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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. Thank you for the feedback
  2. 1) No data is written during read tests. 2) The data written during write tests were garbage. We've changed that in the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme Edition (link below) so that from now on the written data will be absolutely random (non-compressable). We've also added a warning for the Buffered Write test about SSD drives. http://www.aida64.com/downloads/aida64extremebuild1123r4ivje6xphzip After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Regards, Fiery
  3. We've implemented Windows 7 style icons. Please note that we're not finished with this, so this is just a sneak peek of how it will look like in the next stable release of AIDA64. We'll continue revamping the graphics elements of the user interface to make it look more consistent. Please upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme Edition available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/aida64extremebuild1123r4ivje6xphzip After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works. You can switch between Windows 2000 looks, Windows XP looks and Windows 7 looks in AIDA64 / main menu / Preferences / General / Icons style. Thanks, Fiery
  4. Thank you for the tip. We've enhanced the RAID member enumeration and implemented SMART information readout for Intel ICH/PCH RAID controllers. Please upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme Edition available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/aida64extremebuild1123r4ivje6xphzip After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works. --- Please note that Intel's Rapid RAID drivers feature a bug about the ATA passthrough interface. SMART thresholds readout returns the same data than SMART attribute values readout. Hence the thresholds column shown in Intel SSD ToolBox shows garbage (invalid) data. We've implemented a trick to detect that driver bug and ignore the thresholds data when it is invalid. We've notified Intel about this driver bug, and as soon as they fix it, AIDA64 will start showing valid thresholds data. Thanks, Fiery
  5. NoBS: Thank you! 3rik: The lack of further beta releases now is due to the fact that we're bringing major changes with the next beta We need some more time to further test the new features, but we're hoping to release the next beta in 2-3 days from now. Just a hint about the new features: http://forums.aida64.com/index.php?showtopic=31
  6. Thank you for performing that experiment. Quite frankly, I think it could be normal, and it may come from the fact that AIDA64 uses 2 different threads to measure sensor values (temperatures, voltages, fan speeds). One thread is used exclusively by the Sensor page, and the other one is shared by all the Hardware Monitoring features (Sensor Icons, OSD, Sidebar Gadget, Logitech LCD, External Applications, Logging, Alerting). The two threads usually measure the same when they're running side-by-side (e.g. when you have OSD and also Sensor page opened); however, the Intel DTS core diodes are very sensitive to CPU load, so some variance on the thread that is used by AIDA64 to measure sensor values can occur. When I write "side-by-side", of course I don't mean the 2 sensor threads would measure values at the same time. The two threads are executed one after each other, otherwise their low-level code would collide with each other. When e.g. the thread of the Sensor page is executed first, and it puts a load (utilization) on the CPU core it runs at, the second thread going after that (the Hardware Monitoring thread) may just start from a hotter state of the CPU core, and so it could measure a hotter CPU core temperature than expected. Then, until the next update the CPU core cools down a bit, hence the next thread (Sensor) starts from a cooler state again, hots the core up again, and the next thread (Hardware Monitoring) starts from a hotter state again, etc. etc. Such anomaly could be confusing, I admit, but I believe it's not a program bug, but more like an architectural short-coming of AIDA64 that we could only eliminate by joining the two separate sensor threads, to make sure once a value is measured, the same value is displayed everywhere in AIDA64. We'll work on it. Thanks, Fiery
  7. Thank you for your support We plan to release a new AIDA64 beta every week, so at least 52 beta releases per year. We also plan to publish at least 5 or 6 new stable updates per year.
  8. We have (long-term) plans about a native 64-bit application, but it wouldn't be an AIDA64 update, but more like a brand new, separate software product. As for the installation question: it wouldn't offer any advantage to install AIDA64 individually under each operating system, unless you consider the individual configuration an advantage. Since if you run it from a central location, you cannot configure it differently for e.g. XP SP3 than for Win7. If you install one AIDA64 copy for each OS, you can have different settings configured in AIDA64 Preferences for all OS. BTW, in our test labs we don't install AIDA64 on each test system, but we run it straight from the network, from a central shader folder (using UNC path). AIDA64 is the most flexible and most portable diagnostic software in its class
  9. Since this is a brand new product, we don't publish all small details we introduced in AIDA64. The major improvements are well documented in our press release: http://www.aida64.com/news/finalwire-unveils-aida64 And also on the "what's new" page: http://www.aida64.com/whatsnew/aida64-here Besides them, we've spent endless hours optimizing the sensor code, e.g. making AMD Radeon HD 5xxx support a lot faster. We've also made the PCI scanning module faster, to make the application start-up considerably quicker than before, especially on Core i3/i5/i7 systems. The Preferences changed a bit too, but the small touches here and there mostly serve optimization purposes, and involve no major functionality changes.
  10. Thanks. Maybe a long shot, but can you please try the following: 1) Disable Turbo Boost (you can do it in AIDA64 / CPU Tweakings, I'm sure you know where to find that ), and check if it makes any difference. 2) If #1 doesn't make a difference, then please try to run AIDA64, and manually adjust the CPU affinity (using Task Manager), and so lock AIDA64 to the 2nd logical processor, then the 3rd logical processor. Please let us know if it makes any difference. Thanks, Fiery
  11. It will stop working one year after the free license was created. Yes, you do. A full purchased license of AIDA64 can be used perpetually. It will not expire at all. The only thing that will expire is the support & updates (maintenance) period, but you will only notice that if you try to upgrade to a new AIDA64 version that your license doesn't permit. If you don't upgrade to a newer version after the maintenance period is expired, AIDA64 will keep working with its full functionality.
