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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. Fiery

    Force close

    What kind of Windows do you have installed on the problemous computer? Thanks, Fiery
  2. I'm glad it works fine, thank you for the feedback
  3. We'll soon implement a control string feature for Static Labels, as explained in the second half of the following forum topic: http://forums.aida64.com/topic/2610-logitech-arx-control-lcd-for-smartphones-and-tablets/ And as I've requested in my last post there, please post your ideas on other control strings. Please avoid posting *.* there Just focus on the values that you really and definitely want to see on your LCD. We cannot add hundreds of values just because they might come useful one day, but we definitely can add a lot more than the initial set of 7 options.
  4. We'll add the following 7 control strings for Static Labels in the next AIDA64 beta update due next week: $CPUMODEL $DXVER (DirectX version) $HOSTNAME $LOCALIP $MOBOMODEL $OSPRODUCT (Windows product name) $USERNAME Please let me know if you have more ideas on such control strings. They will be detected once per session, so they must be fairly static (constant) values.
  5. Thank you for the feedback. As for the master volume issue, I'm not sure if I understand the actual problem. I've just tried it with a master volume bar graph (the way I see it on your screen shot), and it reflected -36% as a value after muting the volume, and the bar graph itself showed no value, so it basically showed no volume (0%). I would think that's the proper way to show the volume. I used 0-100% range for the bar graph. Or maybe you mean the graph, and not the bar graph? As for the uptime under Win8, yes, it is the way it works with Win8.x, and AFAIK it's not possible to fix it from a software. If you're too bothered by that, then you may have to disable the fast shutdown feature of Win8.x.
  6. The macros would be a fixed, pre-defined set, so you would have to choose from them, by clicking on the "V" button next to the dropdown list. You wouldn't have to create, open or maintain any text files or any other files. As an example, if you would want to put a label on your LCD with a caption of your local IP address, in the Label field on the Static Label configuration panel you would write: $LOCALIP And then, when the LCD is rendered, AIDA64 will not display "$LOCALIP" on the label caption, but instead it would replace the $LOCALIP text with the actual local IP address of e.g. Other such macros could be: $CPUMODEL $MOBOMODEL $HOSTNAME $USERNAME $OSPRODUCT (Windows product name) $DXVER (DirectX Version) etc. You could also combine those macros in a single label, so you can specify the caption as e.g. "$MOBOMODEL / $CPUMODEL"
  7. 1) We've implemented two new hardware monitor items, Time (HH:MM) (means Time without seconds) and UpTime (HH:MM) (means UpTime without seconds). 2) We've implemented a new bar option called "Right To Left" to let you change the direction of bar graphs. It's right below the "3D effect" checkbox, and will change its label automatically to "Top To Bottom" in case you configure a vertical bar Make sure to upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works ----- As for your idea about macros, well, that sounds like a very flexible but also very complicated method. We will have to find something in between. Maybe something like a dropdown list of macros for the Static Label's label field. The list of macros would be like "$LOCALIP", "$CPUTYPE", etc. That way it wouldn't require us to add more dynamic hardware monitor items, and the labels wouldn't have to be updated more than once per session, so it wouldn't put any additional overhead on either the main computer or the mobile device. What do you think?
  8. We've implemented increased accuracy for temperature measurement and temperature display in the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta You can change the default zero decimal digits for temperature readouts (which is the legacy method) in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring. Note that the increased display accuracy will be reflected in all AIDA64 modules, including the Computer / Sensor page, RemoteSensor, Logitech Arx, LCD, SensorPanel, OSD Panel, Sidebar Gadget, Logging, etc. Except for the Sensor Icons where there's no room to display the decimal digits. As for the actual measurement accuracy, it is not available for most sensor devices, so don't be surprised to see a lot of "37.00 Celsius" or "32.00 Celsius" temperature readings. It is of course available for the Aquaero and Aquaduct Let me know how it works
  9. I've replied in the other topic where you've posted the same question. If it's possible, please avoid posting questions into multiple topics.
  10. We had to put that project on hold. It's very difficult to properly handle the GTT, especially when you've got a lot of sensor items on your layout. The GTT interface has a lot of constraints, and we have to make a lot of compromises and apply a lot of workarounds to get around the GTT limitations. We've focused (and still focus) our efforts on the RemoteSensor and Logitech Arx modules, since they target a lot more potential users than the GTT module, and those modules are far less easier to develop and maintain than the GTT module. Using RemoteSensor or Logitech Arx, you can use a much better, and much more sophisticated LCD layout than what you would ever be able to achieve with the GTT.
