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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. On this forum. Some posts have thumbnails & when I click on them a window opens but it just sits and indicates loading, pictures do not load. It functioned properly previously. edit: The thumbnails on the AIDA64 website load and function properly. edit: screenshot of fail condition -->{http://www.h8bs.com/thumbnailfail.png}
  2. Clicking on thumbnails no longer loads the pictures for me (both Firefox & IE). Is this because you stopped hosting pictures on your server? Or do I need to search for the fail at my end?
  3. Thank you, and due to no correction I will assume those two values do define the SensorPanel position on the desktop.
  4. Would also like to fine tune the position on the desktop.., is that defined by: SensorPanelPosX SensorPanelPosY in the Registry? And should I unlock the SensorPanel position before making changes?
  5. Simple fix, resubscribe for updates
  6. Auto Download/Install worked beautifully... 2 thoughts. 1. I save the unpacked file in case I have to do a reinstall... is it possible to specify where to save a copy? (& remember location) 2. lesser importance, but an option to view release notes would be nice also. Great stuff, thank you. Edit: I think I said that wrong... I save the zip file, not the unpacked program files
  7. I use Eset. When I researched for an antivirus program 3 years ago I found Eset had a small footprint and high virus detection success. No complaints so far, but am not sure how it ranks today.
  8. It appears not... a reply from APC: Oh well, C'est la vie.
  9. AIDA64 shows the APC Battery backup I have on the system But it shows no battery under Power Management Is this as it should be?
  10. I understand about "Modern Wo/Man's" need for instant gratification and your need/desire to address the largest segment of your base. But I believe if the flow is properly implemented, it would not be too difficult to use multiple sensors on a single graph. - user selects sensor to be graphed - if multiple graphs defined, AIDA64 lists the defined graphs and asks which graph to associate the sensor with - check sensor/graph limit - if 1 graph is defines, AIDA64 associates the sensor to that graph - check sensor/graph limit - if no graph is defined, AIDA64 goes to the graph defining page The define graph selection button could be below the import & export buttons on the SenSorPanel manager, with a list of already defined graphs below that. I would not look for AIDA64 to test the sensor value ranges for compliance to defined graph limits. Perhaps graphing would be an option reserved for the "advanced" formatting section? Being able to graph multiple sensors would be extremely powerful as one could easily see the real time correlation between sensors... plus saving desktop real estate. Just food for thought.... I have great patience. Cosmetic update of my current panel: Edit: attachments deleted for space Edit: the ability to apply a bias to a sensor value to be graphed would also be useful... i.e. a value that normally runs X amount less than another sensor's value could be biased up by X to show both on a smaller graph height. I know i did not say that very well, but hopefully it is understandable. Then to take that to the Extreme, the ability to label the left/right Y axis individually... both title and values... not necessarily display the min/max values entered in the graph design module..
  11. Great! Looking forward to the growth of SensorPanel. I do have a slightly differing opinion as to the SensorPanel Manager's "complexity". I believe it is more a case of requiring proper planning due to the pixel level formatting capability. As in all things, the more powerful a tool, the greater the control that must implemented. Bottom line, I hope "simplifying" the user interface will not be at the expense of flexibility.
  12. As this is the "Brainstorming" sub-forum, I thought I would throw out a couple thoughts, which may have already been considered. 1.Graphing function/object: > object height/width user specifiable > horizontal axis reflects user specifiable time period (limited by buffer requirements?) > vertical axis reflects user specifiable value OR selection to auto-scale to max value within the specified time period > x, y, grid & graph lines each reflect use definable weight and color > graph background reflects user definable color > vertical/horizontal labels reflect user specifiable font, font size & background colors > user specifiable graph title with all user definable font, size, color options the ability to display multiple sensor values on a single graph is desirable. perhaps a selection button in the Modify Item form specifying inclusion in the graph the ability to define multiple graphs and assign sensor values to any defined graph would be the ultimate this may require a graph be defined prior to assigning a sensor for graphing 2. Gauges - similar to bar, but shows sweeping needle on a dial instead of a bar > object width user specifiable (height follows width to keep dial round) > min, max values same as bar > user specifiable radial dial marks > dial, needle, background colors and value/label formatting user definable > the dial background and/or needle change color as defined limits are passed my 2 cents worth as it were. Dutch
  13. Sweet, works like a charm. Thank you both for your help.
  14. Thanks for reply David, I think I'm fail on the syntax... can't get a web address to fly either. In the URL field I've tried: "C:\Program Files\AIDA64 Extreme Edition\aida64.exe", with and without the quotes (copied from Start menu) and I also tried: http://www.aida64.com/ and http://www.aida64.com/ with no luck. Dutch
  15. Here is my initial attempt... designed to fit in the Gadget area. The ability to associate an URL with an image object can be very useful. Curious, is it possible to associate a local program with an image object? i.e. click on the 64 icon to bring up AIDA64. Edit: attachments deleted for space
  16. Got the 5 button panel in thanks to smaller bar width allowed Couple panels to go, but the pattern has been set, and the rest should go faster. The pixel level formatting is great, and the ability to select multiple objects in the SensorPanel Manager and move them all in sync by clicking the up/down/side arrows is very efficient. The buttons and background I use were easily generated at http://cooltext.com/Buttons (I have NO affiliation with them), a fairly powerful and flexible button generation site. Is there a way I can set the SensorPanel background to clear/transparent to have the panels float over the desktop? Great work. Thank you. Dutch
  17. OK, pressing the largesse of the developers, i have an esoteric request. First, here is what I have started: (Sorry, not familiar with thumbnail usage) I set the bar max value to 0, so the bar is always full, and as the sensor value ranges through the various limits, it switches color reflecting the levels set in the bar limit values. Essentially making it a multicolor LED. In the display above I would like to be able to place 5 buttons in a row, but due to my design criteria that it matches gadgets in width, I am limited to 125 pixels. My conflict arises with the current minimum bar width of 20 pixels. Is it possible to reduce the minimum bar width? If there are scaling issues, perhaps a quick test to see if max bar value is zero? I am having fun playing with this Thank you. Edit: setting the bar Max value to zero (0) does not work... the color stays at the lowest level setting regardless of the sensor value. Use one (1) as the bar Max setting and the bar will be full with the color following the limit settings.
  18. That's responsive I copied all files over... would just copying the .exe file have been sufficient?
  19. Worked like a charm, thank you.
  20. lol, the hard part is defining the layout... formatting options appear to all be there. One request for the future hopper is to be able to specify the SensorPanel height/width on the File/Preference/SensorPanel page. My hand is not so steady and my dragging results are questionable at best. SensorPanel reminds me of SFKilla's Multimeter, which appears to have gone underground. http://tinyurl.com/yj6tgnn
  21. I have a formatting question on the SensorPanel and have been unsuccessful in location a help file on it. I understand the "Label" is left justified within "Total width", and the "Unit" placement is left justified at the "Total width" less the "Unit width", with the value right justified to the left of the Unit. lol, hope that makes sense. My question is, how does "Bar width" relate to "Total width"? edit: omg, I'm a Newbie
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