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Everything posted by p1r473

  1. Any update on iCue nexus support? Doesnt seen to be any option in Preferences->LCD
  2. I have been having an issue for the last 2 driver releases 397.93+397.64 where Windows is hanging/freezing constantly. 30 seconds after I log into Windows, roughly around the time Aida64 loads, it will hang for like 5 minutes. Then it will be fine, but it will freeze again and again later for a few minutes each time. There does not seem to be anything related to the drivers in the event viewer at the time of the hang. 391.35 works perfectly and I keep having to roll back to it. I have done the driver upgrades with DDU, and also without my SLI bridge. Nothing is helping. I have 2x 1080 TI in SLI.
  3. I have been having an issue for the last 2 driver releases 397.93+397.64 where Windows is hanging/freezing constantly. 30 seconds after I log into Windows, roughly around the time Aida64 loads, it will hang for like 5 minutes. Then it will be fine, but it will freeze again and again later for a few minutes each time. There does not seem to be anything related to the drivers in the event viewer at the time of the hang. 391.35 works perfectly and I keep having to roll back to it. I have done the driver upgrades with DDU, and also without my SLI bridge. Nothing is helping. I have 2x 1080 TI in SLI.
  4. I have been having an issue for the last 2 driver releases 397.93+397.64 where Windows is hanging/freezing constantly. 30 seconds after I log into Windows, roughly around the time Aida64 loads, it will hang for like 5 minutes. Then it will be fine, but it will freeze again and again later for a few minutes each time. There does not seem to be anything related to the drivers in the event viewer at the time of the hang. 391.35 works perfectly and I keep having to roll back to it. I have done the driver upgrades with DDU, and also without my SLI bridge. Nothing is helping. I have 2x 1080 TI in SLI.
  5. Here's my current panel. Tell me what you think! I'm running it on a 7 inch touch screen raspberry pi next to my PC remotesensor.rslcd
  6. Hi, Using IceWeasel. I managed to fix it. What I had to do was go into each element, change the color from black to a random color, then back to black. Now it works.
  7. Hi, this is how my remote sensor looks in Aida64: https://i.imgur.com/pbDKfF9.jpg And here is how it actually looks: https://i.imgur.com/CPHrPii.jpg You can see many problems. Font that should be black is white. Font thats white should be black. Labels aren't filling in (like on the bar above the gauge)
  8. When I open the page on my phone or raspberry pi (no touch screen), the page is super small. How can I make this much much bigger? And how can I have a better idea of what it will look like during preview mode?
  9. I am quoting JazJon, he said "I've tested the Mediasonic ProBox 3.5" SATA Hard Drive Enclosure - USB 3.0 SuperSpeed (K32-SU3) and have added the necessary data to BitFlock.com. Just restart the StableBit Scanner service (or reboot) and you should now have full IDENTIFY and SMART data. (and so will everyone else) This is better than Unsafe, because it doesn't have to "probe" the enclosure which could crash it. It simply asks our cloud for the correct method to use." You had said you wanted an AIDA64 tester to test if it works but... it looks like it only works if I use aida64 with StableBit Scanner rather than using the unsafe method that is causing crashes? I want to be able to monitor my enclosure temperature with aida64 without needing a 2nd application, in this case StableBit Scanner I am responding to the last 2 posts. the guy said he got aida64 to work with the enclosure if he used stablebit scanner, but I dont want to use that. I only want to use aida64. So I was wondering if you were able to use the method they use to get it to work (the method: It simply asks our cloud for the correct method to use.)
  10. Is it possible to incorporate the new functionality of "asking the cloud which to use" from stablebit scanner into aida64, so I dont have to download stablebit scanner, and can only use aida64 standalone and still monitor my enclosure temperature?
  11. Thanks, I was able to get it to work by changing which screen is used on the dropdown box in AIDA under LCD
  12. Its possible that because youre using a different box, we actually might have different chipsets, as i was not able to verify 100% what chipset mine uses
  13. NEC/RENESAS USB3 Controller uPD720200 driver version firmware: The disconnects are only on usb 3.0. I hope you can get your box working
  14. Any luck tracking down that enclosure for testing?
  15. Hi, I have both a logitech g19 keyboard, and a g13 gaming keypad. both have a different sized screen. aida64 will output to one but not the other. because both screens are differet, id like to display different info to different screens.
  16. Hi, I have tried to get the admins at their forums in touch with you guys, but they have not responded over there. Have they contacted you, or have you managed to find an enclosure? I am quite eager to finally be able to use your software fully once again Thanks
  17. I know that the HD6-SU3-BK uses the VIA VL700, but the box im using, the K32-SU3, Im not 100% sure if it even uses that. They are by the same company, and seem to be really similar. Im going to ask at the Mediasonic forums and find out what mine uses and whether or not they can maybe get one to Hungary
  18. Well I just had a dismount with disable_cypress so Im back to square one now. Ive had dismounts on everything but oxford, and oxford just causes the drives to not show up in the storage->smart screen So I have no idea at this point. Im probably having issues with 2+ of these guys, and I think this level of testing is beyond me. I'd emplore you to buy the unit but from a better retailer this time
  19. Ok here are my findings about the existence of each file disable_atapt- dismount disable_jmicron- dismount disable_sunplus- dismount disable_oxford- drive doesnt show up in aida64 disable_cypress- no dismount So basically, atapt, jmicron, and sunplus methods being disabled have no effect and I still dismount. Disabling oxford prevents the drive from showing up in the storage->smart screen, which I think makes it stable but only because it cant see the drove. Disabling cypress caused no dismount, and drive was visible So i >>THINK<< cypress is the culprit. Im going to leave SMART on for now and have cypress disabled, and see throughout the week if there are any dismounts while having only cypress disabled
  20. Is there any easy way to force the dismount, its being really stable right now and isnt dismounting like it should with none disabled. Im copying files but so far no dismounts, is there an easier way?
  21. I will test them all out and will report back soon as my testing is done Is there anything that might help generate a dismount? I tried a RAID dump with the option enabled but did not produce a dismount. It is sometimes stable, sometimes not, and right now its being very stable Should I have them disabled only one at a time, or once one is disabled, I contrinue with the rest of the disabled ones? Also, could a few of them being cuasing the issue, or is it only one? Like once I find one that doesnt dismount, can I stop the tests or do I keep going?
  22. Hi, have you guys worked out the bugs yet? Thanks
  23. Thanks very much! Pease let me know when its safe to turn SMART back on! The changelogs dont make much sense to me Thanks
  24. Thanks. Hopefully the device you ordered will be similar enough to mine to fix the problem on both devices
  25. Anything else you guys need to fix this? I really miss being able to view my external's temperatures on my logitech lcd
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