  11. When an Aquacomputer device is connected via Aquabus, then AIDA64 should be able to provide sensor information for it. However, when a non-Aquaero/Aquaduct device is connected via USB, it's not handled by AIDA64 currently. We'll work on that. As for Aquasuite, we currently have no plans to import data from that application.
  12. 1) Thank you, we'll add S19C200 in the next AIDA64 beta update due in a few days from now. 2) Since that virtual device has no identification values put in the EDID block (like model name or vendor name), we cannot add it to the monitor database. 3) We've seen such issues before. It is simply because the USB controller of the device fails to set the USB field indicating the current USB rate in use properly. We unfortunately cannot fix that from software. Regards, Fiery
  13. Exactly. The problem with that is that currently AIDA64 supports completely static labels with a content specified by the user (called Static Labels) and simple sensor items, but the proposed idea of having static labels that are updated once at application startup is something that would be in between those two sensor item types. Something called Semi-Static Labels or Session-Static Labels would do the job, but it's not something that would work with the current AIDA64 hardware monitoring framework.
  14. Thank you for the feedback. Please note that core temperatures are not provided by most modern APUs properly. Those APUs provide reliable temperature readings only under heavy load. At idle they tend to provide temperature readings well below ambient (room) temperature.
  15. There's the 4.3-inch LCDInfo USBD480 display, but it's a bare device, so you have to get a frame for it. But, it may worth contacting its developer, Henri Skippari, maybe he can get a frame and stand for the device and supply you with a complete solution: http://www.lcdinfo.com/contact.html Option #2 may be a DisplayLink capable USB connected external LCD, although most of those would be 7-inch or larger. Option #3 may be using a mobile device with Logitech Arx Control or RemoteSensor. Even the very first iPad would work great with RemoteSensor, so if you've got an old tablet lost & forgotten in one of your drawers, it may worth trying it out
  16. How would you imagine a good user interface? What is wrong with the way it works currently? We're open to ideas and improvement requests
  17. We've already prepared AIDA64 to properly handle the new firmware. It wasn't tested yet, but it should work.
  18. Do you mean it is missing from the list of available items when you try adding it on the page AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / LCD / LCD Items?
  19. We'll give it a second thought You cannot rename items on the Computer / Sensor page, but you can rename them in the hardware monitoring modules like OSD Panel, Desktop Gadget, SensorPanel, LCD (including RemoteSensor and Logitech Arx integration).
  20. It's actually a complicated subject that we've already started debating with Darkje in the following forum topic: http://forums.aida64.com/topic/2616-sensorpanel-suggestion-and-fan-control/ We'll keep gathering feedbacks and requests from AIDA64 v5.00 users, and in case there's a considerable demand for adding more constant (as opposed to frequently changing) values, we'll expand the list of items to monitor in the next AIDA64 update. I'm glad you like it, we've spent quite some time to come up with a solution that is more user-friendly than the old Preferences layout We're planning to apply more changes towards that direction through January and February, so make sure to post your ideas into this topic or other SensorPanel, RemoteSensor or Logitech Arx related forum topics
  21. If you use the same Ethernet connection for your internet access and your RemoteSensor access, then the counters will include both traffic of course. So for example, if you have a notebook, and you use the notebook's WiFi connection to connect to the internet via your WiFi router, and you use the same WiFi connection for RemoteSensor, then it will not be possible to separate the two different traffic types on your notebook. The counters will include both kind of traffic. But, unless you have a very complex LCD layout with a very fast update frequency (500 milliseconds), the RemoteSensor module will not consume that much network traffic. We've designed it to let you use it on cellular data networks as well, although obviously not for days or weeks constantly
  22. It is possible to use it via USB, as long as your mobile device can access your main PC by the USB connection acting as an Ethernet interface. But in case you've got a WiFi network, your wireless local network traffic (which is used by RemoteSensor) will not be counted in your internet bill of course. Just make sure to use your local IP address, which is typically in the form of 192.168.x.y
  23. The RemoteSensor module doesn't use a DLL and wouldn't report about a missing DLL. Are you sure you've activated the RemoteSensor LCD support in the AIDA64 Preferences? Or maybe you're trying to activate the Logitech Arx Control module?
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