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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. Not knowing what the "Show Icon" option in the Gauge setup panel was for, I made 2 identical gauges with one having the option selected and the other not. I could see no difference between the two gauges on the SensorPanel. What should I look for, or when is the selection applicable?
  2. Firstly, let me say I love SensorPanel And I know i tend to treat the darn thing as if it were my personal toy with all my silly comments And understanding my propensity to frustrate, I would still like to discuss a point about the graphing module In graphing my download activity, which runs from 0 to 1000KB/s, I find most of that activity falls at the low end, and with such a large scale is generally a flat-line at the bottom. So I thought I would overlay 2 graphs: 1 - from 0 to 150KB/s 2 - from 150 to 1000KB/s The intent being the first displays activity up to 150KB/s and anything above that, being outside the defined graph area would get clipped, while the second graph would then take off at the 150KB/s rate. It works well, except the graph lines are not constrained to the graph area. Edit: (attachment deleted)
  3. lol, I didn't even notice the added gauges & graphs until today. You can overlay multiple graphs by only having the first one show a background and grid. If you show a border on one graph, show it on all graphs otherwise the baseline is off by 1 pixel. The grid appears to be of a 10 pixel size, so the height shows best as a multiple of 10. I scaled the max value for both upload and download to their individual max, not to the greatest max, so they each show relative to 100% capability. Looks pro
  4. Luv it... looks great Two thoughts: 1. It appears the shading side is determined by the height/width setting. I have several bars implemented in an LED concept that are square, which defaults to bottom shading, while the taller bars shade to the right. Though not a major issue, it would look better if the light source was consistent. Would pinging on the "3 Line" designation for shading to the right, instead of h>w, be feasible? Then with a square bar, shading placement would default to the bottom unless "3 line" is selected. On the attached image I made the bar with the arrow 1 pixel taller. 2. The shading appears to go the full length of the bar maximum size independent of the bar displayed. On a background that is not dark, the shading shows. May be intentional. See oval bar in image. Edit: attachments deleted for space
  5. Understood, I thought placing and constraining the bubble may be an issue. Another option is to be able to specify the position of the Sensor Name and the and the position of the Sensor Value on Bar mouseover. Then the user could leave a space on the SensorPanel where they would display. Edit: or simpler yet, have a selection "mouseover" in the Sensor Label & Sensor Value tabs under Show Label & Show Value that only display those values on mouseover of the Bar. Not sure if that would work as only one x/y is specifiable. I do use multiple instances of the same sensor to place Bars & Values in different positions, but then the bar is not enabled for the Value display.
  6. My Sensorpanel is design to fit in the old Gadget area of the desktop, and to reduce the footprint I implement a minimalistic approach which does not place values on the SensorPanel. If a color other than green shows, I need to investigate. Food for thought: add a selection in the Bar Display Tab that allows specifying whether the Sensor Name and/or Sensor Value display in a Talk Bubble on mouseover of a Bar displayed on the SensorPanel. Edit: minimized further... removed all values
  7. Thank you for the prompt reply
  8. If I make a bar with 25 width and 5 height, does adding a frame place the frame inside or outside those dimensions? And is the frame 1 pixel wide? Thank you.
  9. Interesting use in the Core Values section merging Temperature & Load bar displays for the cores. Nice.
  10. I just received your email Easter discount renewal offer, and though I have about 20 months left on my last 3 year renewal, I am a sucker for discounts and am considering the offer, but I do have a question The email says to enter my Product Key and provides what appears to be a Product Key, but that Key does not match the Key given me with my last update. Will I loose the balance of my subscription if I use the newly provided key, or will it append? And is the newly provided Product Key required to get the discounted offer, or is just the Coupon Code sufficient?
  11. This panel is technically the same as the one I posted above, with a modified skin treatment. Edit: Updated 3 icons from solid to outline for consistency (2012.03.31) Edit: attachments deleted for space
  12. Started and restarted AIDA64 7 times with battery info properly displayed each time. Thank you. Edit: After a complete system power-down and restart cycle, battery info still properly displayed.
