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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. We're currently very busy implementing full support for the upcoming Intel Skylake CPU, and also for Windows 10 RTM, but after then (2 weeks from now) we'll jump on the Adaptec issue.
  2. AFAIK AlphaCool LCDs work fine under Win7 64-bit, so they should also work under Win10. Worst case we can generate a libusb0 driver anytime, and sign it using our digital signature.
  3. AFAIK AlphaCool LCDs work fine under Win7 64-bit, so they should also work under Win10. We've managed to order one of each 3 picoLCD variants last year. It may worth a try contacing their sales to inquire the about the next time they start selling it again. BTW, although not exactly the cheapest option, but the Aquaero 5 and Aquaero 6 Series LCD can also be used in AIDA64. You can also use a Samsung SPF digital frame with AIDA64.
  4. This is getting a bit frustrating now You previously stated that Build 3445 worked fine on your SPF-107H. The latest beta version (Build 3479) works exactly the same as 3445 in regards to how it sends the keep-alive packet. So it only sends it once, when AIDA64 initializes the libusb0 device. Your issue seems a bit like if the frame was forgetting about receiving the keep-alive packet after a few hours, or some other USB communication issue occuring. Can you please check what happens if you revert back to AIDA64 v5.20.3400? (latest stable build) Would it work the same as the latest beta? (3479) Or would it disconnect the frame after a few seconds? BTW, the message "Before update remove some files from disk" looks a bit suspicious to me. What kind of update does it mean? Maybe it refers to firmware update? Because if it does, then there must be a hardware issue, since AIDA64 never sends a firmware update command via the libusb0 connection. If the USB packet gets compromised, then it could be because of a USB cable failure, or an intermittent communication problem between the SPF device and the USB controller of your motherboard. If you happen to have multiple USB controllers on your motherboard, like one for USB 2.0 and another for USB 3.0, then it would be useful to know if the issue goes away (or gets better or worse) by switching to a USB port that belongs to the other USB controller. It would also be great if you could try it with a different USB cable as well. BTW #2, this whole SPF issue would be a lot easier to investigate if there were only one variant of a particular SPF device model. But since there're multiple versions of SPF-87H and 107H as well, even if we bought e.g. a 107H of our own, it may or may not be the exact same model that you've got, and so it may not be useful at all to try and reproduce the issues you're experiencing. The whole Samsung SPF model portfolio is a big mess, and it's quite a challenge for us to support all the different models and variants with a single code base, and preferably without you having to play with setting various options. But, if nothing else works, and we can be 100% certain that it's not due to an intermittent hardware failure in your case, then we can implement a new option about the keep-alive packet, to let you configure the keep-alive packet sending interval.
  5. AIDA64 for Android app currently doesn't support placing any readings on the notification bar. We are currently gathering ideas about various ways to export or display sensor readings, e.g. floating window, notification bar, Android Wear, sending the readings to AIDA64 running on a Windows PC, sending the readings to AIDA64 running on another mobile device, etc. Regards, Fiery
  6. Thank you, please continue reporting any issues, and also post your ideas on future improvements related to Samsung SPF support
  7. We've added support for Modding-FAQ USB-LCD Lowcost Edition, as described at: http://www.modding-faq.de/index.php?artid=615 You can enable the LCD device from AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / LCD / Modding-FAQ. You can find the new AIDA64 beta update at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Please let us know if you find any difficulties enabling or using this new feature. Also let us know if you've got another kind of LCD or VFD device that is currently unsupported by AIDA64. BTW, Saitek X52 Pro and Pro Flight Instrument Panel displays are also supported now by the latest AIDA64 beta. Regards, Fiery
  8. This could well go under the Brainstorming forum, but I thought I'd ask your opinion in the Hardware Monitoring forum instead, since many enthusiasts using SensorPanel, LCD and OSD Panel modules tend to visit this forum frequently. So, we're considering implementing support for Corsair K65 RGB, Corsair K70 RGB, Corsair K95 RGB, Logitech G910 Orion Spark and Razer BlackWidow Chroma RGB keyboards. By individually lighting keys and being able to use custom color for each key, some fancy effects can be achieved. Question is: how should we utilize such capabilities of RGB keyboards? A few ideas we've already come up with: 1) The row or column of F-keys (function keys), G-keys, number keys, or even the numeric keypad or the main QWERTY block may be used as a horizontal or vertical bar. It may be perfect to show such readings like CPU utilization or GPU utilization. I think it would look best if it went from green to red, but it may be possible to use individual colours for min/limit1/limit2/max, just as with the LCD and SensorPanel Sensor Item bars. 2) The main QWERTY block of alphabet keys may be used to show 2, 3 or maybe even 4 big numbers, although the non-regular matrix of keys may make it look a bit odd. And of course, you might have to look at it from a bit of a distance to read the numbers quickly. 