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On 12/28/2021 at 1:07 PM, WayBadMojo said:

Thank you!


Well, I finally did it.  A gauge with 101 stages from 0 to 100.  There was never a need, just my need to say, "I did it."  Thanks for the idea, WayBadMojo (not sarcastic, even though it took forever).  However, because gauges display even when out of range you must leave an end image (1 or 16) blank, or you will always see only one gauge overwriting the previous one, if using opaque images like most people make gauges.  This would be like; 0-15, 16-30, 31-45, and so on using at least 7 gauges to make one.  I use transparent images, so I had to leave both ends blank or you will see multiple hands on the gauge image.  So, it needs at least 8 gauges with; 0-14, 15-28, 29-42, and so on.  I used 10 gauges so it will take on a yellow or red glow as a warning when getting high/hot.  Also, you need to tweak the min and max values in the manager.  The gauge with images 0-14 needs min/max of 0/15, the gauge with images 15-28 needs min/max of 14/29 and the gauge with images 29-42 needs min/max of 28/43, etc.  I cropped the hands where I could for file size and still aligning (same top left corner).
In this panel the large gauges had 101 steps each requiring 10 gauges to make.  A .png file for each degree/percent 0 to 100.  The smaller drive gauges had 51 steps each requiring 5 gauges to make.  A .png file for each degree/percent 0 to 100, counting by two.  Notice the CPU gauge reporting 35 degrees and the hand actually pointing at 35, and the GPU gauge reporting 32 degrees and the hand actually pointing at 32.  (Man am I good!)
So that probably was drivel for the “download sensor panels and ask the author to ‘fix/change it’ for my computer” user.  But it might be useful for the doers that do the work.  (Was that too negative?)
In creating the 101-stage gauge, I had to start from scratch, because I cleaned up after thinking I had the perfect gauge.  They look a little better because I also did some internal stretching on account the “real” gauges faceplate wasn’t centered in the metal body.  Also, I cropped the outside because the chrome bezel was wider on one side.
This is when I found out, when you import a gauge, it will overwrite the images in the SensorPanel folder.  After creating new images and copying them into the SensorPanel folder (overwriting the not-so-pretty) images, the panel being displayed looked better.  But then I imported a different design with images with the same name, images were the older version.  And going back to the previous panel now had the older images again.  It’s a good thing I copied instead of moved the files.  I had to import, copy new images, export, import the other design, copy again, and then export to fix both.
I wonder if anyone reads the words as well as looks at the pictures.  I know I always don’t.  Would I have read what WayBadMojo had typed without Mojo’s bad-baby-face and Eddie Murphy’s head tapping image getting my attention?  Without them I might had not-so-pretty images a-n-d many more hours of free time.

Oops, the file it too big.


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On 3/23/2022 at 9:51 AM, ThatManOnTheMoon said:

Thanks again. I'll probably give it a try when I find time, but don't hold your breath. I still haven't uploaded the non-AMOLED 'Material Design Dashboard' 1600x2560 panel.  Thinking I gotta swap the line/area graphs for histograms across the board. Probably add the transparency gradients on the graphs on the AMOLED version on the OG version.


Unfortunately I've only made 'Material Design Big Bars' in 1200x1920.


Thanks. Yeah larger panels give you a lotta options to play with. I regret not going with a 14" panel over my current 10.1"

Probably be an impulse buy one of these days.


I made the original 'Material Design Phone' 1200x1920, but some people did convert it from vertical to horizontal.

Nice work you did there. 

I wanted to comeback to this one and make an updated version.



Hello @ThatManOnTheMoon i send you a PM

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Here is the sensor panel file that would fit.  I had to reduce the panel to only have 3 gauges.  The RAM, CPU and C drive gauge.  At least you would get all the 262 images needed to recreate it.  Just duplicate the RAM gauge and move it, for the GPU gauge, and do the same with the C drive gauge to do the rest.

Be careful when changing the type of any gauge though. For example: the first of 10 gauges needed to make the RAM gauge needs to have a range of 0 to 15.  When you click on any other choice it will instantly be changed to 0-100.

Have fun.


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On 12/28/2021 at 5:27 AM, Wondersquid said:

If you make the gauges with more than one sensor monitor per gauge like 0-16, 17-33, 34-50 etc. you can get readings of 1-100 on one gauge on one for example CPU would be six gauges in one set to the readings.

Apologies!!!  It was Wonderwquid's Idea.  Even though Eddie did get my attention.

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20 minutes ago, Dave59337 said:

J'ai donc cliqué sur l'invitation à  www.aida64skins.com à partir d'un message précédent, et je vois un de mes panneaux de capteurs en stock et vendu là-bas. Je ne sais pas trop quoi penser de cela.


that's exactly why I posted a message under his link to show my total disagreement... using someone's work but also to make a business of it is distressing!!!!!

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1 hour ago, MedaPayne said:

that's exactly why I posted a message under his link to show my total disagreement... using someone's work but also to make a business of it is distressing!!!!!

who do you think is the author of this work?  and who just edited it?



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2 minutes ago, pcrepairvk said:

who do you think is the author of this work?  and who just edited it?



very disgusting when someone edits someone's work and then says he's the real author   And website is mine with my original work

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Il y a 1 heure, Awl a dit :

Étant l'avocat du diable, je pense que si la jauge met en vente utilise les modifications améliorées par Dave, je pense que Dave est l'auteur/propriétaire, mais l'idée originale appartient à pcrepairvk.

what really bothers me is not to know who the real author or modifier is... it's more that this forum is based on sharing and mutual aid... far be it from me to make the sale

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On 3/28/2022 at 9:48 PM, pcrepairvk said:

Good to see someone editing my design :D

Changed it again :huh: Still need to adjust the hands to ensure fully central. Not sure if to keep cpu/gpu useage in the middle or make it clock frequency for both. I changed the range for both of the hands to 200, that way 100% would be the 12 position.

Screenshot 2022-03-30 110748.png

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This pirating is sad, at least they could have asked permission.  Unfortunately there is little that can be done, even putting a copyright logo on it wont help given how easy it is to edit these.

What they should have done was create a marketplace and allow people here to sell their skins and share in the profit.  Then participation would have been voluntary.  The downside though is inevitably there would have been parts of other peoples work likely for sale.

What folks can do is report the site to retailers ratings sites and other such sites as to impact the site reputation.  Eventually it might get black listed.

The sad part is it will impact the sharing here.  :(  I reiterate my thanks to all who helped me get rolling.  I will have one more to make for the next badass PC I am building next.

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On 4/24/2017 at 8:45 AM, Fiery said:

Thank you for your ideas.  We're not planning to enable animations simply because it would consume a lot of system resources to update the SensorPanel more frequently than 10 times a second -- which is the 100 milliseconds update rate that is available as the maximum update rate right now.  A fluid animation would require 30 or even 60 updates per second.

The custom gauge configuration is already too quirky and complicated, and we're not planning to make it even more complex by doubling the number of states.

As for the update frequency, that's again, would require too much system resources.  And on most computers polling all the sensor devices take more than 100 milliseconds anyway, so you would never be able to reach the desired 30 FPS update rate with the SensorPanel anyway ;)

How about allowing for animated GIF's as backgrounds? Like the NZXT CAM Kraken Z3 display? That'd be cool at no performance hit..


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