  13. True, which brings us back to the start of my second sentence The primary purpose of the post was to perhaps help narrow the section of code for the developers to look at in case the issue had not been nailed down yet. But knowing Fiery & Co, that's probably not an issue.
  14. May be same or a different issue for my system, but I lost Battery info ("Power State" and "Estimated Battery Time"). I find if the SensorPanel loads without the Battery information, I can go to Preferences>Hardware Monitoring>SensorPanel & simply click OK. The information then pops onto the SensorPanel.
  15. Wow, you folks are phenomenal, unbelievable even. It looks like I have 3 new items available, "Master Volume", "Estimated Battery Time" and "Power State". I have not formatted my SensorPanel display yet, but I do show the 3 new values just below the Aida64 icon. I may loose the BlueEye and place the battery info there. Thank you very much! Dutch
  16. With pleasure: ------[ AIDA64 v2.20.1834 Beta ]------ ------[ Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (32-bit) ]------ ------[ Motherboard Info ]------ Motherboard ID : 66-2776-009999-00101111-031911-TYLSBURG$A7522800_A7522IMS V8.15 031911 Motherboard Model : MSI X58 Pro-E (MS-7522) Motherboard Chipset : Intel Tylersburg X58, Intel Nehalem DMI MB Manufacturer : MSI DMI MB Product : MSI X58 Pro-E (MS-7522) DMI MB Version : 3.0 DMI MB Serial : To be filled by O.E.M. DMI SYS Manufacturer: MSI DMI SYS Product : MS-7522 DMI SYS Version : 3.0 DMI SYS Serial : To Be Filled By O.E.M. DMI BIOS Version : V8.15 ------[ Batteries ]------ ------[ Human Interface Devices ]------ <DESC>HID Keyboard Device</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_00#8&48ce854&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_00\8&48CE854&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000001</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR> <DESC>HID-compliant mouse</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_01&col01#8&1c507499&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL01\8&1C507499&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000002</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR> <DESC>HID-compliant consumer control device</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_01&col02#8&1c507499&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL02\8&1C507499&0&0001</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000002</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR> <DESC>HID-compliant device</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_01&col03#8&1c507499&0&0002#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL03\8&1C507499&0&0002</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000002</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR> <DESC>HID-compliant device</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&mi_01&col04#8&1c507499&0&0003#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&MI_01&COL04\8&1C507499&0&0003</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000002</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR> <DESC>HID-compliant device</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&rev_1201&mi_02&col01#9&1df80579&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1201&MI_02&COL01\9&1DF80579&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000003</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000000</ADDR> <DESC>HID-compliant device</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&rev_1201&mi_02&col02#9&1df80579&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1201&MI_02&COL02\9&1DF80579&0&0001</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000003</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000000</ADDR> <DESC>Logitech HID-compliant Unifying Mouse</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_046d&pid_c52b&rev_1201&mi_02&qid_1025&wi_01#9&37ca61e&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_046D&PID_C52B&REV_1201&MI_02&QID_1025&WI_01\9&37CA61E&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000004</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000001</ADDR> <DESC>APC Battery BackUP</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_051d&pid_0003#6&240fdb39&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_051D&PID_0003\6&240FDB39&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000000</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000002</ADDR> <DESC>HID Keyboard Device</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_1038&pid_0510&mi_00#8&1a04b449&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_1038&PID_0510&MI_00\8&1A04B449&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000007</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000003</ADDR> <DESC>HID-compliant consumer control device</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_1038&pid_0510&mi_01&col01#8&2412804&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_1038&PID_0510&MI_01&COL01\8&2412804&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000008</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000003</ADDR> <DESC>HID-compliant device</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_1038&pid_0510&mi_01&col02#8&2412804&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_1038&PID_0510&MI_01&COL02\8&2412804&0&0001</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000008</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000003</ADDR> <DESC>HID-compliant