3) By combining the F-keys, number keys and the numeric keypad would enable showing 2-digit numbers directly. So for example, 24 Celsius CPU temperature may be represented as lighting up F2 key (to stand for "2"), and number 4 key together in the same time. Considering the F-key row is right on top of the number key row, this solution should be easy to read and interpret. Using the numeric keypad may not be the best idea though, since it would be too far from the location of the other digit (F-key row or number row). 4) It may be possible to put the status of a temperature, voltage or fan speed reading on a single key, without showing the actual readout value. So e.g. the "C" key would be lit green when the CPU temperature is cool, yellow when it's above 50 Celsius, orange when it's above 60 Celsius, and red when it's above 70 Celsius. Similarly, motherboard temperature would be indicated on the "M" key, HDD temperature on the "H" key, CPU fan on the "F" key, etc. What do you think about those ideas? What else do you think would be a good idea? Do you already own a G910 or a BlackWidow Chroma, and you think you would be interested in using this feature? Thanks, Fiery
  9. I'm afraid there's nothing new I could report about this feature request
  10. Adaptec RAID support would require us to use Adaptec's own Storarc SDK, which would also require us to bundle an Adaptec-made DLL in the AIDA64 package. That is not something we would normally do, since it may raise a lot of issues that are hard to track down and solve. We'll re-evaluate the Adaptec SDK to see how could we implement RAID support for those products in a future version of AIDA64. BTW, HD Sentinel also has got multiple data exporting facilities. It can export the data to XML, Registry, and it also has got a proprietary API that you can utilize. Future versions will also implement support for shared memory and WMI, but for the future HD Sentinel roadmap you need to contact the author of that software.
  11. I suppose the issue then must be related to your external HDD. Either its controller has some hardware or driver issue, or AIDA64 monitoring module collides with its driver somehow. Such collision could cause the driver to "eject" the device from the system, and that ejection could well cause AIDA64 to crash as well It would be worth checking out if everything is alright with the HDD. As a last resort you can disable external HDD temperature monitoring in AIDA64.
  12. I'm afraid transparency is not supported by the LCD/SensorPanel rendering module of AIDA64. You can however play with the Z-order of items, so you can place e.g. a Simple Sensor Item or a Static Label on top of a bar, or you can put a thin bar over a thicker bar, etc.
  13. Great It would be nice to get to a point where the Samsung LCD module could settle down and work reliably for all of you I have no idea, but probably yes
  14. Goes south = goes bad, gets f* up
  15. How is that possible? I mean, AIDA64 does not write anything on the internal storage of SPF devices...
  16. When it goes south, please post the full USB Dump, since it would be important to see the other lists of devices.
  17. I'm not sure what exactly do you want to achieve, but it may be possible to do that via the custom gauge states. If you define all states, you can have the images rotated depending on the value of the sensor reading. Or, you can define an image only for certain states (like only one for 0% and another one for 100%, but nothing in between), and then for the middle states the image will disappear from the LCD.
  18. The hot-plug feature should not be related to this issue. The next time it happens, please go to main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / LCD / Samsung, and check what the error message is. Then close the Preferences window by pressing Cancel button, and right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> System Debug --> USB Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic. That dump along with the error message will help us to better understand what the problem might be after cold start. Thank you
  19. I'm glad it worked out, thank you for the feedback
  20. I'm afraid date and time formatting is still not supported by AIDA64. We currently have no plans to implement such a sophisticated date formatting solution. Regards, Fiery
  21. Here's the above mentioned new AIDA64 beta update that implements hot-plug support for Samsung frames: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta
  22. Please upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know if it makes a difference
  23. Please try the latest AIDA64 Engineer beta version, and let me know if it helps: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64eebeta
  24. Why do you let AIDA64 run in the background? Do you use the OSD Panel, LCD or Desktop Gadget feature? If yes, then what values do you monitor on your system? Do you use the latest version of AIDA64 v5.20?
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