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Share your Sensorpanels


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Still playing around with my Sensorpanel. There's too much going on, I've taken some things out and added the widgets (weather, calendar, and rotating image gallery).

The widgets are free, it's called Widget Launcher. I'm contemplating on actually paying for a "pro" version, but I'm not sure what that gets you. The free version is just fine for what I'm using it




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On 10/27/2020 at 1:09 AM, POE said:

RYZEN Panel Pro

Here is one for you guys that have a RYZEN setup with a RADEON graphics card and one of those 480x800 USB displays, i made this from scratch a few days ago using Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9 and windows98, thought i would share it here for you to download. You will need to install rivatuner to use the FPS monitoring function, included are all the fonts, images and backgrounds, enjoy. On the left side is a logarithmic LED display for cpu and gpu loads, with cpu/gpu temp logos that change colour depending on temperature, at the bottom left are cpu/gpu icons that light up when they are idling at less than 6% load.



AMD Panel Pro.PNG


AMD Panel Pro.7z 433.55 kB · 103 downloads

Would love to see a horizontal version of this, pls

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On 1/25/2021 at 12:07 PM, Nashö said:

Want to share my latest project. Currently 90% in progress..

The elements were from you guys who sharing your Sensor Panel here thus, thank you so much.

This template is made to accommodate my upcoming long screen (ordered locally) and gotta say that I am proud with this one. The resolution is 1920x480. The fan gauge were custom made including the ram graph (impractical i know lol).

I ll share the template soon enough when its completed.


Hi, good work! whould you share the gfx-sources, please?


Update: forget it, i am a noob...

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On 2/1/2021 at 7:10 AM, nyncuk2003 said:


Hey! I am sharing my project for a 800 * 480 display. Many thanks to the authors for the visuals they shared. The idea was to put as much information as possible on the small 5 "display. The water sensors are not connected now, so the H2O values need to be replaced with what you want. 

When I install the display in the case, I will show the result =)

Font Airborne




project1.sensorpanel 710.13 kB · 38 downloads Airborne.ttf 32.07 kB · 24 downloads

This is great! I'm going to try it out later tonight...

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Someone asked for a 600x1024 version of my Fallout theme... I just quickly put this together, you guys play around with it. That bottom Black Screen area, I placed the Weather from Widget Launcher (free), but you can place rotating images/photos or your calendar, etc. Whatever you want

I think eventually I will just buy that extra long 14 monitor strip and display all the information under my main monitor. I'm too lazy to glance over at my computer to see stats....




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On 1/26/2021 at 5:24 PM, braintez said:

I also have an 8.8 inch panel on order.  It should be delivered in the next 2 weeks.  While waiting, I have already created a design based off of the popular Fantasy of Space theme and work from @teetaatee

Will also upload after I test and tweak on the actual display.


Finally got my panel in the mail.  Took a little more than a week with expedited shipping from China to the US.  What an awesome little display!  The attached zip contains the theme as well as the required fonts. 

I made some changes since the initial post to take into account the size of the actual screen.  Resolution isn't the issue, more finding the right font size and making more efficient use of the display area.

The animation effect in the video preview isn't anything groundbreaking.  It's basically Steam Wallpaper Engine running in the background, with transparency for the SensorPanel set to 20%.  It adds a little something to the overall theme, IMO. 

I managed to find the right part on Amazon to allow mounting via PCI bracket.  Very pleased with the way the installation and panel design turned out.

Thanks to all of the creative minds who have contributed their ideas and innovations to this community!




Aida Spy - 1920x480.zip

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Finished up my first attempt to go along with my first PC build after having had macbooks for the last 10 years.  Still have my macbook (which I love) but now I can play games with friends, finally.  Below is the screen grab from The Martian I used as inspiration for the sensor panel.  I'll be working on version 1.3 soon to include more blue to fit the case lighting I ended up with.    640x1024




Screenshot (2).png

MARS Theme.zip

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Hi all

So I took the plunge and bought a 1280x390 monitor from Amazon so I could customise my very own sensor panel, here are the results, well I used a gauge from another kind aida64 sensor fanboy :) 

I bought the monitor here.... 1280x390 Monitor

It took about 5 or 6 hours to create, I customised the status bars to move to the right in the 1st panel, out from the centre in the next panel and move to the left in the next panel.

A warning to those wanting to make a panel... be careful IT IS ADDICTIVE ;)


I think this is plain and simple, I am going to make a 390x1280 version and have a play around with a few more ideas

Let me know what you think

Orange & Black 1280x390.JPG






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