mouse</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_1532&pid_000f&mi_00#8&1eff6d16&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_1532&PID_000F&MI_00\8&1EFF6D16&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000005</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000002</ADDR> <DESC>HID Keyboard Device</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_1532&pid_000f&mi_01&col01#8&73be0d1&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_1532&PID_000F&MI_01&COL01\8&73BE0D1&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000006</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000002</ADDR> <DESC>HID-compliant consumer control device</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_1532&pid_000f&mi_01&col02#8&73be0d1&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_1532&PID_000F&MI_01&COL02\8&73BE0D1&0&0001</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000006</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000002</ADDR> <DESC>HID-compliant device</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_1532&pid_000f&mi_01&col03#8&73be0d1&0&0002#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_1532&PID_000F&MI_01&COL03\8&73BE0D1&0&0002</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000006</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000002</ADDR> ------[ BatteryList ]------ <DESC>APC Battery BackUP</DESC><DEVPATH>\\?\hid#vid_051d&pid_0003#6&240fdb39&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}</DEVPATH><INSTANCE>HID\VID_051D&PID_0003\6&240FDB39&0&0000</INSTANCE><BUSNUM>00000000</BUSNUM><ADDR>00000002</ADDR><HID>1</HID> ------[ Battery #0 ]------ *** HID Interface *** GetManufacturerString = American Power Conversion GetProductString = Smart-UPS 1000 FW:COM 01.1 / UPS.02.D GetSerialNumberString = AS0943121591 IndexedStrings: #00: ? #01: American Power Conversion #02: Smart-UPS 1000 FW:COM 01.1 / UPS.02.D #03: AS0943121591 #04: PbAc NumberFeatureValueCaps = 23 FeatureReportByteLength = 4 FeatureValueCaps: #000: UPage 0084, UMinMax 00FE-00FE, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 01, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-255 = 2 #001: UPage 0084, UMinMax 00FF-00FF, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 02, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-255 = 3 #002: UPage 0084, UMinMax 00FD-00FD, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 03, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-255 = 1 #003: UPage 0085, UMinMax 008F-008F, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 04, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-255 = 1 #004: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0089-0089, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 05, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-255 = 4 #005: UPage 0085, UMinMax 008B-008B, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 06, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-255 = 1 #006: UPage 0085, UMinMax 002C-002C, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 06, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-255 = 2 #007: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0083-0083, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 0E, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-100 = 100 #008: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0067-0067, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 0E, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-100 = 100 #009: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0066-0066, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 0C, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-100 = 100 #010: UPage 0085, UMinMax 008D-008D, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 10, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-100 = 1 #011: UPage 0085, UMinMax 008E-008E, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 10, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-100 = 1 #012: UPage 0085, UMinMax 008C-008C, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 0F, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-100 = 50 #013: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0029-0029, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 11, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-100 = 10 #014: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0085-0085, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 09, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-65535 = 15182 #015: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0068-0068, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 0D, UntEx 0, Unt 00001001, LogMinMax 0-65535 = 3060 #016: UPage 0084, UMinMax 0057-0057, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 12, UntEx 0, Unt 00001001, LogMinMax -1-32767 = 65535 #017: UPage 0084, UMinMax 0055-0055, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 13, UntEx 0, Unt 00001001, LogMinMax -1-1295640 = 16777215 #018: UPage 0085, UMinMax 002A-002A, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 08, UntEx 0, Unt 00001001, LogMinMax 120-1380 = 120 #019: UPage 0084, UMinMax 