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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. Even if the cards have the same GPU and similar core clock and/or boost clock, their cooling and actual thermal status could be very different. Modern video cards could perform better if they're cooler, since their GPU could use boost clocks more at a cooler state. So even by using 2 of the same video cards, the scores could be different if one card runs cooler than the other. BTW, according to the specs, your Gigabyte card uses 5000 MHz effective memory clock, while the Sapphire card uses 4500 MHz, so there's a considerable difference there. Regards, Fiery
  2. That seems to be a LCDsysinfo device that AIDA64 doesn't support. LCDsysinfo (both generations) sadly does not support direct bitmap display through USB connection
  3. Yes, you should. As long as your notebook is properly constructed by MSI, our stress test wouldn't harm it. But, if you're afraid of it, just don't run the stress test
  4. 1) No, the AIDA64 System Stability Test didn't harm your system. 2) Maximums clocks cannot be achieved when all components of the system is under heavy stress. Turbo Boost cannot push the clocks to the maximum level when all cores are under such high level of load that AIDA64 puts on them. Regards, Fiery
  5. I didn't mean losing the SensorPanel because you move the window out of the desktop area. I meant a situation when you either change your monitor or lower the desktop resolution. If e.g. you place the SensorPanel at a point of X = 1200 and Y = 0, and you lower the desktop resolution to e.g. 1024x768, and AIDA64 wouldn't automatically put the SensorPanel back to the new desktop area, the SensorPanel would become invisible to the user. And when that would happen, he wouldn't be able to move it back at all, since no part of the window would be visible or draggable on the desktop area. In such a situation the user would have to close AIDA64 and remove the relevant Registry entries using REGEDIT, which is far from being the most user-friendly or easy-to-handle method
  6. I'm afraid we've tried but haven't found a solution to this issue When you use Windows scaling, font is automatically scaled, no matter if you write text on a window or on a bitmap that you send to the Logitech LCD. However, in case you plan to keep the 125% setting, you may be able to set the font size to a smaller setting with your LCD items, so when they are scaled up 125%, you get the right size of text.
  7. I'm afraid AIDA64 LCD module doesn't support that. Thank you for the feedback. I'm not sure if you're talking about the classic Intel CPU throttling value there. Throttling is a single percentage value that shows if the CPU is overheating at any given time. If you mean a different throttling value, then please show us (with a screen shot or a link) what you mean.
  8. We would be hesitant to add such a feature to AIDA64, since it would let you lose the SensorPanel window completely. SensorPanel is automatically put back to the visible Windows Desktop area to make sure there's no such situation when the SensorPanel gets completely out of any desktop area and so get unmovable and unreachable by the user. You can hide/show the SensorPanel using the right-click context menu of the AIDA64 System Tray icon though. For most users it's a good solution to quickly hide/show the SensorPanel. Regards, Fiery
  9. I'm afraid it cannot be done with AIDA64 OSD Panel, but it is possible with the SensorPanel. Regards, Fiery
  10. I'm afraid we have no information on how to read battery level of PS4 controller. If you could give us a direction on how to obtain the necessary programming details, we could add it to AIDA64. Regards, Fiery
  11. I've replied in the other topic. I apologize for the delays. Regards, Fiery
  12. We'll try to do that in the next AIDA64 beta update. It's not that easy I'm afraid, since we would have to apply major revamping on the hardware monitor module of AIDA64 to make it happen. Clipping will be done in the next AIDA64 beta
  13. Dreadnought & DocCruncher: 1) Does your Windows user have administrator privileges? 2) Is AIDA64 installed originally using the self-installer EXE package? 3) Do you get the error only once, or no matter how many times do you try to update, you always get the same error?
  14. It's not possible to put such an item to the LCD yet. We'll implement it soon, and I will get back to you in this topic Thanks, Fiery
  15. Please upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Let me know if it helps
  16. We've fixed that up in the latest AIDA64 Extreme beta update: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Thanks, Fiery
  17. Yes, we aware of the fact that it would be possible to implement native support for certain database servers, but as you pointed out, it's not a generic solution that could be future-proof or "fool-proof"
  18. I'm afraid no. Corsair still hasn't got a SDK or other facility that would allow 3rd party applications to connect to the Link framework without using any hacking tricks.
  19. I suppose it's because you've configured the wrong pixel resolution in AIDA64 Preferences. You shouldn't use the native resolution of your device, but the resolution reported by the web browser of your device. In many cases that is a much lower resolution than the native resolution, like 1/3 of the native pixel values. Try to hide all items on your layout, and check the splash screen AIDA64 displays on your device: it will inform you about the resolution you have to use. E.g. on my Galaxy Note 3 the resolution I have to use is 360x495, as opposed to the actual native resolution of 1080x1920 pixels. I've tried the new LGS application along with the new Arx Android app update, and automatic connection no longer works It seems Logitech will have to issue one more update to their Arx framework. We've reported the issue to our contacts at Logitech.
  20. I'm afraid you need to install the MySQL Connector/ODBC on every client computers, to make it work with AIDA64. Regards, Fiery
  21. Try to enable the option Wake GPUs up at AIDA64 startup in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability, and restart AIDA64. Regards, Fiery
  22. You can put any images on your layout. If it's big enough, and you put it on top of your list, it will act as a background image. What mobile device is that, and what resolution did you configure? And what do you mean by "looks crap" ? I mean is the whole thing off, or just some of the items are off? Is it an offset (placement) issue or sizing issue?
  23. Thank you, we'll fix that up in the next AIDA64 beta update.
  24. We've released the mobile edition of our industry-leading system information software for Android devices. With the new app, users of smartphones, tablets, Android TV devices and Android Wear smartwatches, running Android 2.1 or newer, can learn everything about both the hardware and the software under the hood. AIDA64 for Android features include: - CPU detection, real-time core clock measurement - Screen dimensions, pixel density and camera information - Battery level and temperature monitoring - Wi-Fi and cellular network information - Android OS and Dalvik properties - SoC and device model identification - Memory and storage utilization - OpenGL ES GPU details, real-time GPU clock measurement - PCI, USB, CUDA, OpenCL device listing - Sensor polling - Listing of installed apps, codecs and system directories - Android Wear module: native app for smartwatches The app is freely downloadable from the Google Play store [ Press Release (English) ] [ Press Release (italiano) ] [ Press Release (magyar) ]
  25. No, we don't have such a profile. In case you've got a valid AIDA64 license purchased from us, you can send me your new email address in private message and I'll update your email in our customer database. If you send me your new address, please also send me either your AIDA64 product key or your old email address, so I can find you in the database
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