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Everything posted by Dutch

  1. I believe Fiery's recent reply to this question stands today: We tend to re-shuffle our plans as times goes by, since many times a particular feature request goes higher or lower on our list of things to do. When a certain feature gets requested by many users (either here on the forums, or on other forums, or via our tech support), such features get assigned a higher priority. Sadly, due to resource constraints, that also means that we have to shelve or postpone other planned features that seem to be less popular among AIDA64 users. Right now we're quite busy with some major things coming, which are unfortunately not related to either multiple SensorPanels or the alerting facility. In AIDA64, a lot of things would deserve, worth or require improving or revamping, but our resources are quite tight, so we cannot do everything that would interest or even excite us, which is a shame
  2. Does the February 19th Corsair Link update address the issue?
  3. I am in a spam control mode and am updating email addresses so I can turn old ones off. I successfully updated my email address for the forum, but I find nowhere to update my aida 64 account profile. Is there such a beast?
  4. Hey Grestorn, I agree with all you say... AIDA 64 is a great tool, and as I said, I happily use it to monitor my system, and feed data to my status display software via WMI. In the clip below of my 2nd monitor, all top gauges are fed by AIDA 64 (just started the layout). http://h8bs.com/PCStatus1.jpg Yes, with the picture placement function you can do a lot with SensorPanel to manually paint a background, upon which you place simple objects. But SensorPanel is still quite limited in its graphics capability, particularly graphing function and transparency. I believe the SensorPanel was originally envisioned as a more flexible/powerful gadget replacement tool, not a full featured graphical display. And it looks as FinalWire has decided to not develop the tool beyond it's current capability. It probably makes good business sense, and I accept it for what it is.
  5. Yes, it is a shame, and sad. I remember when SensorPanel was first released... all the excitement and camaraderie... users posting their SensorPanels... developers implementing and updating user requests/comments almost instantly. I don't remember precisely when the decision to abandon SensorPanel development was implemented, but it seems it was not too long after FinalWire came on the scene. And FinalWire is a business, which requires a return on investment, so it makes sense from their point of view. To be honest, the SensorPanel probably requires a complete rewrite or at least recompilation with software that can do graphics to a more competent level... real gauges, transparency, etc.. I still use Aida64, just not the sensor panel anymore. It will always have a spot in my good-times memories though.
  6. Dug a bit from the past, but the official response appears an enthusiastic YES... is this still forthcoming?
  7. Dutch

    WMI output

    It appears unit type/definition needs further definition/agreement between Aida64 & Aquasuite. I see six WMI variable designation applied by Aida64. T - Temperature (°C) V - Volts C - Current (A, mA) F - Fans (rpm) P - Power (watts) S - System date time uptime cpu/memory/etc clock speed memory timings bios version device used/free/utilization NIC up/down speeds & total up/down master volume battery & estimated time & status & others Temperature & Volts are currently read correctly by Aquasuite. Current, Fans & Power, though not currently read, should not be difficult to implement, as each is specific to a unit. System encompasses many varying types of units, and both parties would have to agree on unit designations for the various types.
  8. Dutch

    WMI output

    It appears not all units are making it to the WMI databank correctly. Please see this post on Aquacomputer forum.
  9. Dutch