0040-0040, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 0A, UntEx 5, Unt 00F0D121, LogMinMax 0-65535 = 4800 #020: UPage 0084, UMinMax 0030-0030, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 0B, UntEx 5, Unt 00F0D121, LogMinMax 0-65535 = 2720 #021: UPage 0084, UMinMax 005A-005A, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 14, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 1-3 = 2 #022: UPage FF00, UMinMax 0055-0055, LnkC 0004, LnkU 008C-0000, RptID 80, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-255 = 0 NumberInputValueCaps = 5 InputReportByteLength = 64 InputValueCaps: #000: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0066-0066, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 0C, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-100 = 100 #001: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0068-0068, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 0D, UntEx 0, Unt 00001001, LogMinMax 0-65535 = 3060 #002: UPage 0085, UMinMax 002A-002A, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 08, UntEx 0, Unt 00001001, LogMinMax 120-1380 = 120 #003: UPage 0084, UMinMax 005A-005A, LnkC 0001, LnkU 0084-0024, RptID 14, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 1-3 = 2 #004: UPage 008C, UMinMax 0000-0000, LnkC 0003, LnkU 008C-0001, RptID 89, UntEx 0, Unt 00000000, LogMinMax 0-255 = ? NumberFeatureButtonCaps = 13 FeatureReportByteLength = 4 FeatureButtonCaps: #000: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0044-0044, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 0 #001: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0045-0045, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 0 #002: UPage 0085, UMinMax 00D0-00D0, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 1 #003: UPage 0085, UMinMax 00D1-00D1, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 1 #004: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0042-0042, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 0 #005: UPage 0084, UMinMax 0068-0068, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 1 #006: UPage 0084, UMinMax 0069-0069, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 1 #007: UPage 0085, UMinMax 0043-0043, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 0 #008: UPage 0084, UMinMax 0073-0073, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 1 #009: UPage 0085, UMinMax 004B-004B, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 0 #010: UPage 0084, UMinMax 0065-0065, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 1 #011: UPage 0085, UMinMax 00DB-00DB, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 0 #012: UPage FF86, UMinMax 0080-0080, LnkC 0002, LnkU 0084-0002, RptID 07 = 1
  17. Tending towards the dumb, I believe i am qualified to ask a dumb question. Should I be able to show "Power State" and "Estimated Battery Time" on my SensorPanel display?
  18. Dutch


    I do not believe what you want is incorporated in the Sidebar function. The closest you can come is to use a Monospaced Font and use spaces to right align the values... but if the number of digits in a vlaue changes (i.e. 9 to 10) the formatting would fail. The SensorPanel function is very much more capable and allows you to align anyway you wish, down to single pixel placement... but that formatting power does require more effort. here are some samples of what users have done: http://forums.aida64...ur-sensorpanel/
  19. Indeed, works fine now. Thank you.
  20. Downloaded/installed MSI Control Center and found CPU temp under Green Power/Basic. The two values match. Sorry to have bothered.
  21. The Sensorpanel CPU Temperature display appears to be incorrect... it displays in the 15-19C range, but the Power-Up System BIOS Hardware Monitor shows upper 26/27C. Initially there is an occasional sample displayed at/near the correct value, but after a minute or 3, it settles out in the teens. ------[ AIDA64 v2.20.1822 Beta ]------ ------[ Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (32-bit) ]------ ------[ Motherboard Info ]------ Motherboard ID : 66-2776-009999-00101111-031911-TYLSBURG$A7522800_A7522IMS V8.15 031911 Motherboard Model : MSI X58 Pro-E (MS-7522) Motherboard Chipset : Intel Tylersburg X58, Intel Nehalem DMI MB Manufacturer : MSI DMI MB Product : MSI X58 Pro-E (MS-7522) DMI MB Version : 3.0 DMI MB Serial : To be filled by O.E.M. DMI SYS Manufacturer: MSI DMI SYS Product : MS-7522 DMI SYS Version : 3.0 DMI SYS Serial : To Be Filled By O.E.M. DMI BIOS Version : V8.15 ITE 87xx Port = 00h ITE 87xx HWMonitor Port = 0000h ITE 87xx Device ID = 0000h ITE 87xx Version = 00h Winbond SuperIO Port = 00h Winbond SuperIO HWMonitor Port = 0000h Winbond SuperIO Device ID = 0541h Fintek SuperIO Port = 4Eh Fintek SuperIO HWMonitor Port = 0A00h Fintek SuperIO Device ID = 0541h LPC47 SuperIO HWMonitor Port = 0000h LPC47 SuperIO Device ID = FFFFh ------[ LM78 ISA Sensor Device at 0A00 ]------ 0000 FF 03 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 01 00 4F 4C 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0020 D4 92 18 06 76 8A 28 D0 CC FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0030 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0040 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0050 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 03 04 10 19 34 FF 0060 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF 