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On 10/26/2023 at 5:17 AM, Владислав Тютьков said:

Hi all! I ran into a problem: I bought a 3.5-inch display, ax206 for aida64, 480*230
Connected. Works. But once a second there are microfreezes and freezing in aida64. These stutters also affect games.
Maybe this can be fixed somehow? Maybe I configured something wrong?


I know this doesn't answer your question, but do you have a file link to that theme?


I just started using the sensor panel in AIDA64 and have spent lots of time searching around here in this thread.  You guys are pretty damn creative.  Here is my first sensor panel I put together.  1024x600 on a 7" panel.



Black Widow Sensor Panel.png

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On 12/30/2021 at 7:52 AM, Earl Cloyd Valenzuela said:

gauges, lots of gauges! :D


Guages 2.png

Guages 3.png

I'm curious what size this is and if there is any chance you could share this one?

  • Like 1

This panel is for Star Trek fans. I found a screenshot of the LCARS computer interface from Star Trek: The Next Generation and decided to turn it into a working sensor panel.

This skin has 3 special features:

-As the temperature of the CPU or GPU rises a Star Trek Yellow Alert will appear. If the temperature continues to rise a Star Trek Red Alert will appear.

-When you start a game the Federation of Planets logo will change.

-Includes a panel with 12 lights that each randomly change colors.

The font is Helvetica LT Std Ultra Compressed, the same font used on the show. The panel resolution is 1280x800.

The panel as it is now is FREE. If you want the panel modified, customized for your system, or changed in size there will be a small charge. Just reply here or send me a private message.

To send me a PM (private message) put your mouse over the profile image of my username and click on the "Message" button to send a private message.

Take a look! 



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On 9/27/2023 at 7:12 PM, Shephard said:

you have an error in one of the sensors worth 84-89
but you need 84-99

Thank you very much for your help. However, I'm having an issue. I'm trying to create a new sensor for the CPU clock, and I used the same information you suggested, but it's not working. What would be the maximum and minimum values I should use in each state, considering that the maximum CPU clock value is 9000?

22 minutes ago, Halfcutt said:

Ya, I would guess it is the individual CPU cores.

Exactly, take a look:


What is strange is that each core image is a custom graph but each cell image is missing. He put them in a subdirectory that doesn't exist. Look at the states of each core custom graph.




Posted (edited)
52 minutes ago, Mask Blue said:

"Thank you very much for your help. However, I'm having an issue. I'm trying to create a new sensor for the CPU clock, and I used the same information you suggested, but it's not working. What would be the maximum and minimum values I should use in each state, considering that the maximum CPU clock value is 9000?"

The clock uses seconds so for a 24 clock you would need a  range of 0-86399. 60 seconds x 60 minutes x 24 hours is 864000

Edit: I thought you wanted to create a clock with a custom gauge.

Edited by rinaldop
Misread question
2 minutes ago, Halfcutt said:

He must have moved them after taking the screenshot of the panel. Even though the gauges were moved, they would remain in the active sensor panel until it was exported or a new panel imported.

Correct, they must have been moved before he exported the sensorpanel file or they would be included in .sensorpanel

On 4/18/2021 at 11:20 PM, Liao Joey said:

ZERO V2 1920X480 screenpanel comes with animation effects. Audio visualizer effects. There is no download link, please send a message to me and leave your E-mail address. I will send it to you !

PS:ZERO V2 1024X600 will be soon...

please send it to me it has everything i need and i have no idea how to make one and my email is silentredmark@gmail.com

On 10/16/2023 at 8:15 AM, DangerMF said:

I recently purchased an ROG Ryujin II 240. For those unfamiliar with the unit it's just a CPU AIO with a 320px x 240px lcd screen on it. It comes with some stock sensor fearures through the Armory Crate software. However it also came with a free year of AIDA 64. I couldnt find a whole lot of literature on how to integrate AIDA 64 with the unit. Especially when it came to using a custom sensor panel skin rather than the stock ROG options offered with AIDA 64. So after a couple hours of trial and error i was finally able to figure it out for the most part. If anyone is struggling with this id be more than happy to help. This is the first skin ive made. Im gonna start working on one thats a little more intricate. Any input including positive criticism is welcome. Also if you can help me with any improvements feel free to use this as a template. Also this is the first time ive ever posted in a public forum of any sort and i hope i dont sound like an idiot. Have a nice day


GundamRyujin.ralcd 142.74 kB · 6 downloads

Hi. I also have ROG Ryujin II but I don't know how to approach this problem! Please describe in detail what you did. How to create a panel for ROG Ryujin II? How to upload it to AIDA 64. I apologize for my English.

On 11/12/2023 at 6:53 AM, Halfcutt said:



Thank you very much for sharing. Your Optimus Prime Panel is very well done. I can see hours and hours of time put into it.

