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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. Can you please perform the same test that I've explained 1 post above? By adding your device to the JPEG file size limiter module, you may be able to avoid LCD issues. Although, considering the conservative (read: low) JPEG quality you have configured, I'm not sure if your issue is really due to the JPEG image size limit of your SPF device...
  2. The more complex layout you design, the lower you have to set the JPEG compression quality to stay below the "red line", ie. the maximum JPEG image size your SPF device accepts. Yes and no SPF devices only accept compressed JPEG images, so AIDA64 has to compress the rendered bitmaps anyway, regardless of the JPEG compression quality you choose to configure. We've also implemented a trick to automatically lower the JPEG compression quality, but it has to be enabled on a one-by-one case basis, since it requires user testing on every SPF variants. If you could help us test your device's capabilities (about accepted frame size limit), we can add your device to the JPEG file size limiter module. All you have to do is: 1) Close AIDA64 2) Open AIDA64.INI file (in the AIDA64 installation folder), and find the line: HWMonSPLCDRandomImg=0 3) Change 0 to 1 to enable sending random image to the SPF device. 4) Also change the following line in the AIDA64.INI file: HWMonSPLCDJPEGQual=99 Make sure to have it configured to 99 5) Save the AIDA64.INI file, and launch AIDA64 again. 6) AIDA64 will now display a fully random image, and place it as a JPEG file on your Windows Desktop as well. Make a photo of the output (the image you can see on your SPF device) using your mobile phone or a digital camera. 7) Send us the JPEG file placed on your Windows Desktop, the photo that you took of the SPF, and the USB device ID of your SPF device (or an USB Dump if you don't know it by heart). We'll check how it works
  3. That's odd, since it should indicate the number of logged on users only. Can you please check how many users are listed on the Server / Logon page in AIDA64? And what Windows version do you have installed?
  4. What SPF LCD do you have? (please post the USB device ID as well if you know it) What JPEG compression quality do you have configured? Have you tried to lower the JPEG compression quality?
  5. It definitely sounds an interesting idea, but would also involve a lot of development efforts on our end, if we wanted to implement this in the right way. We wouldn't be satisfied with a quick & sirty solution for sure We would also have to implement anti-aliasing in the rendering engine to make the needles look best. I cannot promise anything right now, but we will try to make this happen sometime.
  6. Please avoid posting a single issue into multiple topics. I've replied in your other topic
  7. What you need to do is open port 8080 (or 8081, it's your choice) in the firewall of your internet router, and tell the router that it should forward the traffic through that port to your main PC, on the same TCP/IP port. You may also need to set a fixed IP address for your PC inside your LAN too. Refer to the manual of your router for more details. Regards, Fiery
  8. In order to let us dig deeper (investigate this issue), please send us a few debug dumps of your system: 1) Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> ISA Sensor Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic. 2) Then right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> Embedded Controller Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic. 3) Also right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Video Debug --> nVIDIA GPU Registers. Copy-paste the full results into this topic. 4) Also right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Video Debug --> nVIDIA SMBus Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic. If you're running Windows 10, you may have to enable the status bar first, in AIDA64 / main menu / View. Thanks, Fiery
  9. We will check this out on our own HeatMaster 2 today. We haven't experienced any issues before, but maybe we haven't tried all combinations about fans. Let me know which connectors do you use, how many fans you've got. Thanks, Fiery
  10. The issue will be fixed in the next AIDA64 beta update due in a few days from now. Regards, Fiery
  11. It's not because of the trial limitations. It's rather because your motherboard is not capable of monitoring VCCSA and CPU Cache voltage rails. What it can do is alter the voltage settings, but it is not monitoring I'm afraid.
  12. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> ISA Sensor Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic. In case you're running Windows 10, then you may have to enable the status bar first in AIDA64 / main menu / View. Thanks, Fiery
  13. Are you using your Kingston memory modules at DDR4-2133 or DDR4-2400 setting? If you're running at DDR4-2400 -- which is considered overclock with your CPU --, then try to up the command rate (also known as tCR or tCMD) from 1T to 2T. Also verify if the IMC is actually driving your memory modules at the rated voltage, as specified by Kingston.
  14. Those simple 1, 2 or 3 pixel width lines, without anti-aliasing don't look all that great IMHO And even if we did that the simple (easy) way, customizations on needle length (and/or dial diameter), needle colour and needle width would still be necessary -- of course for all 3 needles separately Users would also expect us to bundle various dial images (in multiple sizes, of course), and that could easily raise IP (copyright) issues. Not to mention the issues about frame updates: even with a digital clock many users complain about the irregular updating of the clock, ie. the update pace is not exactly following the clock's 1 second pace. The occasionally missed seconds would look even worse with an analog clock.
  15. It renders the image using a backbuffer in the system memory (RAM).
  16. I'm afraid we're not planning to do that. The problem is: it's not like any other sensor items where you can display a value using a fixed formatting method. Everyone would like to customize every bits of the date display, and the hardware monitoring module of AIDA64 doesn't support such deep customizations on a measured/detected value. It would indeed be nice, but the AIDA64 LCD/SensorPanel rendering engine wouldn't be capable of rendering a really nice analog clock, with a properly rendered needle. That's the reason behind not supporting classic analog gauges as well.
  17. Thank you for your help about test runs.
  18. Is your CPU or RAM overclocked, power limit unlocked or otherwise tweaked from their factory default settings?
  19. Windows 10 universal apps have the same limitations as Windows Phone 8.1 apps using WinRT API. The API itself does not expose any interface to let apps measure temperatures. WP8 based devices themselves -- based on Qualcomm SoCs -- do measure over a dozen of temperatures, and the Windows Phone kernel manages those temperatures in individual thermal zones, but sadly Microsoft didn't implement an API in WinRT to access the thermal zones I personally of course understand that there's a reason behind using a strong sandboxing environment, to assure the maximum security and stability of the system, but a read-only access to temperatures wouldn't hurt too much Same goes for clocks: Windows Phone 8.x and Windows 10 Mobile kernels can measure CPU and other clock speeds easily, but they don't expose those measurements to apps. BTW, we've issued a feedback to Microsoft, asking for the implementation of a WinRT thermal management API, but I don't think it would be get done before next year.
  20. I'm afraid only Samsung SPF digital picture frames are supported, and the AX206 based hacked firmware little frames like Pearl, e.g.: http://www.ebay.com/itm/NEU-lcd4linux-2-4-DPF-Coolstream-Dreambox-Enigma-Neutrino-Pearl-Display-/121723739706?hash=item1c574cde3a
  21. You can change the poll rate in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / Update Frequency. Regards, Fiery
  22. We've implemented sensor support for Asetek VI based (NZXT Kraken X31, X41 and X61; Corsair H80iGT, H100iGTX and H110iGTX) water cooling devices in the following new AIDA64 beta update: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta It also supports multiple Asetek LC and Asetek VI based sensor devices, just as you've requested
  23. We've fixed the issue in the latest AIDA64 beta update available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta
  24. Here's the first AIDA64 to support RAID member enumeration on Adaptec RAID controllers: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Please note that it's not capable of measuring temperature of Adaptec RAID member drives just yet. It should come in the upcoming days though. Until then, please check if your drives properly appear on the Storage / ATA page now, and that you don't see any anomalies or instability while using this AIDA64 beta on your Adapec RAID system.
  25. Here's the mentioned new AIDA64 beta update: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta
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