0C 40 24 FF 00 0070 FF FF 11 FF 43 FF 23 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0080 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A8 FF 0090 00 08 08 00 56 FF 7F FF 42 24 FF AA 55 55 FF 0A 00A0 02 F7 00 FF 02 F3 3C 32 28 1E FF E5 CE B7 A0 0D 00B0 04 83 00 FF 03 FF 3C 32 28 1E FF D9 B2 99 80 0E 00C0 05 5D 00 FF 03 FF 3C 32 28 1E FF D9 B2 99 80 0F 00D0 0F FF 00 FF 03 FF 64 64 64 64 FF FF FF FF FF 0F 00E0 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 3D FF 03 5E FF 00 FF FF FF FF 0070 0072 0074 0076 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F T: 255 17 67 35 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 17 66 35 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 16 67 35 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 15 66 34 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 15 67 35 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 15 67 35 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 15 66 34 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 15 67 35 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 15 66 34 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 15 67 35 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 Reg$20 CPU Core: r = 212, r*0.016 = 3.39 Reg$21 CPU Aux: r = 146, r*0.016 = 2.34 Reg$22 +3.3 V: r = 24, r*0.016 = 0.38 Reg$23 +5 V: r = 6, r*0.016 = 0.10 Reg$24 +12 V: r = 118, r*0.016 = 1.89 Reg$25 -12 V: r = 138, r*0.016 = 2.21 Reg$26 -5 V: r = 40, r*0.016 = 0.64 ------[ ACPI Temperatures & Fans ]------ _TZ_.THM0._TMP : _TZ_.THM1._TMP : _TZ_.THR0._TMP : _TZ_.THR1._TMP : _TZ_.TZ00._TMP : _TZ_.TZ01._TMP : _TZ_.RTMP : _TZ_.RFAN : _TZ_.RFAN(0) : _TZ_.RFAN(1) : _SB_.ATKD._HID : _SB_.ATKD.TMPR : _SB_.PCI0.LPC0.EC0_.CCTV : _SB_.PCI0.LPC0.EC0_.LRPM : _SB_.PCI0.LPC0.EC0_.HRPM : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.ECPU : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.TACH(0): _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.TACH(1): _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.TAH0 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.TAH1 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.ST00 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC01 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC02 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC03 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC04 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC05 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC06 : _SB_.PCI0.PIB_.EC0_.TCRT : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.CTPM : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC__.CPUT : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC__.SYST : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.CTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.CTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.TMP1 : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.TMP2 : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.TMPI : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.TMPV : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.A1TP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.A2TP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.FAN0 : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.TS1R : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.TS2R : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.TS3R : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.F1FL : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.F1FH : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.F2FL : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.F2FH : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.H8EC.RTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.H8EC.LTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.H8EC.MTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.H8EC.GTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.CTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.DTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.GTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.ITMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.MTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.STMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.PFAN :
  22. This SensorPanel was styled as a Gadget (update 2012.03.12) Edit: images deleted for space
  23. 1773 resolved the issue... 5V lists correct value again. Thank you. Dutch
  24. ------[ AIDA64 v2.00.1770 Beta ]------ ------[ Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 6.1.7601 Service Pack 1 (32-bit) ]------ ------[ Motherboard Info ]------ Motherboard ID : 66-2776-009999-00101111-091009-TYLSBURG$A7522800_A7522IMS V8.6 091009 Motherboard Model : MSI X58 Pro-E (MS-7522) Motherboard Chipset : Intel Tylersburg X58, Intel Nehalem DMI MB Manufacturer : MSI DMI MB Product : MSI X58 Pro-E (MS-7522) DMI MB Version : 3.0 DMI MB Serial : To be filled by O.E.M. DMI SYS Manufacturer: MSI DMI SYS Product : MS-7522 DMI SYS Version : 3.0 DMI SYS Serial : To Be Filled By O.E.M. DMI BIOS Version : V8.6 ITE 87xx Port = 00h ITE 87xx HWMonitor Port = 0000h ITE 87xx Device ID = 0000h ITE 87xx Version = 00h Winbond SuperIO Port = 00h Winbond SuperIO HWMonitor Port = 0000h Winbond SuperIO Device ID = 0541h Fintek SuperIO Port = 4Eh