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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. Thank you. The issue will be fixed in the next AIDA64 beta update due later today.
  2. I'm afraid it's not possible to alter the unit of calculation for fans. Regards, Fiery
  3. It should be correct, but it would be best if you could verify the reading in the BIOS Setup, on the H/W Monitor or PC Health Status page. Regards, Fiery
  4. If 16 slots is enough for your configuration, then you can use the latest AIDA64 Extreme beta update to cover all your devices: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Let me know if you need more slots.
  5. Automatic update is enabled by default, but the default setting is to update only to stable releases. You can alter that setting in AIDA64 / main menu / Preferences / General. Please note that automatic update is only available in the trial version and in the licensed versions. Pirate license voids access to the automatic update feature.
  6. That monitor seems to comply to the DisplayLink standard. DisplayLink monitors are handled by Windows and other operating systems as regular monitors, just as if they were connected via DSub, DVI, HDMI or DisplayPort connector. So you can use the SensorPanel and OSD Panel features of AIDA64 with it. Regards, Fiery
  7. Thank you for the info. Are you using the latest AIDA64 Extreme beta release? http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta
  8. It cannot work, since the AIDA64 LCD/SensorPanel rendering engine doesn't support such tricks. Also, it would be difficult to edit the LCD layout if it is not shown with the right orientation Do you mean it supports Mini-Monitor native rotation via Frame Manager? If yes, then we'll have to take another look at the USB traffic, to see how it does it. It may rotate the image before submitting it through the USB port (that is the costly method), or the SPF firmware might just support rotation on-the-fly afterall...
  9. Do you mean the GPU Clock rate is stuck at 350 MHz, even when the GPU is under heavy load? Thanks, Fiery
  10. Thank you for the feedback. Please make sure to use the default configuration settings for your Heatmaster 2, more specifically: Baud Rate: 57600 bps Parity: No Parity Byte Size: 8 Stop Bits: One Stop Bit You can alter the sensor labels only with the OSD Panel, LCD, SensorPanel and Desktop Gadget modules. On the Sensor page it's not possible to change the labels.
  11. I'm not sure how can it be related, since in mini-monitor mode Samsung SPF devices simply work like any other USB device. Can you please check if G-sync breaks OSD Panel or SensorPanel as well? So disable the LCD module, and enable the OSD or SensorPanel instead.
  12. There's no native (firmware) support for rotating the image in mini-monitor mode, so we would have to do the rotation at the end of the rendering process in AIDA64. And since Samsung frames also require compressing the rendered bitmap into JPEG, the overhead of the rotation + JPEG compression would be enermous It would have high impact on both CPU load and memory load.
  13. You don't have to do anything else than enabling the mentioned option on the Stability page of the AIDA64 Preferences, and then restart AIDA64. Did you restart AIDA64 after altering that option? If yes, then do you have the USB driver installed for Heatmaster II? If yes, then please try to find the USB device on the Devices / USB Devices page in AIDA64, and copy-paste the information you can see in the bottom right window section into this topic.
  14. Make sure to wait until September, when Skylake is unveiled
  15. We've checked, and Microsoft's own Windows Phone Accelerometer sensor sample app shows the same measurements as AIDA64. I think the reason behind this oddity is in the last sentence of this quote: "The accelerometer measures the forces applied to the device at a moment in time. These forces can be used to determine in which direction the user is moving the device. The acceleration value is expressed as a 3-dimensional vector representing the acceleration components in the X, Y, and Z axes in gravitational units. The orientation of the acceleration is relative to the device such that -1g is applied in the Z-axis when the device is face up on a level table and -1g is applied to the Y-axis when the device is placed perpendicular to the table top. The accelerometer sensor detects the force of gravity along with any forces resulting from the movement of the phone. The combined motion API, accessed using the Motion class, uses multiple device sensors to separate the gravity vector from the device acceleration and allows you to easily determine the current attitude (yaw, pitch, and roll) of the device." Source is MSDN: https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/apps/ff431810(v=vs.105).aspx Regards, Fiery
  16. Thank you for the test. We've checked it, and it seems DirectInput has been officially deprecated sometime before Windows 8 was launched. We will disable DirectInput detection under Windows Vista and later Windows versions in the next AIDA64 beta update.
  17. The temperature labelled as "CPU" comes from the sensor chip that is integrated on the PCB of your motherboard. The issue sounds like an intermittent sensor chip malfunction, although such issues are very rare. I don't think it would qualify your motherboard for a RMA, but it may worth a try to call the store where you bought it in case it's still under warranty. Regards, Fiery
  18. It's true. We will do the porting in the second half of this year. Windows 10 enables more information to be collected, so the ported app will show more details about your phone and tablet. It will work on Xbox and HoloLens as well. It will work on classic PCs too, but due to the sandboxing of UWP, it wouldn't make much sense to use the UWP app there, but instead it would be best to keep using the classic AIDA64 Windows software that could provide a lot more information on the hardware and software environment on classic Windows PCs. Project Astoria (Android --> Win10 porting) and Project Islandwood (iOS --> Win10 porting) could help those guys who never ported their existing Android or iOS app to Windows Phone. But we already have got a Windows Phone 8.1 AIDA64 app that we've designed from the ground up to enable easy porting to UWP, so for us the porting will be a very smooth process.
  19. It depends on the actual bandwidth and latency performance of the CPU, but generally speaking, PhotoWorxx is more bandwidth bound than latency bound. And about your scores: the 2x increase is not really 2x, and the bandwidth difference isn't actually 2x either The reference FX-8350 system has got 2.3x more bandwidth than your tested system, and it obtained 1.84x of your score.
  20. It seems way too hot. But that snippet is not from our software AIDA64, is it?
  21. Thank you for posting your ideas. First of all, please note that Windows Phone platform uses a very strict sandboxing solution, so running apps like AIDA64 are almost completely isolated from the hardware and other running or installed apps. So an app can only detect such information that is covered by the WinRT API. In other words, it can only "see" such details of the hardware that Microsoft chooses to allow. And Microsoft does not allow us to access the following information about the hardware: - storage type, class, manufacturer, or generally speaking: any information on the storage hardware itself - CPU frequency range or CPU voltage configuration -- so overclocking your CPU from an app is not possible - any details on the WiFi or cellular controller chip/module - any details on the battery except for remaining battery life, battery level and battery state (charging/discharging) We could get over some of those limitations by using the backend hardware database of AIDA64, and we may do that in a future update. As for benchmarks, it's actually a very complicated issue. It's not that difficult to develop a benchmark for phones and tablets, but it's virtually impossible to show a single score that could represent the performance of the device. It's especially difficult to measure a stable score that doesn't vary a lot based on environmental conditions. For example, if you run a heavily multi-threaded CPU benchmark on your phone 5 or 10 times in quick successions, your SoC will heat up so much that it will have to throttle down to keep your device from overheating, and in effect the obtained scores will keep decreasing at each further run of the benchmark. And then there's this: http://www.forbes.com/sites/patrickmoorhead/2015/06/12/misunderstood-or-inappropriate-mobile-benchmarks-are-hurting-the-industry-and-consumers/ To sum up: I cannot promise you anything about AIDA64 mobile benchmarks at this time. Regards, Fiery
  22. If you disable Samsung LCD support, you can alter the state of the keep-alive checkbox. Let me know if it works with or without the keep-alive option enabled.
  23. Thank you. That would a great help, thanks in advance
  24. Yes, the picture size used by the PhotoWorxx benchmark means that up to 384MB memory is utilized on a 8-thread CPU, so it's good enough to stress the L4 cache, even when its size is increased to 256MB in the future.
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