What graphics software do you use to make the 3d panel background. I have been looking for something novice friendly.


EDIT: I just viewed the SensorPanel Working.pptm file. Very clever and good idea. I see the background is the same as one I have used. But you have flipped, resized, and added to it. I thought it looked a bit familiar.


Keep up the good work!

Yes, I got the background from on here, been meaning to find the OP and thank him.  And yes, I cheated... used the 3D features on PowerPoint to make the lights and such then copied them to GIMP/Paint.  Ran into an interesting issue half way through, used to be able to set PPT size by px and elements would copy over the same size... for some reason they now copy over about 35% larger and don't know why.  PITA resizing down, especially the more complicated gauges like the storage and memory where I in effect went from a 16 element gauge to a 31 element gauge, so twice as many elements needed resizing.

Reason I went with PPT, it's what I know.  Used to do a lot of technical writing and diagram design, learned PPT works great with automatic tools and alignment guides.

Glad you like it, really wanted to see what I could do and am pleased with the results.

11 minutes ago, superfrog73 said:

Yes, I got the background from on here, been meaning to find the OP and thank him.  And yes, I cheated... used the 3D features on PowerPoint to make the lights and such then copied them to GIMP/Paint.  Ran into an interesting issue half way through, used to be able to set PPT size by px and elements would copy over the same size... for some reason they now copy over about 35% larger and don't know why.  PITA resizing down, especially the more complicated gauges like the storage and memory where I in effect went from a 16 element gauge to a 31 element gauge, so twice as many elements needed resizing.

I just use Paint mostly because I am terrible at graphic art but I did find this great plugin for GIMP that does batch resizing.


How to use it here.


1 hour ago, ZLNY said:

Hi. I also have ROG Ryujin II but I don't know how to approach this problem! Please describe in detail what you did. How to create a panel for ROG Ryujin II? How to upload it to AIDA 64. I apologize for my English.

Watch this video it should help. If you have any questions after viewing it just ask.

Edit: I did not realize that this is not an USB or HDMI display so this video might not help, sorry. 


7 hours ago, Mask Blue said:

Thank you very much for your help. However, I'm having an issue. I'm trying to create a new sensor for the CPU clock, and I used the same information you suggested, but it's not working. What would be the maximum and minimum values I should use in each state, considering that the maximum CPU clock value is 9000?

you are very inattentive, firstly, if you contacted me, then my nickname is spelled differently, and secondly, there are no such processors (at least for household computers) with a frequency of 9 GHz, you simply have an error in the purpose of the sensor, and there is no need distribute each MHz across sensor levels, you don’t sit and look at the panel every minute, Aida64 itself just visualizes events, it’s better to focus on design than on accuracy.. usually processors set the number 100, this will mean 100% and that's quite enough

P.S. I decided to go through the sensors a little and saw that I also have 9000, apparently these are just standard values that everyone should set for themselves, if you need to specify the frequency of your processor, then first look at its specifications on the manufacturer’s website (Intel or amd) and install as stated (if you are not using overclocking)

4 hours ago, Shephard said:

você é muito desatento, em primeiro lugar, se me contatou, então meu apelido está escrito de forma diferente e, em segundo lugar, não existem tais processadores (pelo menos para computadores domésticos) com frequência de 9 GHz, você simplesmente tem um erro na finalidade de o sensor, e não há necessidade de distribuir cada MHz entre os níveis do sensor, você não senta e olha para o painel a cada minuto, o próprio Aida64 apenas visualiza eventos, é melhor focar no design do que na precisão.. geralmente os processadores definem o número 100, isso significa 100% e isso é o suficiente

PS Resolvi passar um pouco pelos sensores e vi que também tenho 9000, aparentemente são apenas valores padrão que cada um deve definir para si, se precisar especificar a frequência de seu processador, então primeiro veja suas especificações no site do fabricante (Intel ou AMD) e instale conforme indicado (caso não esteja usando overclock)

My question makes complete sense: all processors have minimum and maximum values ranging from 0 to 9000. Therefore, if we follow this table, the sensor will not work correctly. That's why I asked if having maximum values of 9000, the codes will not work.




somehow you are complicating everything, the range of one sensor can be set to anything and at the same time it will be divided by 16 (that is, from 0 to 15), if you need to expand the range, you install two identical sensors but with different range values at which each of the sensors will still be divided by 16, that is, if you need to show, for example, a frequency of 1000 MHz, you can make it with one sensor with 16 divisions or two sensors with 32 divisions, naturally, dividing 1000 by 32 is not very convenient, you will get fractional values, so There is a table that you gave as an example, which shows how it is most convenient to separate the ranges if you have more than one sensors..
  in the end, someone will probably have to make instructions for the distribution of these sensors, apparently a simple table is not enough for understanding..

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