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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> System Debug --> Battery Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic. Thanks, Fiery
  2. 0x5A = 90 Celsius. Regards, Fiery
  3. Under Windows it's not possible to gain direct access to hardware without administrator privileges. Without administrator rights you cannot read GPU information, chipset information, SPD memory module details, sensor readings, etc. It's a Windows limitation that AIDA64 has to obey. There's no way to fix it. Regards, Fiery
  4. Here's the new AIDA64 Extreme beta update that implements the 3 new media items for the hardware monitoring module: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta It only supports BSPlayer and Winamp at this time. We've tried our best to implement support for Windows Media Player too, but it's quite a bit more complicated than we've assumed. We'll keep trying though Let me know how it works.
  5. Great tip, thank you! I should have tried that myself I did manage to install the DirectOutput SDK, but it has no documentation at all, just 2 DLLs and an EXE file. Quite tough to go further from here. We'll contact Mad Catz and ask whether we can access the documentation for the SDK.
  6. I'd be happy to check out the SDK, but those drivers for the X52Pro do not seem to install at all without the actual hardware to be connected to the PC Do you know of a direct download link to the SDK alone, without the drivers and other buzz?
  7. I'm not sure what do you mean exactly What do you do, and where does the progress bar appear? Maybe you can post a screen shot to illustrate the issue?
  8. I'm afraid we don't have an idea about what could cause the issues on your system. We've done quite a few test runs on our R9 290X card trying to reproduce the lockup, but it worked flawlessly. It may be a combination of Windows version, Catalyst version and other factors. Are you using Win8.1 64-bit? What version of Catalyst do you have installed? Maybe if we use the exact same Windows version + kernel type and the same Catalyst release, we can reproduce the issue on our test hardware.
  9. AI Suite II is not properly synchronized with our software, even though many of us already asked Asus to go down that route. Asus simply refuses to implement the industry standard synchronization methods that AIDA64, CoreTemp, CPU-Z, GPU-Z, HWiNFO, HWMonitor, SIV, Speedfan (etc) already use. For that reason, we cannot fix the issue from our software As for CPU-Z, that software should be synchronized with AIDA64 and other software, but maybe it doesn't use the SMBus synchronization mutex properly. If it's possible, please notify the authors of CPU-Z about this potential issue. We are pretty certain AIDA64 has that mutex properly implemented, so once again, the issue is not with our software. Regards, Fiery
  10. Thank you for the feedback and the test runs. I'm afraid we cannot find the right register to use to measure pump power We have some candidates, but the numbers do not add up for some reason. Maybe the pump power is not scaled in a linear fashion or so. We'll keep looking, but at this time I cannot promise anything.
  11. Such issues are usually caused by a security software that prevents AIDA64 from being installed as an auto-start process. Another problem may be that something has been mixed up in the Windows Task Scheduler. Try to close AIDA64, remove its startup entry from the Task Scheduler, start AIDA64 again, and see if it helps. Regards, Fiery
  12. You don't have to install anything else. All you have to do is build your own custom LCD layout in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / LCD / LCD Items. In case the text is too small, you can adjust the font size easily.
  13. We do have plans for such a feature for the Android app. Meanwhile, you may want to check out the RemoteSensor feature that can already be used for such purposes: http://forums.aida64.com/topic/2636-remotesensor-lcd-for-smartphones-and-tablets/ Regards, Fiery
  14. PowerControl = 0% means the default setting for PowerControl. In case your video adapter supports adjusting PowerControl, you can adjust it from the AMD Catalyst Control Panel. As for power draw measurement, I'm afraid most legacy video cards do not support that. Most Intel processors that support Turbo Boost do support measuring power draw, but it doesn't mean your video card can do it too.
  15. Yes, you should be able to utilize the PlayBook. Even the very first iPad works fine, or any old Android device. Refer to the following topic for more details: http://forums.aida64.com/topic/2636-remotesensor-lcd-for-smartphones-and-tablets/ We've specifically designed the RemoteSensor feature to let you monitor your PC remotely, by simply using virtually any web browser. So as long as the device has a web browser and can connect to your LAN, it should work
  16. Since we've introduced the RemoteSensor feature, some AIDA64 users started to drop the idea of external LCD device or picture frame, and picked up some affordable Android based tablets instead. It may be a better option for you too Regards, Fiery
  17. No, it's currently not possible with AIDA64. Various HDD, SSD, optical drive and flash drive storage benchmarks are available in AIDA64 / main menu / Tools / Disk Benchmark, but I suppose that's not what you're looking for. Regards, Fiery
  18. We've checked everything, and here's what we can do. We can display the currently played track title, but not with scrolling. If the whole title doesn't fit on your LCD or SensorPanel, the end will be truncated or it will overlap with other visual elements. We could display the percentage of play-time, that you could put on a bar or gauge if you want. Status can only be displayed in a textual form, like "Playing" or "Paused", and not via other methods. So we cannot display a double vertical pause icon when it's paused, and we cannot display a triangle icon when it's playing. Only one player could be handled at a time, in an alphabetical order. So BSPlayer will be first, then Media Player (if it can be supported, I haven't actually checked it yet), then Winamp. When both BSPlayer and Winamp are running, BSPlayer will be detected, and Winamp will not be detected. Would such a solution be useful for your case, so should we go ahead and implement it the way I've described it?
  19. Please avoid posting multiple topics for a single issue. I've locked this topic, and replied in your original topic. Thanks, Fiery
  20. Please avoid posting multiple topics for a single issue. I've locked this topic, and replied in your original topic. Thanks, Fiery
  21. Please avoid posting multiple topics for a single issue. I've locked this topic, and replied in your original topic. Thanks, Fiery
  22. Please avoid posting multiple topics for a single issue. I've locked this topic, and replied in your original topic. Thanks, Fiery
  23. Please avoid posting multiple topics for a single issue. I've locked this topic, and replied in your original topic. Thanks, Fiery
  24. Please let us know what exactly the problem is about AIDA64. And in the future, please avoid posting multiple topics for a single issue. I've locked your other topics. Thanks, Fiery
  25. I'm sorry for the late response. 1) We'll add the pump RPM reading in the next AIDA64 beta update. I'm afraid we have no information on how to read the pump power value. We have a theory about which register may be used for that, but we would need a bit more data to verify our theory. Can you please post two different Aquaero Dumps, made at different pump power settings, like 40% and 60% or so? For both dumps please indicate the actual pump power value set, and also the pump power value as shown in Aquasuite. Thank you in advance! 2) It may be due to a temporary USB HID communication issue, or due to a collision between Aquasuite and AIDA64. Please try to close Aquasuite, and check if it makes it any better. Thanks, Fiery
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