Fintek SuperIO HWMonitor Port = 0A00h Fintek SuperIO Device ID = 0541h LPC47 SuperIO HWMonitor Port = 0000h LPC47 SuperIO Device ID = FFFFh ------[ LM78 ISA Sensor Device at 0A00 ]------ 0000 FF 03 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF 01 00 55 4C 00 00 0010 00 00 00 00 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0020 D4 9E 1C 0F 76 8A 23 D0 CC FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0030 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0040 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0050 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 03 04 10 19 34 FF 0060 00 00 00 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF 0C 40 24 FF 00 0070 FF FF 1B FF 41 FF 21 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 0080 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF A8 FF 0090 00 08 08 00 56 FF 7F FF 42 24 FF AA 55 55 FF 0A 00A0 02 FB 00 FF 03 D7 3C 32 28 1E FF E5 CE B7 A0 0D 00B0 04 81 00 FF 03 FF 3C 32 28 1E FF D9 B2 99 80 0E 00C0 05 45 00 FF 03 FF 3C 32 28 1E FF D9 B2 99 80 0F 00D0 0F FF 00 FF 03 FF 64 64 64 64 FF FF FF FF FF 0F 00E0 FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF FF 00F0 00 00 00 00 00 00 3D FF 00 B6 FF 00 FF FF FF FF 0070 0072 0074 0076 0078 0079 007A 007B 007C 007D 007E 007F T: 255 28 66 33 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 28 65 33 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 25 65 33 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 23 65 33 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 23 65 33 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 22 65 33 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 22 65 33 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 21 65 33 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 21 65 33 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 T: 255 22 65 33 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 255 Reg$20 CPU Core: r = 212, r*0.016 = 3.39 Reg$21 CPU Aux: r = 158, r*0.016 = 2.53 Reg$22 +3.3 V: r = 28, r*0.016 = 0.45 Reg$23 +5 V: r = 15, r*0.016 = 0.24 Reg$24 +12 V: r = 118, r*0.016 = 1.89 Reg$25 -12 V: r = 138, r*0.016 = 2.21 Reg$26 -5 V: r = 35, r*0.016 = 0.56 ------[ ACPI Temperatures & Fans ]------ _TZ_.THM0._TMP : _TZ_.THM1._TMP : _TZ_.THR0._TMP : _TZ_.THR1._TMP : _TZ_.TZ00._TMP : _TZ_.TZ01._TMP : _TZ_.RTMP : _TZ_.RFAN : _TZ_.RFAN(0) : _TZ_.RFAN(1) : _SB_.ATKD._HID : _SB_.ATKD.TMPR : _SB_.PCI0.LPC0.EC0_.CCTV : _SB_.PCI0.LPC0.EC0_.LRPM : _SB_.PCI0.LPC0.EC0_.HRPM : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.ECPU : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.TACH(0): _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.TACH(1): _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.TAH0 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.TAH1 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.ST00 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC01 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC02 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC03 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC04 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC05 : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.SC06 : _SB_.PCI0.PIB_.EC0_.TCRT : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC0_.CTPM : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC__.CPUT : _SB_.PCI0.SBRG.EC__.SYST : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.CTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.CTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.TMP1 : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.TMP2 : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.TMPI : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.EC0_.TMPV : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.A1TP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.A2TP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC0_.FAN0 : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.TS1R : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.TS2R : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.TS3R : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.F1FL : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.F1FH : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.F2FL : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.EC__.F2FH : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.H8EC.RTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.H8EC.LTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.H8EC.MTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPC_.H8EC.GTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.CTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.DTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.GTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.ITMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.MTMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.STMP : _SB_.PCI0.LPCB.H8EC.PFAN :
  25. The 5V Sensor display is fail after one of the recent updates... it shows <1V, but the Power-Up system BIOS has it at 4.961V. lol, almost went out and bought a new PSU Current AIDA 64 version 2.00.1770 beta Motherboard Name MSI X58 Pro-E (MS-7522) (2 PCI, 2 PCI-E x1, 3 PCI-E x16, 6 DDR3 DIMM, Audio, Gigabit LAN, IEEE-1394)
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