  12. Yes, that's how we imagine it. The user can choose whether to use the classic Win2000 icons, the XP-style icons, or the Win7-style icons. Currently only the first two are supported.
  13. 1) What processor is it? 2) Do you have C1E or SpeedStep enabled? 3) Do you have Turbo Boost enabled (if your CPU is Turbo-capable)? Thanks, Fiery
  14. Generally speaking, write benchmark tests shall not be used on SSD drives, unless the measurements are done for specific purposes like it is for a hardware review article, or there's a suspicion about hardware malfunctioning. Linear Write fills the whole disk space once, so unless it is performed in loop mode, it's nothing critical for a SSD, since it only writes every flash memory block just once. The Buffered Write test however constantly writes the beginning first few sectors of the SSD "surface", so it shall not be used on flash memory based devices at all, unless it's absolutely necessary. Random Write and Average Write Access tests write random sectors on the SSD "surface", so they are not much harmful, unless of course you use them a lot, or if you use loop mode and let it go "all night long" We'll add a special warning for the Buffered Write test, specifically about SSD drives, so it would strongly advise against using that particular test on SSD drives. Thanks, Fiery
  15. Yes, our beta releases are just as stable and high quality as our stable releases. Of course, from time to time slight issues may slip in a beta, but they usually only affect a single piece of hardware or a very small group of users. Regards, Fiery
  16. The only way to verify if it is a correct value is by checking it a couple of times a day. If it always shows the same degrees Celsius value, then it is stuck and so it doesn't report a valid value. At least 1-2 Celsius variation should be shown.
  17. It looks quite cool (the opposite of hot) to me, so it's fine Anything under 60-70 Celsius should be considered normal temperature for a SSD.
  18. It means the Retired Block Count data is non-zero. It doesn't mean there's anything wrong with the SSD, but from time to time it's advisable to watch if that data grows, and how rapidly is it growing. Regards, Fiery
  19. As far as we know, Corsair Dominator modules do not feature DIMM TS chip yet.
  20. Thank you for the dump. I'm sorry, but I cannot see any DIMM TS (Thermal Sensor) capable memory modules in your system. Are you sure your memory modules implement a thermal sensor chip? If yes, then do you have any software that is capable of measuring temperatures of your memory modules? Thanks, Fiery
  21. We cannot publish all information in details at this early stage. Currently, our release schedule puts AIDA64 v2.00 later this year, probably in early December, with a brand new hardware monitoring visual panel implemented, sort of an "OSD on steroids". AIDA64 v3.00 will only come in 2011, probably in Q2 (April or May). We plan to implement e.g. OpenCL benchmarks and OpenCL System Stability Test in 2011, most likely by v3.00 release. Between those cornerstone releases, we will release at least 2 or 3 stable updates, where we implement support for the latest hardware components (video cards, motherboards, processors, SSD drives, etc) released between the major updates. We are also in the process of implementing Intel AVX support in our memory and FPU benchmarks, to optimize them for the upcoming Intel "Sandy Bridge" processor. However, the unveiling of the AVX-optimized benchmarks depends on Intel's release schedule of their new processors based on the "Sandy Bridge" core.
  22. Obtaining the 32x32 icons is not a problem, but as you can see, AIDA64 uses 16x16 icons e.g. in the page menu on the left of its user interface, and also in MHTML reports and on most information pages as well. But since we'll implement Win7 icons as an option, if someone doesn't like how they look, he can revert back to WinXP-style icons.
  23. Currently AIDA64 supports the following DIMM TS manufacturer IDs: 001F 0054 00B3 104A 1131 1B09 In case you have a memory module that is not supported yet, then please start AIDA64, right-click on the bottom status bar of its main window --> Sensor Debug --> SMBus Dump (Full). And copy-paste the full results into this topic. Based on that output we can add new DIMM TS manufacturers to AIDA64. Regards, Fiery
  24. Thanks for the feedback
  25. As our Terms and conditions state at ... http://www.aida64.com/free-upgrade-aida64 ... we provide an AIDA64 license free of charge with a 12 months expiry. So the AIDA64 license you got today can be used until October 10, 2011. However, the license can be used only for AIDA64 v1.00. If in the future you find e.g. AIDA64 v2.00 or AIDA64 v3.00 appealing, and you will wish to upgrade to it, then you will need to buy a full new AIDA64 license to upgrade from AIDA64 v1.00 to a new version of it. We don't clone the EVEREST license, and we don't provide an AIDA64 license with the same limitations. We only provide a chance now to switch to AIDA64 free of charge, because AIDA64 is the future, and we want to give EVEREST customers a chance to benefit from the new features of AIDA64. This is not a "one-way street", you can switch back to EVEREST if you want, since your purchased EVEREST license is retained even after acquiring a free AIDA64 license. I hope this clarifies it Regards, Fiery
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