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Hi !!!

Here modified panel , khebonger I think, don't remember right....Thank him for template.

1920x480 pix.. Aliexpress chinese panel with touch..

You can easily change contents , cause each panel is unique to PC..

I tried to put as much info as i can from sensors .. 


p.s.  I have many HD and only one case fan..  So I arranged temperatures/fan in such way..




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First time making making one but I caught on quick from looking at videos on how to do certain things with photoshop and such. I just started this a week ago. I like the minimalist blue version from the Original poster. Im sorry I dont remember who it was but Id like to thank you for this design. I edited it to fit my needs and changed the colors. most of this was done in photoshop. I had to redo the background and all icons as well so it would fit my screen, a lot of work went into it to make it fit my needs. this resolution is 1280x800. when i opened it everything was all over the place like ive seen from other posters but I moved everything one by one. Added the component logos. I also removed the FPS because I play Battlefield 4 and the rivatuner conflicts with it giving it directx errors so I had to remove it. Ive included the font and sensorpanel file. Enjoy!

p.s. Ive also used a old android tablet to display it, used Spacedesk to accomplish this incase anyone need to know this.


Minimal Green.sensorpanel GeForce.zip

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I really like how this turned out in the end, did take lots of time trying to figure out exactly what I wanted.  In a previous post I said I was going for a more "analog" look and feel, with indicators, 7 segment readouts, and mock LCD displays.  So what I did that I thought was neat:

- Light indicators that turn off in some instances (no CPU load, fans at slow (silent) speed, etc.)
- Scaling 'LED' gauges for CPU clock and GPU FPS

In my last update here, I have the historygram FPS up to 400 FPS and the scaling gauge up to 180 FPS.  When the GPU is in standby (low power state), entire FPS gauge is dim showing all the colors.  I think it has like 90 individual states for the gauge, so increments at 2FPS.  Unlike the CPU where the scale just jumps, with games you can see is "slide" during game play. 

When the FPS is over 180 (more than any game really needs), the gauge is fully illuminated again, this time at the 2nd and third brightness just to make it stand out.






I think from here, the only change I'll be making is removing the FSB readout in the CPU section.  Too cramped.

Love to hear thoughts on this, love it or hate it.  Was going to try and upload my working files and export, but both too big (export file is 20Mb with all the graphics needed for the slider gauges).  If anyone is interested in them, then I'll see about an alternative way to share.

Display I'm using has a resolution of 1920X1280.

  • Like 3
  • Thanks 1
3 hours ago, 5150 said:

Updated to V2 my first attempt at making a custom gauge, pretty tedious work but I finally got it working correctly. 1280x800.


Minimal Green v2.sensorpanel 458.48 kB · 8 downloads

GeForce.zip 276.51 kB · 4 downloads


8 hours ago, Pavlin Shterev said:

Here's my take on the minimalistic template for Hyte Y70's display (14.1” 1100 x 3840px). 

minimalistic_black_1100x3840.zip 115.78 kB · 2 downloads image.thumb.jpeg.373306869fe26a361f816dbe82d004d0.jpeg

Lovely to see my simplistic design is quite popular among SensorPanel enthusiasts!

  • Like 1
On 11/24/2023 at 3:14 AM, CoolBull said:

Hey! everyone,

I'm thrilled to share my very first build with all of you! With the assistance of some fantastic online free templates and my own design touch, I proudly present to you my cool-looking first sensor display.

I've put a lot of effort into crafting this, and I'm excited to hear your thoughts and suggestions. Your feedback means a lot to me, and I'm open to any tips or ideas you may have to make it even better.

I hope you all like it as much as I enjoyed creating it! Cheers from  Australia.

Cool-Bull Sensor 123.png

Share it mate :)

On 09/03/2021 at 14:25, rgp said:

Eu tentei desde que recebi algumas pequenas telas LCD e, uau, posso dizer que é muito divertido de fazer. ;)Aqui está a aparência da minha em 1280x400 em uma tela Waveshare de 7,9 polegadas. Algumas notas: eu fingi no medidor 'quente' para mostrar o que acontece quando atinge os limites superiores. Além disso, estou em uma placa-mãe MSI MEG X570 Unify, então isso explica a palavra no painel. Incluirei uma cena 'no sistema' também.





poderia disponibilizar para download?

  • Like 1
On 11/6/2023 at 11:56 PM, 1 PC Tip a day said:

Hi beloved community!


Inspired by the scandinavian style, I have designed a minimalist sensor panel for 7.9 inch displays (400 x 1280 px).

I'm still working on the ASMR (Aesthetics | Symmetry | Minimalism | Round) project, but I want to share with you all a preview of it.

It uses six different 100 state gauges which I will share, and a histogram for FPS monitoring following those beatiful @ThatManOnTheMoon's ones.


Like and quote if you want me to share the final template!!


Specially thanks also to @philipfreire and @Viperr for the inspiration.


It is what I've been searching! Extremely great job

  • Like 1

Guys, do you know if this display works with AIDA? The message on the display says "GUITION Monitor Screen".

What manufacturer in AIDA should I choose?

Best regards

45 minutes ago, manwald said:

Guys, do you know if this display works with AIDA? The message on the display says "GUITION Monitor Screen".

What manufacturer in AIDA should I choose?

Best regards

Try opening the Device manager, and see which usb device is connected. When choosing a device in AIDA64, try to find the same name as in the device manager.


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