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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. Battery voltage and VBAT voltage values can only be measured on specific motherboards and notebook models. What's available on one notebook doesn't mean it is available on another notebook, especially when the notebooks are from a different manufacturer. Regards, Fiery
  2. Thank you. We'll fix the fan readouts in the next AIDA64 beta update due later this week. I'll post a message into this topic once the new beta is available for download.
  3. I've sent you the DLL file in email. However, sending executable files and DLL modules in email may just be too much for your firewall or email server. Let me know if you can't get the file, and we'll figure out an alternative transmission solution
  4. Thank you for the info. Windows is still a mysterious machine being, and it's not easy to figure out what causes which improvement
  5. VE = Video Engine MC = Memory Controller Those are both integrated components of the GPU. Regards, Fiery
  6. 1) CPU OPT fan should appear as soon as it starts spinning. 2) Water Pump fan: please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> ISA Sensor Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first. Also right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> Embedded Controller Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. 3) NIC reading issues are usually due to you're not using the right NIC. Modern Windows computers tend to have multiple NICs, including virtual ones and special use ones. Make sure to check all NICs Windows manages for you Thanks, Fiery
  7. Yes, we've found a way to measure readings on Corsair Hydro water coolers, without having to alter the duty cycle value The only problem is that it only works with the recent versions of Hydro. Thank you for the feedback and your kind words I'm glad it works on your device.
  8. On Asus Maximus VIII Extreme and Maximus VIII Formula motherboards T_Sensor2 and T_Sensor3 temperature readings can only be read by EC bank switching mechanism. That however can collide with Asus AI Suite software and cause a system lockup. So AIDA64 doesn't risk bank switching to make sure system stability is not jeopardized. We're in discussion with Asus about this issue, we'll see if we can convince them to work together on resolving this. Regards, Fiery
  9. Is your CPU overclocked? Or do you use a non-default BCLK strap?
  10. I'm afraid we don't have a tool to diagnose that issue. As you can see from how Windows Process/Resource Monitor gets stuck, the issue is deep down in the driver stack of Windows. I guess only Microsoft can get to the bottom of this
  11. I'm afraid we couldn't reproduce the issue on our own test systems Please let us know a bit more about your hardware configuration. What kind of video card(s) do you have? And what's the Corsair hardware you referred to? Is it a Hydro Series water cooler perhaps?
  12. Sometimes the old beta gets stuck in a page cache, in which case it's necessary to press Ctrl+F5 in your web browser
  13. Thank you, we've fixed it up in the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works Thanks, Fiery
  14. That's actually a complicated issue. Yes, it would be relatively easy to add GPS readouts to the existing AIDA64 for Ubuntu Touch app. But we're ambivalent about going down that path, and not just about the actual app in question, but about other AIDA64 mobile apps too (like AIDA64 for Tizen, AIDA64 for Windows Phone). That's mostly because of the additional permission (called "location") that we would have to request for. Unfortunately the Ubuntu Touch OS doesn't offer fine-grained permissions management like Android 6+ and iOS7+. So users cannot grant or revoke individual permissions in case they find one or more of them suspicious or feel that they would invade their privacy. Either they accept the list of permissions our app requests, or they refuse to install the app. And the current list of requested permissions (camera, networking, sensors, webview) is already excessive to many users -- even though we've explained in the app's description why our app needs them. The users' biggest issue is of course the camera permission. But just like with every other mobile operating systems, sadly Ubuntu Touch also couples camera capabilities detection with taking photos/videos. So a sysinfo app cannot just request a permission called "camerainfo" or "cameradetect" or such, it has to request for the full camera permission, like if it wanted to take photos/videos And the existing list of permissions, especially the camera one, coupled together with asking for the user's exact location (via requesting the "location" permission) may just be a big red flag for many users. We don't want to risk making our app look suspicious of spying or being mistaken as a malware by doing that. I suppose it would be easier and less risky to just develop a separate app, dedicated to providing GPS info. But we believe it's best to focus on a single multi-role sysinfo app, rather than fragmenting the app into multiple simpler apps. We'd much rather wait for Canonical to introduce a fine-grained permission system that would be perfect for apps like AIDA64. Then we could add even more optional permissions to read even more information about the hardware and software environment. Regards, Fiery
  15. Yes, the SHA2 update KB3033929 may be related to this issue. Make sure to install it, it's an important update to Win7: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=46148
  16. Do you have all available Windows 7 updates installed?
  17. Install the Intel NVMe driver, and it will work fine again Intel's own driver also improves the performance of 750.
  18. Maybe it's because the order of physical disk drives change after you connect the VHD? Maybe the drive is there, it's just at a different drive index, and that confuses the AIDA64 LCD module.
  19. I don't think it's that important, since 32-bit x86 is already supported in the AIDA64 for Ubuntu Touch .click package, and all AMD64 (x86_64) processors should be able to execute 32-bit x86 binaries. Just as 64-bit ARMv8 binary is not necessary, since such processors are perfectly capable of executing the existing 32-bit ARMv7 binary in our .click package. Regards, Fiery
  20. What driver do you have installed for your SSD? Is it made by Intel? And if so, what's the driver version you have installed? And what Windows version do you have installed? Thanks, Fiery
  21. Are you sure your CPU load is similar before and after hibernation? Have you tried to check the power measurements using HWMonitor or HWiNFO as well?
  22. When AIDA64 loads its kernel driver, it uses dynamic driver loading. Dynamic driver loading causes Windows to flush its driver cache and initialize it again. It usually takes no more than 1/10 of a second, as long as all the drivers are fine. In your case I suppose one of the drivers is acting up and causing that very long penalty. Try to check what devices do you have in your Device Manager, and if you can see any that could be disabled, try to disable them. You may also want to disconnect any external devices, like external HDDs or special USB-connected devices, maybe one of them is the culprit.
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