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1 hour ago, Christian David Cortés Galvis said:

I would like to ask everyone if you could send me the link or file of sensor panel, my screen is 800x600

If there's a panel you've seen on here, reach out to the poster.   Many of them are more than willing to share if you ask.  Just remember to give them the recognition they deserve if you manipulate it and post it.  Also, you can search 800x600 and should find lost of panels posted.  This is a wide and diverse group of people.

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  • Sensor Moderators

Custom panels for customers, some newly created and modified from existing panels.

Interface 101 - yellow/orange version (1920x480px)


Borderlands 3 - Version 1 (1920x480px)


Simplify v2 red/yellow (1920x480px)


Simplify v2 white/grey (1920x480px)


Simplify v2 colorful (1920x480px)


MSI - black/grey (600x1024px)


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Here is my 2nd contribution of the sensorpanel in RGB mode with a modification of the Background, in 1920x1080 resolution, you will need Geforce fonts to be installed on your system.


Voici ma 2e contribution du sensorpanel en mode RGB avec une modification du Background, en résolution 1920x1080, vous aurez besoin des polices de caractères Geforce à installées sur votre système.



bibitor-1920-1080-RGB-Final-V2.sensorpanel geforce-ttf.zip

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5 hours ago, Exhumed said:

Custom panels for customers, some newly created and modified from existing panels.

Interface 101 - yellow/orange version (1920x480px)


Borderlands 3 - Version 1 (1920x480px)


Simplify v2 red/yellow (1920x480px)


Simplify v2 white/grey (1920x480px)


MSI - black/grey (600x1024px)


Nice work Exhumed, especially like Interface 101

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I share with you gauges that I have personalized starting from an existing base that I have recovered here and adapted in a colored circle.
good use to you.

Je vous partage des jauges que j’ai personnalisées en partant d’une base existante que j’ai récupéré ici et adapté dans un cercle de couleur.
bonne utilisation à vous.



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10 hours ago, Exhumed said:

Custom panels for customers, some newly created and modified from existing panels.

Interface 101 - yellow/orange version (1920x480px)


Borderlands 3 - Version 1 (1920x480px)


Simplify v2 red/yellow (1920x480px)


Simplify v2 white/grey (1920x480px)


Simplify v2 colorful (1920x480px)


MSI - black/grey (600x1024px)


Borderlands 3 is free right now at Epic Games. Get it now before offer gone.

I have 2 copies now. Paid for one last year. Grabbed a free one yesterday for my other account.

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On 5/19/2022 at 10:06 AM, bibitor31 said:


I have been following the forum for a long time, I used some sensorpanel posted by other users that I modified and adapted to my needs with GIMP
Here is my small contribution in RGB mode, in 1920x1080 resolution, you will need Geforce fonts to be installed on your system.

sorry for the translation if there are spelling mistakes.


je suis depuis longtemps le forum, j’ai utilisé certains sensorpanel postés par d'audre utilisateurs que j'ai modifié et adapté à mes besoins avec GIMP
Voici ma petite contribution en mode RGB, en résolution 1920x1080, vous aurez besoin des polices de caractères Geforce à installées sur votre système.

désolé pour la traduction s'il y a des fautes d'orthographe.


bibitor-1920-1080-RGB-Final.sensorpanel 3.13 MB · 57 downloads geforce-ttf.zip 89.89 kB · 31 downloads

Been looking/waiting for one like this. This is amazing well done and thanks for sharing.

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Hello boys and girls of the interweb how are you I am fine thank you so I'm wondering is there a build sensor panels for dummies????   I really appreciate an enjoy your guys designs it would be really nice if I knew how to make my own I'm old as dirt and if there's anything like that other than bugging you find folks which I'd rather not do somebody could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it thank you OK

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Just a little chart I made in Excel on how much weight 1% to 100%% moves on a scale of 15 graphics for a gauge.  The left side is 0-100 in 5% increments.  The right is where I assigned the change on the graphic to closest match the percent on the right.  Of course you may have made different choices.    Might help newbies making there own gauges.  Your welcome to use these, they are super crude and was more of a fun experiment to see if I could successfully create a gauge.

