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  On 10/22/2023 at 10:37 AM, Halfcutt said:

Hi Exhumed.

Thank you so much for your generosity!

Is there any chance you will help us 'artistically challenged' forum members out with a Elements Package V2?


If I have time I could put together a new package. The question is, what should be in there that isn't already in the first Elements Pack? Different colors, graphics in different resolutions? You can think about it and make a short list. Then I'll see what I can implement.

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  On 3/12/2023 at 1:14 AM, OntarioTL said:

Então, baixei alguns modelos e experimentei um que gostei muito, mas a tela que comprei era de apenas 800x480. O que gostei foi 856x480 por algum motivo. Então decidi aprender um pouco de edição e modificá-lo do jeito que eu queria, pois há muitas coisas que gosto de uma configuração para outra. 

Então, enquanto eu trabalhava com o novo modelo que queria ter enquanto o painel LCD estava sendo entregue pela Amazon, descobri isso. É apenas um arquivo de rascunho e não tenho certeza se continuarei trabalhando nele. 


Então, eu não tinha concluído o modelo quando a Amazon entregou meu painel LCD de 4,3". Então decidi testá-lo com entusiasmo. Bem, agora o maldito painel deveria ter 800x400, mas as bordas estão cortadas por algum motivo em essa resolução no painel LCD. Embora meu novo modelo funcionasse, ele era menor na tela do que o esperado porque nem todos os pixels estavam sendo usados. Então percebi que poderia aumentar a resolução. Que diabos, por que eu não sabia disso antes e, claro, todos os pixels estavam sendo usados agora. 

Portanto, embora eu pudesse alterar o modelo para exibição em 1280x720, já que este é o próximo passo da resolução padrão neste painel LCD, pensei em começar do zero e tentar algo novo. 

Então foi isso que eu inventei. Ainda não está finalizado, mas é um conceito que estou gostando até agora. 




Conseguiu terminar meu amigo? Teria como compartilhar ? Gostei muito desses manômetros, queria fazer algumas alterações para mim. Também vou usar em 1280x720.

  On 10/26/2023 at 9:17 AM, Владислав Тютьков said:

Hi all! I ran into a problem: I bought a 3.5-inch display, ax206 for aida64, 480*230
Connected. Works. But once a second there are microfreezes and freezing in aida64. These stutters also affect games.
Maybe this can be fixed somehow? Maybe I configured something wrong?



You may try to test the following things:

1. In preferences, try to set the fix size 480 x 230 and keep it on top and prevent it from getting minimized

2. While playing games, try to play games in Windowed mode (full screen) to see if that helps. You may test by switching between full screen, borderless, Windows etc. to see if any settings in the game helps!

3. Updating the AIDA64 version and Graphic card drivers also help!



  On 10/26/2023 at 3:18 PM, Surjeet said:

Вы можете попробовать протестировать следующие действия:

1. В настройках попробуйте установить размер исправления 480 x 230, чтобы оно было сверху и не сворачивалось

2. Во время игры попробуйте играть в оконном режиме (во весь экран), чтобы посмотреть, поможет ли это. Вы можете протестировать, переключаясь между полноэкранным режимом, без полей, Windows и т.д. чтобы узнать, помогают ли какие-либо настройки в игре!

3. Обновление версии AIDA64 и драйверов графической карты также помогает!




Thank you, but I don’t have a SensorPanel, but an LCD AX206, so the resolution is unchanged and fixed.
Aida64 current version.
I’ll try to launch it in the act

  On 12/15/2021 at 1:34 PM, GladiusUltor said:

Merci à tous ceux qui ont déjà soumis une demande. J'ai pu créer mon propre panneau. Merci à tous ceux qui ont réalisé les graphiques et le contexte. Je n'ai rien fait d'autre que redimensionner et organiser.


2021-12-15 (2).png



auriez vous se sensor a partager ? 

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  On 10/22/2023 at 2:35 PM, Shephard said:

let’s do this, I’ll make a layout first, post it, and if you or someone else likes it, we’ll assemble it together to your size with your sensors.. I’m still retired, if I don’t die, then I have free time.. B);)


Sounds like a plan! Thank you!

  On 2/19/2023 at 9:47 AM, DracarisFire said:

Hey Legend, 

Apologies I know you probably get pinged a lot regarding this design. I have not yet dived into aida64 to figure stuff out. Waiting for my parts to all arrive for my first PC build. 

I was just wondering if we need a .sensorpanel file to go with this or if it should be a fairly straightforward implementation if we have the V1 file. I did look into your posts but forgive the noobness. Also I noticed your display is more of a grey than black. Is that change easily made also?

Any information would be greatly appreciated. Big props on this design. Simple and clean. I love it!


Hi! Sorry about the enormous delay on my response. I've been out with AIDA64 these months. But luckily it is pretty straightforward of you download my V1 files and apply the new background on them :).

I'm working on a new 400 x 1280 panel as well. Inspired by some, simple, clean and very aesthetic too. Stay tuned!



I've probably scoured 250 pages from this thread and used the search unsuccessfully a few times, but it seems not many people run a second regular monitor as a sensor panel (because that's overkill I know). But my setup is dual screens for work on a work computer, and when using the monitors with my gaming PC I only ever use the main display so the secondary monitor is prime for using as a panel. 

It's a 4k monitor but happy to scale it down to 1440 or 1080 as it's only 27inch so will still look fine. Is there an easier way to find some 16x9 high resolution sensor panels in this thread other than keyword searching 1080, 1440, 2160 etc... 

I've started building my own, which is functional but just not in the same league as some of the incredible designs here.


Hi! My attempt to create a theme based on motives...480x320 pixels. I ordered a 3.5-inch monitor from Aliexpress, but I'm still waiting for it from day to day, and I haven't tested this topic on the device. Maybe in reality some text will be too small?


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