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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. It refers to a very old thing, dating back to Win95: http://i1.blogs.msdn.com/b/oldnewthing/archive/2007/03/12/1861385.aspx
  2. Do you mean all the other software can read the voltage, or they can not? BTW, this is due to a fundamental change in the voltage management of Pascal. We're already looking into it, but there's no fix available yet
  3. There's a chance E-LEET reports CPU VID voltage as Vcore. Can you please check if CPU VID, as reported by AIDA64, matches the Vcore reading in E-LEET? What I meant is: start AIDA64, go to its Computer / Sensor page, move AIDA64 window to the left side (left half) of the Windows Desktop. Then open E-LEET, go to its Monitoring page, move E-LEET window to the right side of the Windows Desktop, and then make a screen shot that would show all sensor readings both software in the same time, on a single shot.
  4. Please try it again. There was a silly limitation in the forum settings that we've now fixed As long as it's enabled in the Stability settings, and the driver is properly installed, AIDA64 should be able to read the sensor values from your water cooler device.
  5. Thank you! Please upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works.
  6. Vcore in the BIOS Setup tends to be higher than under Windows, since in the BIOS Setup the CPU cannot go to low-power state by executing idle cycles. Make sure to compare Vcore readings in AIDA64 against E-LEET. As for the other readings, only those readings are available on your motherboard that you can see on the Monitoring page of E-LEET. If you miss some readings, then please create a screen shot that shows AIDA64 Sensor page and the Monitoring page of E-LEET side-by-side, so we can compare every reading against a reference list of readings.
  7. Running the latest RST drivers, please create a new ATA Dump and SMART Dump, before and after sleep. As for the water pump issue, try to enable both Asetek LC sensor support and Corsair Link sensor support in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability, and restart AIDA64.
  8. Only Asus can explain how those values work. We only read them out from the EC chip and report them as they are, as raw readings.
  9. Thank you. We've implemented the requested readings in the latest AIDA64 beta update: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Please let me know how it works
  10. The above mentioned new AIDA64 beta update is available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta Let me know how it works
  11. Please upgrade to the latest beta version of AIDA64 Extreme available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta After upgrading to this new version, make sure to restart Windows to finalize the upgrade. Let me know how it works
  12. We've tried it under Windows 10, and it shows disk activity with a polling resolution of 100 millisec, so it works as expected. What Windows version do you have installed?
  13. Do you have a smart PSU or a USB-connected sensor device like Aquaero or Corsair Link?
  14. You have to adjust the update frequency for the feature you're using. If you're using those disk related items on SensorPanel, then you need to adjust the update frequency for the SensorPanel. And no, we don't use the disk performance API incorrectly.
  15. You can configure update frequencies in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Hardware Monitoring / Update Frequency. If that doesn't help, it means the data provided by Windows is not updated at a poll rate you'd expect.
  16. The issue is because for some reason your SATA controller fails to provide stable readings for drive model ID, serial number and revision. That will then cause AIDA64 to fail sorting out redundant entries in the SATA drives list. Example of the issue, as you can see in the SMART dumps: "PN CS1311 120GB SSD" vs. "PNY CS1311 120GB SSD" and "Samsun SSD 850 EVO 250G" vs. "Samsung SSD 850 EVO 250GB" Please try to update Intel RST drivers. Hopefully that will sort this issue out.
  17. Transparency cannot be done for only the background of the SensorPanel. The OSD Panel transparency is done for the whole window, including the contents, not just for the background.
  18. Please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> ISA Sensor Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. You may need to enable status bar in AIDA64 / main menu / View first. Also right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> SMBus Dump (Full). Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. Then right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> Sensor Debug --> Embedded Controller Dump. Copy-paste the full results into this topic, or attach the results as a TXT file to your post. Also, please create a screen show of Asus' own hardware monitoring utility, of the page where it shows the temperature and voltages readings. That way we could have a reference list of readings that we could use to calibrate the temperatures and voltages in AIDA64. In case you cannot find such Asus utility, then please create a photo of the H/W Monitor page of the BIOS Setup (UEFI Setup) for the same purpose Thanks, Fiery
  19. It's not a critical issue at all, especially when the overheating situation is very short and very limited (1% is almost 0% ) There's nothing to worry about there
  20. Thank you, and yes, it's all fine so far. The problem is: the sensor solution is quite complex on this motherboard, so we need a bit more time to figure out everything. Please give us 2 or 3 more days to come up with a new AIDA64 beta
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