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Everything posted by Fiery

  1. Can you see the missing voltage on the Computer / Sensor page of AIDA64? And if yes, then what is the label for that value on that page?
  2. Yes, you can display various sensor values and other measurements on the G13 LCD, using the Logitech G15/G19 LCD module of AIDA64. Regards, Fiery
  3. With the smiley I've meant to indicate that it's something that's very close to getting implemented. In fact, it will be included in the next AIDA64 beta update due in a few days from now. You'll be able to monitor physical drive activity (%), read speed (MB/sec) and write speed (MB/sec) as well. Stay tuned
  4. Thank you for the info. Do you have your drives connected to the 2 primary SATA ports, the ones providing SATA3 interface?
  5. We've tested it with a X79 motherboard with a SSD in AHCI mode, running Windows 10 64-bit (both TH1 and TH2) and RSTe, and it worked fine for us. Did you have no issues before installing RSTe? Where did you download RSTe installer from? Is your SATA controller now has a driver installed with a version number and dated 5/21/2015?
  6. Yes, we've transitioned to the new SHA-2 signed kernel driver in Build 3540. But the odd thing is that for other Win7 64-bit users it still works fine, up to and including the latest beta. So there must be a confusion or configuration issue in your Windows installation that prevents the new kernel driver to be loaded, and apparently even the legacy kernel driver cannot be loaded anymore. I'm not sure what can be done, other than making sure to uninstall and remove all traces of AIDA64 from your system, and start all over again. Please note that running different AIDA64 builds after each other -- without restarting Windows -- could mess up Windows drivers stack. So it may be best to backup all your settings (especially the files called AIDA64.INI and PKEY.TXT), remove all AIDA64 instances from your system (you can keep the ZIP packages), restart Windows, and install the latest AIDA64 stable build (5.50.3600). If it works, then you can try upgrading to the latest beta update.
  7. Please create a screen shot of the Computer / Sensor page of AIDA64 the next time the Aux temperature appears there. Alternatively, you can just copy-paste the full content of the Sensor page into this topic, using the right-click context menu on the Sensor page. Thanks, Fiery
  8. Thank you for the data. Do you have any NZXT or other water coolers connected to your system? AIDA64 seems to be able to pick up a special DLL from C:\Program Files (x86)\NZXT\CAM\SiUSBXp.dll, and it would be useful to get rid of that DLL to rule it out as a potential issue. If you no longer use such a water cooler that would require the CAM software, then please try to uninstall CAM and check if it helps about the USB issue about AIDA64.
  9. Do you have the option DIMM TS sensor support enabled in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability? If yes, then try to disable it, restart AIDA64, and let me know if the issue persists. If yes, then you can try disabling individual hardware monitor modules using right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> HWMon Modules. In order to access the bottom status bar, you may need to enable it first in AIDA64 / main menu / View. Please let me know how it goes. BTW, do you have Asus AI Suite installed?
  10. If it's not there, it means the file is already unblocked, so everything is good to go
  11. That's puzzling. There's something about your Windows installation that prevents AIDA64 from loading its new SHA-2 signed kernel driver. You can try renaming KERNELD.X64 file to KERNELD.X64_ , and also renaming the legacy kernel driver file KERNELD.V64 to KERNELD.X64
  12. It may also help if you simply use the Unicode MySQL ODBC Connector driver, and not the ANSI one.
  13. If you have Windows 7 64-bit installed, then make sure to apply the following security patch to make AIDA64 v5.50 work: KB3033929
  14. That sounds odd. Try to download the beta ZIP package, and extract it into a new, empty folder, and see if it runs from there. Also try to right-click on AIDA64.EXE in the File Explorer --> Properties --> Unblock --> OK. BTW, what Windows version do you have installed?
  15. Have you performed the upgrade properly? Did you copy all files from the ZIP beta package into the existing installation folder of AIDA64, and overwrote any existing files? Somehow AIDA64 (the new beta version) cannot load its kernel driver on your system, which could be due to a few issues, like: 1) Lack of kernel driver files in the folder where AIDA64.EXE resides in. 2) Lack of necessary (administrator) privileges at the user who starts AIDA64.EXE
  16. Try to restart your computer, and it should fix it up. Regards, Fiery
  17. Are you sure you're not mixing Mbps (Megabit per second) and MB/s (MegaByte per second) ? 1 MB/s = 8 Mbps.
  18. Please let me know what motherboard do you have, what Windows version do you have installed, and what drives do you have connected to which SATA/RAID controller. And also, in what mode do you use that controller? Thanks, Fiery
  19. We currently have no plans to extend the list of sensors where we provide information on fan duty cycle. It's actually not that useful a value, and could be very misleading if someone relies on it. Because even if duty cycle is e.g. 75% or 100%, the fan could be stopped or clogged.
  20. Those readings should also be available for all nVIDIA GPUs in the system. But, they may be unavailable for the secondary GPU because it is sleeping at the time AIDA64 tries to collect sensor information for it. It's not something that's easy to get around: you can try configuring your sensor items while putting a constant load on the secondary GPU, to make sure ForceWare drivers prevent it from going to sleep. Or, you can temporary disable the sleep mode for the secondary GPU -- I'm not sure if it's possible though.
  21. Duty cycle is not available for most sensor readings, that's just normal. One of the USB sensor or PSU sensor modules of AIDA64 could cause that. You can try disabling the sensor devices that you know don't have connected to your system in AIDA64 / main menu / File / Preferences / Stability, and restart AIDA64 to apply the changes. If that doesn't help, then please right-click on the bottom status bar of AIDA64 main window --> System Debug --> USB Dump, and copy-paste the results into this topic. Also, make sure to use the latest beta version of AIDA64 available at: http://www.aida64.com/downloads/latesta64xebeta
  22. Thank you for the feedback
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