    WMI output

    When I read WMI values in Aqasuite 2015, some have labels attached (v, °C) while others (rpm, %, Hz) do not. It would be useful if all labels were passed to WMI.
  10. Is it possible to pull/display multi-GPU card SLI/Crossfire linkage status? I see a "Multi-GPU Board" item under the GPGPU tab, but since it reports "No" I assume that value is for a board with multiple GPUs, not multiple graphics cards. My purpose to monitor SLI linkage is that after having configured for SLI, I recently found SLI disabled on my system. I asume it must have been a driver update.
  11. Installed aquasuite 2015 today and updated firmware of aquaduct mark V XT (functional) and aquaero 6 XT (build mode) without any issues at this time.
  12. Heh, have not installed aquasuite 2015 yet, thought I would let it go for a bit to let some of the initial bu8gs get discovered. I believe there is an associated firmware update for the aquaero which may have a greater impact on Aida64 behavior. I will post results when I update.
  13. Is Aida64 v5.0 compatible with the just released aquasuite 2015 v1.0 from Aquacomputer?
  14. Yes, the fan speeds behave as expected in the SensorPanel, reporting the fan speed even if zero. But in Aida64>Computer>Sensor the fans go away when their values go to zero. Agreed, the fan current on the Aquasuite display does show zero when it should not, and I will take that up with Aquaxcomputer. Edit: attachment deleted
  15. When my system is idling, and the heat load is low, the fans on the radiator do stop on occasion as determined by the presets on the controller. I know some of these values have not made it to the sensorpanel yet, but assuming they will, if I have a graph running to plot fan speed, what happens to the sensorpanel when the fan stops? Do all inputs get ignored if they go to zero? Zero can be a valid value.
  16. Update to sensor page resetting to top: This morning when I booted up, the sensor page display action varied a bit... firstly it appeared steady without resetting, and I noticed that none of the Aquaduct fans showed under the Current and Power Values. Then there were a couple of resets, but not enough for me to see what was changing, and it has been steady since with the fans current and power values missing. case5
  17. It appears to be the Current Values and Power Values for the fans from the Aquaduct. case1 case2 case3 case4 I do have firmware version 1020, and don't know if that is an issue. One question, what is the Power Value listed as "Power #1" with values between 104W and 110W in the screenshots? Edit: one value I do not see that may be of interest is the alarm level.
  18. Initially it mostly looks good. I have only 1 pump, so there is no pump 2 info displayed. I was wondering what the Hz parameter was as I am used to that referring to eletrical cycles per second... thank you for that info. The Aquaduct 360 XT Mark V has only 3 fans, but I continue to show a Fan #4 VRM (wonder which fan that is) under voltage, fans 1 to 3 show 4.2 to 4.3 volts while the 4th fan shows 11.9 volts under cooling fans I show only 3 fans (which is correct) The Aida64>Computer>Sensor display is very difficult to read currently due to resetting the page to the top when it updates. http://h8bs.com/Report.txt
  19. From what I understand, any additives to the water affect the conductivity of the water (pure H2O is non-conductive), and consequently the result of the Water Quality calculation. And as you say, it can vary due to concentration variations and probably temperature variations. I think any particular reading does not in and of itself indicate a bad result, The usefulness of the water quality value range is in the delta of the result over time... if the range drops, then particulates may have increased, and a water flush could be in order. My Water Quality reading shows around 75 and that is without any additives other than a small amount of biocide. Aquacomputer advised not to place too much emphasis on the Water Quality reading, nor on the Power Measurement.
  20. Do you have a dye/coloration in your water?
  21. Oops, I think I am at my limit for uploading. For now you can pick them up with the links below: Aquasuite.jpg aquaerodump.txt Report.txt again, it probably took a few seconds to initiate each report, so some values may vary slightly. One non-aquaero related item. Normally with an update download you included a small text file outlining the changes... I did not receive that this time.
  22. I currently have an Aquaduct 360 XT Mark V. Attached are an AquaSuite display snapshot and an Aida64 Report (there was 2 or 3 seconds between the report & clip). My Aquaduct firmware version shows as 1020, and I have a thread at Aquacomputer forums regarding updating. Notes: - under Temperatures, Fan #4 VRM is non-existant (only 3 fans on 360) - Liquid levels appear to be off by some percent conversion - is it possible to catch the decimal value for Temperatures as you do for Flow Sensors? - Water Quality is a calculated value from a water conductivity measurement (particulates in the water) and was stated as not to be relied on. - Power Measurement is a calculated value derived from temperature differences and was stated as not to be relied on. Item of interest I do not see: - Pump Hz, RPM & Amps - Fan Voltages and Amps Edit: attachments removed
  23. You can use gadgets in win8/8.1 with http://8gadgetpack.net/, but for Aida64, the SensorPanel is so much more powerful and capable, it's like night & day.
  24. I am using Aquasuite, and yes I do see it now. Initially I was looking for a folder named "WMI" in the C:\ drive root directory, to confirm the data was being exported to disk. I still have not found that, but am able to see AIDA as a data source in Aquasuite... Just have to learn how to drive it now. I am seeing some info not updating, but that may well be my lack of experience. I am at baby step one at least.
  25. Where does AIDA64 place WMI information if activated? The help file says "Root\WMI\AIDA64_SensorValues", but I cannot find it. It appears if I can find that, I may be able to bring AIDA64 sensor info into the AquaComputer Aquasuite program. Edit: attachments deleted
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