Right click on your sensor panel and select sensor panel manager.  From there you can pick whatever function you want to assigned your custom gauge to.  You can play around a lot in here to choose where you want to apply your gauge.  Screenshot below shows you the areas you need to change.  Each picture below gets selected to the 15 states.

Resist the urge to shorten these graphics, the taller length allowed the built in numbers that Aida displays to land center of the gauge with a smaller font size.

The experts here can chime in as to all the issues or suggesting they see with this.  Despite those that have stolen from the free spirit of sharing here, I think we should still share.  If you think about it, that is how all this grew.. building atop others work! 
























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1 hour ago, KamiKazeKerr said:

Hello boys and girls of the interweb how are you I am fine thank you so I'm wondering is there a build sensor panels for dummies????   I really appreciate an enjoy your guys designs it would be really nice if I knew how to make my own I'm old as dirt and if there's anything like that other than bugging you find folks which I'd rather not do somebody could point me in the right direction I would really appreciate it thank you OK

So here is my quick run down how I made mine without any extra extra using what Windows comes with (and Aida64 of course) and what others have offered here. 


Find a picture/background you want to use one your panel.  Use windows photo to resize it to the size you need for your panel.  

Use Adia64 to build your panel. It is built by layers. Bottom most being your back ground with everything else atop it as the next layers.  

Adia64 has some stock gauges/graphics etc you can use.  But let say you see a set of gauges you want to use on your that someone has shared and already created.  Download the file they shared, import that panel to adia64. The program will save all the images contained in that panel to your Adia folder (where you saved Aida on your PC) and can now use them on yours.  You can also resize each gauge using the windows photo editor. 

The layering in Aida is on an X/Y axis (updown/leftright).  You use the Aida editor to move your items in to the position you want. 

Aida will automatically use the sensor for what you wish to monitor by you selecting the item you want to monitor.  You than need to assign EACH picture of the gauge to that monitor (This sounds worse then it is).  In Aida when you pick the monitor sensor, you can select each picture of the gauge (that you saved and resided earlier). Remember it is layers, so when the temp or whatnot goes up, it looks for the next picture in the gauge file you selected to give the visual of a gauge scaling up (in reality it is the next picture layer showing). 


I would say dive into it, give it a go. Once you start messing with it, it makes more sense.  It looks REALLY hard on the surface. But these are simple to create.   Now some of the more in depth ones you see from @Exhumed and others, they (am assuming) using more software such as photoshop or Coral draw and other editing programs with much more capabilities (but they also pay for these programs and am guessing they are graphic designers or something along that realm).  



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1 hour ago, Themislaz said:

Nos, végre létrehoztam egy panelt a magam számára. A panel Darth Vaderen alapul. 2 verziót töltöttem fel (egy feketét és egy pirosat). A felbontás 1064x600.image.thumb.jpeg.33ac545f31f5344e0314d95389b3864f.jpeg

Darth Vader_Red.szenzorpanel 709,19 kB · 2 letöltés Airborne.ttf 32,07 kB · 1 letöltés Darth Vader.érzékelőpanel 795,43 kB · 2 letöltés

szép munka köszönöm!

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17 minutes ago, EverStaR said:

Csak egy kis diagram, amit Excelben készítettem arról, hogy 1% és 100% közötti súly mennyit mozog egy 15 grafikás skálán egy mérőműszer esetében. A bal oldal 0-100 5%-os lépésekben. A jobb oldalon hozzárendeltem a változást a grafikon, hogy a legközelebb legyen a jobb oldali százalékhoz. Persze lehet, hogy másképpen döntött. Segíthet az újoncoknak, hogy saját mérőórákat készítsenek. Üdvözöljük, hogy használja ezeket, rendkívül nyersek, és inkább szórakoztató kísérlet volt, hogy kiderüljön, sikerül-e létrehoznom egy mérőeszközt.

Kattintson a jobb gombbal az érzékelőpanelre, és válassza az érzékelőpanel-kezelő lehetőséget. Innen kiválaszthatja azt a funkciót, amelyhez az egyéni mérőműszert hozzá szeretné rendelni. Sokat játszhat itt, és kiválaszthatja, hová szeretné alkalmazni a mérőeszközt. Az alábbi képernyőképen láthatók azok a területek, amelyeken változtatni kell. Az alábbi képek mindegyike a 15 államba kerül kiválasztásra.























köszi a műszereket!

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