camo_2.0.zip
    2 points
  8. peux tu nous donner le telechargable s'il te plais? les jauge me plaise beaucoup
    1 point
  9. I got sick of the Sensorpanel opening on the wrong monitor, even with the built in pin feature, that I decided to try and write a powershell script to avoid the issue. This is written with a lot of help from chatgpt. I have attached the powershell script. It should be edited at the top with your desired screen width and height. The script will look through your connected monitors and find one that matches your desired resolution. It will then move and resize your panel to that monitor. If you have more than one monitor with the same resolution as your desired res, then I don't know... I have not taken that into account. If the sensorpanel hasn't started yet, it will loop until it finds it. NOTE: It requires to be run as administrator to work. It can be run on boot with task scheduler. This is my setup: The argument should be: /c start /min "" powershell -WindowStyle Hidden -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File "C:\SensorPanelMoverLoop.ps1" <--- Edit to match the path to where you saved the script. The reason we start it this way through CMD is to avoid the powershell window to flash open on boot. The rest can be left default. Hopefully this helps someone else besides me! SensorPanelMoverLoop.ps1
    1 point
  10. i wish these were shared. I absolutely love every single one! these are beautiful!
    1 point
  11. Misspelled Pump though lol. Otherwise this is very sleek!
    1 point
  12. Welcome the Sci-Fi Dials: "Stratos Paladin-b1"! Size: 1920x480 Need a custom fit? We've got you! Get personalized dimensions on request: 3840x1100 | 1280x800 | 1024x768 | 1920x720 | 1920x1080 & more! Precision that matters: CPU & GPU Utilization: Track real-time performance with 100 state rotating dials for ultimate precision RAM & VRAM Utilization: Unveil memory usage with unmatched clarity and precision with 100 states CPU & GPU Clock: Monitor clock speeds with accuracy across 60 states Please send me a PM to claim your exclusive Sensor Panel. Step Into Tomorrow — Elevate your setup with a seamless fusion of innovation, precision, and cutting-edge design. Explore more on my webpage: Surjeet Skins Fusing Innovation with Art – Data, Reimagined!
    1 point
  13. An intriguing project indeed. We've ordered a VU1 Starter Kit in order to evaluate the product. The LCD facility of AIDA64 would have to be altered and improved considerably to implement support for VU1 though, so please give us a few weeks to work on this. Meanwhile we'd love to see how many other users would be interested in VU meter support, and whether there're alternative hardware solutions.
    1 point
  14. Would it be possible to add an update for the duplicate option? Currently, when we duplicate the sensors, they are not organized in the correct order. Is there a way to fix this issue in a future update?
    1 point
  15. That is all very useful information. Looks great also!
    1 point
  16. In order to mitigate that issue, we will implement hot-plug support for Turing LCD screens in the next AIDA64 beta update.
    1 point
  17. a good panel is never ready, or good enough 😁 2025-03-14.sensorpanel VERSION 03.14 suggestions, comments and criticisms will ALWAYS be welcome
    1 point
  18. Yes, since our memory bandwidth benchmarks utilize multiple processor threads, the more threads that's available for the memory bandwidth benchmarks, the higher scores you can obtain. This is not a generic rule though, since there are certain circumstances when adding more threads to the test would actually lower the memory bandwidth scores. In such cases our benchmarks actually adjust themselves to find the optimal number of threads to obtain the highest possible bandwidth scores.
    1 point
  19. Minimalist templates I have created which contain multiple colour variants (Cyan and Pink is my rigs colour, hence the favouritism in the images provided). Currently available for the following resolutions: 1920x515 1920x480 (Horizontal and Vertical Versions) 1280x800 2560x682 I also have personalised and customised some of the above templates to customer requirements. I'm also currently working on making horizontal versions for each of the above, and on several other resolutions to provide all options for my design. My etsy shop where these are listed are in the link below. https://www.etsy.com/shop/DiffDesignStudio?ref=dashboard-header&section_id=51085510 1920x515: 1920x480 (Vertical): 2560x682: 1920x480 (Horizontal): 1280x800:
    1 point
  20. My second TUF sensor panel. This is for white setups😛
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Thanks, took your design and tweaked it myself for my build. Appreciate your initial design 👍
    1 point
  23. Hi to all! As new I would like to present my first try of design. I have noticed, that some people got in posession LCD's with reolution 1920x720 and there is a lack of sensor panels for that res. And if there are any, they are pricy. As I have fun designing my design is free. What I hate in panels? Too many colours, overloaded with graphics, fonts, etc. I need panel, which is easy to read, straightforward and configurable. And here it is- VU panel. You need to install fonts to let it work properly. Fonts also included. Panel still in progress (eg. network speed bar to be changed to have better fit to the rest of dials...) DamentionDemoRegular.ttf BauhausRegular.ttf BauhausItalic.ttf BauhausBold.ttf BauhausBoldItalic.ttf bauhauslightbt.ttf 2025-01-23.sensorpanel
    1 point
  24. My first and likely only post on here, just an XYZCam ripoff flipped vertically 😂 Couldn't find any verticle panels that I liked so I just edited an existing one, hope someone else benefits from my pain 👍 Also might be a bit rough around the edges since its my first time. uptodate panel.sensorpanel
    1 point
  25. HeyI just bought a ryujin III and I wanted to have a common panel with this one "Moderno Nero" (from https://moderno.freire.ca/nero/) so i did this if it can interest someone (only for asus ryujin AIO) Ryujin AIDA64 - 3.ralcd
    1 point
  26. Any possibility of sharing in 480 x 1920 format?
    1 point
  27. Panel and font in the zip Cheers DB-4.zip
    1 point
  28. @Tony Lou (and other): I apologize for the unnecessary post... I only later saw that the "problem" was solved.
    1 point
  29. Nicely done,how to get it also the viewer m8?
    1 point
  30. Thanks! I love Glow Sticks!
    1 point
  31. Glow Sticks because GLOW STICKS 800x480 Font = "Nasalization Rg" at 1001freefonts as in 'NASA' GlowSticks.sensorpanel
    1 point
  32. This is my default panel thank you
    1 point
  33. Updated this 1920x480 sensor panel if anyone needs HAF 700 Personal S panel Finished.sensorpanel
    1 point
  34. Got bored and made my minimalist panel
    1 point
  35. My sleeper build with custom made screen enclosure and my minimalistic SensorPanel which is available for download on page #387
    1 point
  36. here is my version of sensor panel 1920X480 color.sensorpanel
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Clean, simple, hassle-free. Needed a simple hud when I was gaming. 600 x 1024 2022-11-13.sensorpanel Open 24 Display St.ttf
    1 point
  39. only for sharing not selling , u can leave me msg if u have any idea ~ i'll try to build one for u ~ template size 1920 x 480 template aorus 01.sensorpanel
    1 point
  40. pgain88.sensorpanel I have spent so many hours doing this. I hate my life after taking this long to make this. but it is for me, and I couldn't even find anything similar posted here. I have a wide screen display and i am putting this panel on the far side to be there 24/7. I've tried small screens and tablets and didn't like the performance cost or actual cost. so I've made a sensor panel that fits nicely into my pc theme and is out of the way. it only take up about 3 inches of the screen, which im happy with. anyways, there's more that meets the eye here. some of the icons are interactive! like the WIFI icon, it will change depending on the signal, same with the network upload/download arrows.
    1 point
  41. Just started working on something you might like. I'll post once i get it finished, probably next weekend (work !!!). I'
    1 point
  42. Hi i want to share Dragon sensor panel updated credit goes to @Abso from this thread i've had change the templates resolution to 800 x 600 to fit my panel and i've add some other sensores and changed temperators gauges to classic meters ( Temperator gauges from Wondersquid ) sorry for my english and at the end thanks to Abso for his nice sensorpanel and if you like it please thumbs up cheers DragonMeeter_sensorpanel.36d4e554dd67ba9b26cbc13ce034820e DragonMeter1024x600_sensorpanel.56cab73b5b40a1a568c864a73fa298db
    1 point
  43. 1 point
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